After the bedroom was tidied, the five people quickly returned to the living room to gather.

Then, Ye Jingtian used the friend function of the data panel.

He shared the information he had collected about the level 1 secret dungeon they were about to go to in the team group.

This secret dungeon is a standard novice dungeon.

The monsters in the dungeon are mostly of lower overall strength in level 1.

For Ye Jingtian's team, the safety factor is extremely high, and there is almost no possibility of danger.

After everyone finished reading the relevant information, Ye Jingtian began to arrange the itinerary in advance:

"After lunch and rest, we have to go to the novice dungeon."

"In order to better cope with the first experience in six days."

"We need to stay in the novice dungeon for one night today, return at noon the next day and summarize the experience..."


Spend some time discussing some arrangements in the secret realm.

After that, Ye Jingtian called Aunt Wang, whom he hired, over: "Everyone can tell Aunt Wang what you don't like and what you don't like to eat now."

"Of course, as long as the conditions are not particularly harsh, I will let Aunt Wang try my best to meet your dining needs."

"It's just that it's definitely too late for lunch today, so I also asked Aunt Wang to prepare a table of dishes in advance."

After recording the preferences and taboos of the five people present, Aunt Wang smiled and led everyone to the dining table.

There were three plates of meat dishes, two plates of vegetarian dishes, and a pot of soup on the table.

Soon, lunch was over.

Yang Xueyi, who was a healer, went back to her room for a nap to make herself more energetic in the afternoon.

The other three sat on the sofa in the living room, opened the information collected by Ye Jingtian, and continued to learn more about the secret realm to be explored this time.

After all, as a healer, Yang Xueyi had enough to have a preliminary understanding of the basic content of the secret realm.

She didn't have to fight or look for monsters.

There was really no need to go into detail to understand the various types of monsters in the secret realm.

As for Zheng Chengcheng...she went to the kitchen to look for Aunt Wang.

"Miss, is it...what about today's lunch that doesn't suit your taste?"

Aunt Wang stopped washing the dishes and looked at Zheng Chengcheng carefully and asked.

In order to be responsible for her own personality, Zheng Chengcheng hurriedly shook her head: "No, no!"

"I think the dishes made by Aunt Wang are delicious! I was thinking if Aunt Wang could teach me..."

"Sorry! If it's troublesome... forget it..."

Zheng Chengcheng's purpose was not to really learn cooking.

She just used this statement to indirectly praise Aunt Wang's cooking skills and to bring the two closer.

"No trouble, no trouble!"

"It's just that you will go to explore the secret dungeon with Mr. Ye and Miss Ye later."

"How about... when you have free time in the future, come to see me again?"

Zheng Chengcheng nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

"Thank you, Aunt Wang first!" After saying that, she bowed, handed Aunt Wang a chocolate, and then left the kitchen and returned to the living room.

"This lady is really approachable!" Looking at Zheng Chengcheng's disappearing back, Aunt Wang also sighed in her heart.

Although the chocolate is cheap, Aunt Wang also received enough emotions...

In the afternoon, Ye Jingtian drove the car, carrying Liu Zheming in the co-pilot and three girls in the back seat, and arrived at the location of the novice dungeon.

After the ticket verification was passed, the five people came to a black vortex symbolizing the space gate.

After a dizzy moment, everyone came to a quiet grassland.

"The purpose of our coming to this novice secret realm is mainly to 'cooperate'."

"So unless it is necessary, Shuanghan and I will not use combat power that is too beyond the scope."

"Zheng Chengcheng."

"Ah?! Here, here!!" Zheng Chengcheng pretended to be scared.

"... Teacher Zhao talked to me privately about the weakening effect of your talent on monsters."

"If possible, you also need to control your weakening ability."

"Again, the main purpose is to 'cooperate'. We are not here just to kill monsters!"

"Yes, yes!!" Zheng Chengcheng looked at Ye Jingtian seriously and nodded solemnly.

Then, she leaned on her cane and walked to Ye Shuanghan in small steps, hugging the other's arm.

It seemed that this could increase her sense of security.

"Liu Zheming, since you have a talent for spiritual perception, it would be too monotonous if you just search for monsters."

"If possible, I need you to learn some auxiliary abilities suitable for the spiritual system, such as telepathy and weakness detection."

"After all, the martial arts examIt not only includes fighting wild monsters in the secret realm, but also PK with other teams. "

"Of course, since I made the request, I will also bear the cost of purchasing skills."

After Liu Zheming, he turned to look at Yang Xueyi:

"I will prepare some experience posts of full-time nurses for you, you can take a look when you have time."

"If you need to buy related treatment skills, I will also pay for it."

Looking at Ye Jingtian's serious attitude, Zheng Chengcheng couldn't help but sigh: "He seems to really want to treat the four of us as long-term teammates! "

Of course, admiration is admiration.

Even if Ye Jingtian suddenly confessed to her when he had a brain seizure, she would still not agree!

In the next team action.

Liu Zheming recalled some knowledge about the habits of wild monsters in his mind, and used mental perception to compare the nearby environment.

After a while, he led everyone to hide behind a big tree.

Not far away was a group of wild deer drinking water by the pond.

After all, this is a novice copy, and wild monsters like wild deer with low danger are naturally the most suitable for novices.

"When we rush out later, Zheng Chengcheng, you will slow down first."

"Then Frost will use ice magic to freeze their legs. Control as many as possible, and try to keep some extraordinary abilities!"

"Focus on 'cooperation'! ”

After assigning the tasks, Ye Jingtian began to count down to three seconds in a low voice.

As soon as ‘1’ came out of his mouth, he rushed towards the herd of deer.

Zheng Chengcheng also activated the weak immune body at the first time, causing leg diseases to all the wild deer.

For efficiency, Ye Shuanghan first used ice magic to freeze one of the hind legs of all the wild deer.

Then, according to the specific struggle situation, the second and third legs were frozen one after another.

After confirming that the herd of wild deer would not be able to escape, Ye Shuanghan began to use attacking skills.

The cooperation of the three people was indeed unfamiliar, but there was a simple sequence of front and back so that they would not be in a hurry.

Even if the three of them withdrew most of their combat power, it was useless.

The herd of deer still had no ability to resist and was completely wiped out...

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