Chapter 71

“Gu Yi? Who’s that? Tony Stark was surprised, and the thought raced through his mind to see if he had heard the name before, but after a quick thought, he realized that he had never heard of it at all.

It stands to reason that if he is really a professor in space, a doctor, he should not have heard of it.

“Supreme Mage Gu Yi, an extremely powerful and mysterious magician on Earth.” Qin Fengdao.

“Magician?! Is there really such a existence as a magician on Earth? “Tony Stark was shocked again.

“Since there are hell creatures, gods, and mutants, why can’t there be magicians?” Qin Feng said with a smile.

“This… That’s what it said. However, I really didn’t know anything like this before. “Tony Stark.

“Many things are secrets, only those who enter the circle know, although you were famous before, but you did not enter the special circle, naturally you do not know. Of course, because you haven’t investigated this before.


With the financial resources of your Stark Group, I really want to investigate something that ordinary people don’t know, not to mention that you can definitely investigate it, at least you can drop some clues, so as not to be as shocked as now. “Qin Feng.

“Ahem… I really haven’t investigated these things much before, and although the mutants are good, as far as I know of some mutants, the strength is just like that, so I didn’t pay too much attention. “Tony Stark.

Qin Feng smiled and didn’t comment much.

He understood Tony Stark’s previous thinking.

In the past, he reached the peak of his life, drunk with gold fans, and his sister paper was all kinds of upside down, and he was like a halo when he went there.

He has his own field.

In its own exclusive field, it has almost reached the extreme.

Under such circumstances, how could he possibly investigate some myths and legends, some strange things.

Or in other words, even if it is an investigation, it is only a superficial taste, too lazy to delve into it.

“How powerful is that Supreme Mage Gu Yi? Are you awesome? Tony Stark changed his tone and asked Qin Feng again.

“She is proficient in time and space magic, has lived for at least thousands of years, and is one of the dark guardians of the earth, you say how powerful she is.” Qin Feng.

“After living for thousands of years, humans can live this long? Isn’t this already in the realm of God? Tony Stark was shocked.

As long as it is a person, there is no one who does not want to live forever and does not want to have an endless lifespan.

Tony Stark, of course, is no exception.

At this moment, while he was shocked, his eyes couldn’t help but glow, and there was heat.

Seeing Tony Stark like this, Qin Feng was stunned and relieved.

The current Tony has not completely become Iron Man, has not yet resisted God, has not experienced too many things, and the desire for life is naturally a normal thing.

At the same time of relief, Qin Feng’s eyes couldn’t help but become strange.

Because, he suddenly thought of something.

Today’s Gu Yi is looking for an heir.

Although the destined heir should be Doctor Strange, if Tony Stark meets Furuichi one step ahead of Dr. Strange, and shows the same good talent, as well as the protection of everything, how will Koichi choose?

What happens to Tony Stark?

I won’t turn Tony Stark the Iron Man into the Wizard Tony Stark.

Is that Tony Stark or Tony Stark?

But after thinking about it carefully, Qin Feng followed and smiled dumbly.

I’m thinking too much myself.

Tony Stark is a genius with an extremely powerful talent and love for arms and weapons manufacturing, all kinds of super-inventions.

Even if he became a magician, Tony Stark’s first thought was how to enchant his exoskeleton armor to make his exoskeleton armor more powerful.

An Iron Man with magical abilities?

Qin Feng was a little stunned.

I don’t dare to think about that kind of picture.

What kind of combat power that Iron Man can exert, just thinking about it, makes people look forward to it.

“In a way, Gu Yi is indeed a god-like existence.” Qin Feng said with a smile.

“That’s really hard to see her for the first time.” Tony Stark’s eyes flashed.

“Since you want to see her as soon as possible, let’s go, we’ll go find her.” Qin Feng.

“Let’s go, aren’t you ready?” Tony Stark.

“What to prepare, nothing to prepare. She doesn’t care about details. Qin Feng said with a smile, after saying this, he walked towards the stage, quickly walked to where Parker was, patted Parker’s shoulder with his hand, and then gave him a look, and walked off the stage.

Seeing this, Peter Parker immediately smiled at his sister who was dancing with him, and then followed Qin Feng.

With Qin Feng, he returned to Tony Stark’s position.

“What’s wrong, Qin Feng? Did something happen? After returning here, Peter Parker asked Qin Feng curiously.

“Stark and I are going to leave here, do you continue to be dashing here or leave with us.” Qin Feng.

“Naturally, I left with you.” Peter Parker.

“Then let’s go.” Qin Feng didn’t have any ink, and walked directly towards the door.

Peter Parker and Tony Stark are also following.

After walking out the door, the three of them walked towards the location of the car, walking a little distance, Qin Feng looked around, and then stretched out his hand, grabbed Peter Parker and Tony Stark respectively, and disappeared from the place at once.

Reappeared, already at a doorway.

It is a seemingly inconspicuous portal, and the doorway, opposite this doorway, is a temple that looks incomparably luxurious and magnificent.

Also, it’s daytime.

The time here is ten o’clock in the morning.

It’s not like Star Country, it’s nine o’clock in the evening.

“What is this means?”

Tony Stark was once again shocked by Qin Feng’s ability.

Before it was night, it would become daytime.

Obviously, there is no longer the Star Country region, otherwise, there would not be such a big time difference.

It’s just a blink of an eye, across countries and regions, it’s transcontinental.

Such an ability is simply terrifying.

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