While Zheng Chengcheng was constantly acquiring the power of concepts.

The disciples sent to the Hell Realm by Zheng Chengcheng.

They were also trying to lead the natives of the Hell Realm to deal with the ‘unspeakable’.

The light flame was one of Zheng Chengcheng’s powers, and the sub-flames it separated carried some of the capabilities of the ‘eternal processor’.


As the number of ‘unspeakable’ they anchored and sealed slowly increased.

The repeated information processed by Zheng Chengcheng’s eternal processor was also slowly increasing.

The effect brought about by this was that the efficiency of the eternal processor in processing the power of blank concepts became faster and faster.

In this situation where the processing speed can be improved every moment.

Zheng Chengcheng did not fall behind in making his own brain hard disk.

He was still creating one cell universe after another in his body.

After all, although Bai Xinjue took over Zheng Chengcheng’s burden of storing ‘huge amounts of information’.

But this ability is always Bai Xinjue’s.

And Bai Xinjue will be awakened by Zheng Chengcheng one day.

Plus, when the time comes, we will face the ‘unspeakable’.

Zheng Chengcheng will definitely be the first one to bear the brunt of the ‘chaotic information’.

Even if she can temporarily transfer this information to Bai Xinjue.

She must have enough ‘storage space’ for the transfer.

So the brain hard disk is almost the second direction to be improved besides the eternal processor...

As time goes by, the harm conveyed by the harmful information is getting closer and closer.

Although Bai Xinjue can store any harmful information.

But the ‘disaster’ carried by these harmful information is not stored and sealed along with it.

At most, Bai Xinjue fell into a deep sleep.

If these information are sealed by her, it will more or less delay the arrival of the ‘disaster’.

But in the end, they will officially come one day!


In the process of improving the eternal processor day by day.

Zheng Chengcheng suddenly looked up at the ceiling with a feeling.

Then, she flashed and came to the air.

It was clearly daytime, but the whole sky was filled with dark clouds.

The dark sky made people feel uneasy.

As the content of "chaotic pollution" in the surrounding space gradually increased.

In Zheng Chengcheng's sight, a small number of ordinary people began to be assimilated by these pollutions.

Transformed into a "puppet" of a certain "unspeakable".

It's not that Zheng Chengcheng doesn't want to save them, but Zheng Chengcheng is also willing but unable.

With Zheng Chengcheng's current strength.

It is extremely difficult for her to deal with harmful information and conceptual information.

Not to mention that these are accompanied by "conceptual pollution" driven by "unspeakable".

Even if Zheng Chengcheng can intercept it.

After "unspeakable" glances at her, it will not leave her time to refine these "conceptual pollution".

For this reason, Zheng Chengcheng can only spread Ziyan to some ordinary people as much as possible.

Even if Ziyan can't save them, it can only let them live a few more minutes.

But in these few minutes, the amount of 'source of all living things' they transmitted to Zheng Chengcheng was undoubtedly huge.

Although Zheng Chengcheng had never deliberately promoted his behavior.

But who among all the people in the main world who practiced the sub-flame would not know Zheng Chengcheng?

Therefore, in their hearts, only people like Zheng Chengcheng who mastered special powers.

Have the hope of saving them from the disaster.

This kind of 'willpower' was extremely weak at first.

Even Zheng Chengcheng could not accurately perceive these 'willpower'.

But as the 'willpower' gradually increased.

Zheng Chengcheng also sensed the gradually stronger 'concept' from these 'willpower'.

This concept naturally carries attributes such as 'hope, survival'.

And because it is a concept-level ability.

Anything related to this attribute can be amplified by it.

However, the amplification of this willpower concept is naturally subject to its restrictions.

So, the flame in Zheng Chengcheng's body began to leave the body uncontrollably.

The originally dark sky was illuminated by a large area of ​​blazing white flames.

Zheng Chengcheng was a little dazed when she saw this scene.

She also recalled that before the story card was alive, she was trapped in the virtual story over there.

How similar was that scene in her memory to the present?

"The sky is full of flames illuminating the endless darkness..."

"Does it bring hope, or despair of hope being extinguished?"

Although these flames have some characteristics of the eternal processor.

But as Zheng Chengcheng continues to strengthen the processing speed of the eternal processor.

The special nature of the flames, in her opinionIt is becoming more and more useless.

Now, the concept of willpower temporarily requisitions the light flame.

This is actually foreseeable for Zheng Chengcheng.

Because from the beginning, the light flame was not a power system that belonged to Zheng Chengcheng alone.

It will become stronger as the number of people practicing increases!

It was born for the "willpower of all living beings" from the beginning!

And now, in order to buy enough time for Zheng Chengcheng.

It also follows the blessing of the concept of the willpower of all living beings to try its best to resist the chaotic pollution.

"I originally wanted to rely on the eternal processor to transcend, but now it seems that I have to ascend to become a "god"?"

Zheng Chengcheng is a person with feelings, and she certainly can't watch the world being destroyed in front of her eyes.

And the way she thought of ascending to become a "god" is not the conventional "robbery force ascension".


Accompanied by a scarlet skull card appeared in Zheng Chengcheng's hand.

He is only the size of a playing card.

But it completely occupied the sight and perception of all the creatures in the main world.

Then, an unspeakable "terror" officially descended on the main world.

Zheng Chengcheng's body also dissipated with the appearance of the price card.

"Why does the 'god' treat the 'fruit' so well?"

"Because the 'fruit' is not only the creature created by Him, but also the 'reincarnation of His own soul'."

"The 'god fruit' is the real owner of the 'god'."

These messages were naturally obtained by Zheng Chengcheng from refining the memory of the god.

When she learned this, she already had a shortcut to merge with the 'god'.

But in order to find a way to transcend herself, she did not merge herself with the 'god' at the first time.

Now that the world-destroying disaster has come, she can't delay it again and again.

"Fortunately, what I did before was still effective..."

Zheng Chengcheng stood in the void, and the 'world' was like a crystal ball, floating in her palm.

In a sense, 'indescribable' does not belong to the creatures of three-dimensional space.

Zheng Chengcheng, who inherited the 'god', naturally ascended to a high-dimensional life.

Now she still retains the appearance of a little loli.

It's just that she has temporarily retained her humanity after her initial integration with the 'god'.

In her perception, she is still a little loli.

But in the perception of others, she has already caused an extremely huge 'disaster'.

"Concept·I am a human." Zheng Chengcheng mobilized the concept power of the 'god'.

The world that was originally in her palm was 'enlarged' in an instant.

She also transformed from the original high-dimensional life into a little loli in the three-dimensional world.

"Concept·Amplification eternal processing." Because Zheng Chengcheng allowed herself to return to the 'god' in advance.

The original feature of the eternal processor that had unlimited upgrades was destroyed by the huge chaotic pollution in the body of the "god". This is also one of the reasons why the "god fruit" is needed to cultivate special abilities. Without the feature of unlimited upgrades, Zheng Chengcheng can only rely on the power of concepts to amplify it. After that, he began to use the eternal processor to continuously deal with the "disasters" that fell on the main world. Once a blank concept was cleared, Zheng Chengcheng would continue to add conceptual power to the "eternal processor" for a while. Although the feature of unlimited upgrades has disappeared, as long as the power of concepts is continuous, this is also an alternative "unlimited". But as the processor deals with more and more chaotic pollution, it has lost its original characteristics and is inevitably infected by these chaotic pollutions. Gradually, the conceptual power blessed by Zheng Chengcheng gradually became useless. And the countless disasters that were originally sealed, as if endless, rushed towards the main world. Finally, Zheng Chengcheng destroyed the polluted eternal processor and refined it into a ball of extremely powerful concept power.

Even though this ball of concept power came with a huge amount of harmful information.

Zheng Chengcheng didn't care so much.

As the huge concept was absorbed by Zheng Chengcheng.

She also stepped into the final realm of "mind is better than matter".

With one thought, the countless and inexhaustible "unspeakable" disappeared.

With the second thought, all the worlds that were disturbed by the "unspeakable" returned to their original peaceful scenes.

With the third thought, all the worlds turned into illusions, all the extraordinary turned into illusions, and there was no "unspeakable" in the world.


Blue Star.

Zheng Chengcheng lay on the bed in the bedroom with a thin face.

Since she banned all extraordinary things.

Many people in the extraordinary world, led by Bai XinjueWe have all returned to our ‘mortal hearts’.

With ‘mortal hearts’, there is also the Shura Field.

“Now that I don’t have the blessing of the extraordinary, I’m afraid I won’t live for many years if I continue like this.”

(The whole book is finished)

—Ending remarks—

I have been writing novels since the beginning of 22.

Regardless of whether I play with memes or not, I have two and a half years of writing experience.

In these two and a half years, I have opened a total of 12 books on Tomato.

One was hidden by myself, one was taken off the shelves without a contract, and three were put in the black room.

The one I hid was my first novel signed on Tomato.

I was only interested in writing novels for a short time, and I would stop writing and hide it if I couldn’t continue.

From the second book, which is the nursery rhyme (magical girl) I mentioned before.

I officially started to enter the type of transformation writing.

At that time, in order to keep myself writing and updating, I uninstalled all games for a month.

I didn’t stop downloading games until I developed the habit of writing.

I should have said this more than once.

From then on, as long as there was no accident (such as the small black room).

For every novel of mine, I updated it every day from the beginning to the end.

Even if I took a leave, I would at least write 1,000 words.

I am really not very good at execution. Apart from playing games, I only get excited for a short time when doing many things.

Sticking to writing is one of the few things I have done until now...

Now looking back on the past, 22 years should be the most suitable year for me to learn the basics of writing.

At that time, I could even stop playing games for a month and concentrate on writing.

After that, even if I downloaded the game again, I had to write first and then play games.

No matter what the quality of the text I wrote at that time was.

If I used this willpower in 22 years to concentrate on learning the basics of writing.

I can’t say that I will take off now, but at least I can stabilize the level of Bai Weiwei (Laboratory), right?

At least, Lab is the peak I have reached so far.

If I remember correctly, it was Lab that helped me soar from 100 fans to 7,000 fans in half a year.

Then, in a year and a half, I went from 7,000 fans in Lab to 13,000 fans now.

My Lab royalties still account for 30-40% of my total royalties...

Then... from 23 years to now, I have been in a slump for more than a year, and I have really exhausted my spirit.

I always say "change, learn" in every unfinished book, but I have never put it into practice.

I have now lost the willpower that allowed me to "throw away external things" in 22 years...

So, let's go back to what I said before about changing the environment to write novels.

The essence of my decision.

I wanted to use the "difficulty of signing a contract" to force me to learn the basics of writing.

Because Tomato is indeed the place with the lowest difficulty in signing a contract in the novel circle, it is arbitrary to say that there is no other place.


Finally, out of my 12 books, excluding those hidden or removed, there are still 10 left.

Among these 10 books, 8 have some weak connections in their worldviews.

The book about nursery rhymes is the foundation of these connections.

At that time, I wrote the big villain setting of ‘Abyss’.

Because I was still a novice at that time, I was still very rudimentary about this setting.

Later, Xu Nuo, Bai Weiwei, and Su Mengmeng.

I have been supplementing the two opposing settings of ‘chaos and abyss’.

But one day, I saw a book review saying ‘You won’t write about chaos and abyss all the time, right? ’.

Then my change was to let chaos and abyss ‘die’, and then establish ‘Original’.

As a result, due to unsatisfactory results, I have been in a vicious cycle of failure and bad ending.

As a result, before the story of ‘Original’ began, I jumped directly to the setting of ‘Reality and Virtuality’.

The ending of this book is also a continuation of the previous one, with a ‘gap’ left.

If I continue writing here, the next book will be ‘Unspeakable’.

Continuing the world view is also a way for me to provide myself with inspiration for the beginning of the book.

No matter how I do in other places.

If there is a chance later, I still want to write this inspiration in Tomato.

As for whether to notify the next new book here...

My current idea is that if the results are okay, it doesn’t matter if I come here to promote the book.

If the results are not good, won’t people come to see me embarrassed?

Because if the results are not good, I will definitely end it badly.

So after this book is officially finished, Tomato, I will be silent for at least two or three months.

Tomato’s next new book, conservatively estimated, will be half a year.Years later......

Let’s stop here.

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