Chapter 145

Even when Laser Eye and Storm Girl were like this, Qin Gray, who was standing calmly behind Professor X and pushing Professor X’s wheelchair, suddenly burst out with an incomparably terrifying aura at this moment.

There was an amazing mental coercion erupting from her body.

That spiritual coercion is amazing.

It is not at all something that ordinary people can resist.

When the spiritual coercion broke out, the void suddenly shook.

When Qin Feng on the side saw such a scene, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, the thought moved, and the mirror space was cast, and almost at the moment when the mirror space was cast, I saw that Qin Gelei and the others were completely swept into the mirror space.

At the same time, Qin Feng also appeared here.

With this happening, the pupils of Qin Gelei and the others shrank sharply.

Scene change!

At this moment, they all clearly felt the scene change, or saw the scene change.

I saw that the place where they would appear was no longer a playground, but the middle of a highway.

It is surrounded by high-rise buildings.

This situation shocked them all.

“Little one, you are very daring, and for the first time in so many years, I have heard someone say such a thing to me so unceremoniously. Just now you said that it is in the territory of X Academy, I can’t go wild, and now I am still no longer in the territory of X Academy, so can I be wild? Hela looked at the laser eyes with a shocked expression on her face lightly.

When the words fell, the breath of death surged and the mystery of death erupted.

At the same time as the mysteries of death erupted, his right hand waved on the ground.

With a wave, she immediately saw that the sword of the night sky in her hand suddenly burst out with an incomparably amazing power, sweeping everything towards Storm Girl, Professor X, Laser Eye, Qin Gray and others, wrapping them all at once.

Such a situation immediately surprised Laser Eye and others.

“Blast me!”

Then I saw the laser eye drank violently, and there was a sudden burst of amazing power in his eyes, slashing into a beam, towards the attack that Hela threw out, and resisted upward.

Even when Laser Eye attacked like this, Qin Ge Lei also violently urged spiritual power, and suddenly had a mental power barrier, protecting her and Laser Eye and others.

At the same time, the storm girl also drank violently, and the storm swept through the sky, and the dark clouds overwhelmed the top.

Following the rolling storm, lightning took shape.

Then the attack towards Hela is also countered.



A deafening explosion sounded, and under the sound of such sounds, a majestic force erupted, sweeping and spreading in all directions.

By seeing the attack of the laser eye, and the storm thunder and lightning that the storm girl overcontrolled, after colliding with the attack of Hela’s night sky sword, it was slashed by the night sky sword’s attack, cut apart, and at the same time as slashing and cutting, the power of the night sky sword continued to be unstoppable towards Qin Ge Lei and others.

It was slashed at them abruptly.



Then there was a roar again, and under the sound of that roar again, I saw that Qin Gelei and the others did not appear any injuries, or the scene of being killed.

The mental barrier in front of them blocked Hela’s blow.

Although when blocking the attack, the mental barrier trembled wildly, concussed, and showed signs of collapse, it did not collapse in the end, perfectly resisting Hela’s attack.

“Kind of interesting.”

Hela looked at this scene and smiled at the corners of her mouth.

Not surprised, shocked.

She had no killing intent in this blow, did not urge her power with all her strength, but only exerted part of her own power.

If you can’t even resist part of the power, then these people in front of you are a little too rubbish, and naturally they should not be personally visited by the boss.

Since the boss brought her to X Academy to find them, and saw that they were going to fight, and did not block at all, and directly made the mirror space, it means that these people in front of them must have the qualifications to let the boss use the mirror space.

After a smile turned up at the corner of his mouth, Hela slightly clenched the sword of the night sky in his hand, and prepared to continue attacking.


Just as Hela was about to continue the attack, Professor X suddenly opened his mouth to stop Hela.


Hela squinted at Professor X.

“I’m really sorry for spying your memory telepathically, but fighting is not the key to solving the problem, please stop here, I can feel that there is no killing intent in your heart, you should not have come to fight.” Professor X said solemnly to Hela.

“Although it is true that we are not here to fight, it is difficult for people not to do it with your snooping on our memories.” Qin Feng on the side spoke indifferently.

“Hmph, you trespassed into X Academy and intruded into our territory, don’t you allow us to fight back, and investigate your identity. Even if you are God, you cannot be so domineering. Laser Eye snorted coldly.

“Sorry, I’m not a god, I’m just a real ordinary person. As for the strong intrusion, we did not break in, but used the energy barrier to inform you, if you want to break in, then we are not such a way to enter. “Qin Feng.

“In that case, everything is just a misunderstanding, please stop here.” Jean Grey.

“That’s right, I hope you can stop, the battle is not good for both you and me.” The storm girl also followed and said.

When Qin Gelei and Storm Girl said this, both of their eyes couldn’t help but look at Qin Feng.

Let’s be honest…

They all had doubts in their hearts at this time.

They didn’t know who Qin Feng was.


At the moment when Qin Feng appeared, they couldn’t help but have a certain favorable impression of this person, as if they were attracted by him.

Something like this is quite wrong.

Let them not have more contact with Qin Feng at this moment.

If you can, it’s best to stay away early.

They would have that feeling, naturally because of the passive ‘beautiful boy’ effect that Qin Feng inherited from Jin Shanxing.

Wang’s special charm is amazing.

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