In the next few days, I learned basic general exercises in Dongwu in the morning.

In the afternoon, I took advantage of the privilege of free activities and quietly found a quiet place to practice basic general exercises to improve my cultivation.

Due to the special nature of the weak and disease-free body, when the spiritual energy drawn by the exercises entered the body.

This part of the spiritual energy directly turned into a supernatural virus and settled in Zheng Chengcheng's body.

Zheng Chengcheng's physical condition also slowly declined with the increase of the cultivation time.

After only practicing for a short hour, Zheng Chengcheng interrupted the operation of the exercises and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary first-level supernatural person operates to draw the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Only about 20~30% of the spiritual power will be transformed into the foundation of cultivation and remain in the body.

The rest will be automatically discharged from the body as the exercises are operated.

But Zheng Chengcheng is different!

When she operated the exercises to take the spiritual energy into her body, all of this spiritual energy turned into supernatural viruses.

Zheng Chengcheng's immunity is very low due to her weak immune body and weak immune syndrome.

As a result, at least 90% of the spiritual energy that was converted into extraordinary viruses was retained in Zheng Chengcheng's body!

In other words, at the same cultivation efficiency, her spiritual energy retention rate is 3 or 4 times that of ordinary extraordinary people!

If we count the potential and understanding she shared from Ye Shuanghan.

The efficiency gap between Zheng Chengcheng and ordinary extraordinary people will only be greater!

The only problem at present is that as the virus accumulates, Zheng Chengcheng's physical fitness will decline.

This leads to a limit to her total cultivation time before breaking through to the next realm!

She either breaks through in the limited cultivation time, or finds a way to increase the total cultivation time.

"There are two ways. The first is to increase the immunity strength of the weak immune body to the side effects of the virus."

"The second is to increase the upper limit of my body's tolerance to the virus."

Although both methods can be solved through trading cards and cost cards.

But Zheng Chengcheng has not used up the total training time yet, so she is not in a hurry.


Soon, the seven-day training course officially ended, and nearly 20 people in the Extraordinary Class 1 became Extraordinary.

"If it were in the past, you might have at least three weeks of preparation time."

"But this year, the frequency of opening the secret dungeon is higher than in previous years!"

"Our Yuanxing City is also in urgent need of more people to open up the secret dungeon."

"Director Chang was able to successfully obtain the talent enhancement stone because the preparation time left for you was shortened by half."

Zhao Weixia paused, letting all the students in the classroom think for a while, and then continued:

"In order to reduce the casualty rate of today's Extraordinary students, Director Chang has opened all the first-level combat skills included in the Extraordinary Bureau."

"Everyone can choose a combat skill for free according to their own talent."

After speaking, Zhao Weixia waved his hand, and a skill selection function appeared on the data panel of all students.

"Poison..." Zheng Chengcheng opened the data panel and entered the corresponding label in the filter bar.

Each small realm within the first level is mainly based on body training.

At this stage, most extraordinary people only have the extraordinary strength provided by their talents.

Therefore, poison-related extraordinary people are very weak at the first level.

- In addition to reducing the target's combat effectiveness, there is almost no ability to kill the enemy.

Even because the poison system is not very upright, the Extraordinary Bureau has only two poison-related combat skills included -

One is "Slow Poison Technique" and the other is "Explosive Poison Technique".

The former is to reduce the poison power and increase the duration;

The latter is to change the continuous poison power into an instantaneous burst!

But this still cannot change the fact that most poison-related people are weak in combat power at the first level.

After some thought, Zheng Chengcheng chose "Explosive Poison Technique".

The reason is also very simple.

In addition to the poison power she cultivated, the only things that can remain in her body for a long time are various persistent chronic diseases.

In this case, the advantage of "Slow Poison Technique" in increasing the duration of poison directly overlaps with the stubborn diseases in Zheng Chengcheng's body.

"I don't know what the effect will be if these stubborn diseases are given to others and then explode in an instant."

Because of her weak immunity, Zheng Chengcheng has countless major and minor diseases in her body.

If there is no side effect reduction provided by the weak immune body.

Just the stubborn diseases in the body can make Zheng Chengcheng die in great pain within a few days.

But Zheng Chengcheng's immunity is far inferior to others after all.

She doesn't know what will happen if so many diseases are placed on other people.

As the selection of the skills is completed, Zheng Chengcheng's data panel also has more experience in practicing "Poison Explosion Skill".

"Okay, everyone's combat skills should beThey should have all been chosen."

"Then the next step is to form a team."

Zhao Weixia looked around at the students in the audience: "I won't interfere too much in this regard, and try to let you decide for yourself."

"According to the previous martial arts exam rules, each team has a maximum of 5 people and a minimum of 1 person."

"For everyone's safety, I strongly recommend that you form a full team of 5 people!"

"There are 40 people in our class 1, and we can form 8 teams!"

"I'll give you half an hour, and I'll be back in half an hour."

After speaking, Zhao Weixia picked up the teacup and left the classroom.

"Shuanghan, who should we find to form a team together?" Zheng Chengcheng looked at Ye Shuanghan and asked.

"Yesterday Ye Jingtian talked to me at Ye's house about forming a team."

"You and I will join his team, and he will choose the other two team members. ”

After all, Ye Jingtian is the only student in Dongwu who has awakened the golden talent, so it’s okay for him to be the captain.

Ye Shuanghan turned her head and looked around. After confirming that no one was observing her, she looked at Zheng Chengcheng and asked in a low voice:

“... Ye Jingtian has a crush on you, did you know that?”

To people who are not familiar with her, Ye Shuanghan is very cold.

But after spending these few days together, Zheng Chengcheng can feel that -

Ye Shuanghan is actually a girlish girl, and likes gossip like ordinary girls.

It’s just because of the identity of the Ye family that she has never had many friends, and over time she has developed that kind of cold personality.

“I know.” Zheng Chengcheng nodded and answered in a low voice.

“Then we team up with Ye Jingtian, you...aren’t you embarrassed?”

Zheng Chengcheng came to Ye Shuanghan’s side, put her face to her side, and whispered: “You also know that I am cowardly, so I’ll trouble you to help me block it when the time comes! "

Ye Shuanghan felt very contemptuous of the first half of Zheng Chengcheng's words.

--If you were really cowardly, you wouldn't use talent as bait to actively induce 'me' to bind you!

"Speaking of which, what is the purpose of Chengcheng binding me with that mysterious relationship?"

"If binding a mysterious relationship is good for her, with Ye Jingtian's golden talent, wouldn't it be better for her to find Ye Jingtian?"

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