Originally, the yamen runner only wanted to solve the problem and finish work as soon as possible.

But since Zheng Chengcheng mentioned the "accomplice", in front of so many people, he must let Zheng Chengcheng call the person.

So under the yamen runner's order, Zheng Chengcheng used the data panel to send a message to Zheng Xingyu.

Zheng Xingyu also immediately said that he would rush to Dongwu as soon as possible.

In the following gap, the yamen runner wanted to personally understand the reputation of Zheng Chengcheng and Zhang Zhizhi.

He specially asked Zhao Weixia to come as a middleman to avoid a conflict between the two sides.

He first went to the extraordinary class 1 where Zheng Chengcheng was currently to understand the situation...

Not long after, Zheng Xingyu rushed to Dongwu.

The five members of Zheng Chengcheng's team took him back to the reception room.

Although Zheng Xingyu didn't ask anything, the moment he saw Zhang Zhizhi and the other two, he basically guessed most of it.

But in order not to implicate Zheng Chengcheng, he just glanced at Zhang Zhizhi and the other two, and didn't say or do much.

It wasn't until the yamen runner came to Zheng Xingyu to understand the situation that he roughly summarized what he saw that day.

"......At that time, I heard a familiar voice in the alley, and when I looked over, I saw that the three little cousins ​​were bullying my sister!"

Even if Zhang Zhizhi and the other three parents had realized that they were the ones who were wrong.

But both sides did not have sufficient evidence to prove who was the victim and who was the perpetrator.

The three parents would definitely not be as "stupid" as Zheng Chengcheng.

As long as they all said the same thing - Zheng Chengcheng and Zheng Xingyu had Zhang Zhizhi and the other two.

Then the final result would not be too bad for them.

Of course, the premise is that the matter cannot be made a big deal.

And the yamen runners were not stupid, and they obviously saw the intentions of Zhang Zhizhi's three parents.

But Zheng Chengcheng didn't seem to have any relevant evidence.

If you want to find out the truth, you must mobilize some people with special abilities.

However... now there are newly opened secret dungeons everywhere in Yuanxing City.

Not only is the Night Watch Department short of people, but even the Extraordinary Bureau is also short of people.

The yamen runner also realized that Zhang Zhizhi and his family were just playing rogues.

However, unless it is necessary, he does not want to waste the time of those people with special abilities.

"The matter can be resolved as soon as possible. It will not be good for you to make a big fuss."

As he said, the yamen runner also glanced at Zhang Zhizhi and his family.

It seems to be saying - I think it's unlucky that you evil people complained first, but please stop!

At this time, Zhang Zhizhi's mother rolled her eyes and stood up to speak:

"That girl didn't show any signs of injury! How can you assume that my Zhizhi was bullying her?"

"Besides, look, my Zhizhi and the other two girls are injured or sick!"

"Anyway, everyone present is not blind. Should the siblings compensate us for our medical expenses?"

Ye Shuanghan, who had been silent from the beginning until now, suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

"Chengcheng must have wanted to make a big deal out of it when she was sure of it."

"From this perspective, does she have evidence in her hands?"

"However, the other three families, knowing that they were in the wrong, definitely did not want to make a big deal out of it."

"After all, people with special talents such as memory reading, hypnosis, scene reproduction, etc., are rare, but they do exist."

"How can Chengcheng magnify such a small matter by herself?"

Just when Ye Shuanghan was confused, Qu Siyan, who wanted to recruit Zheng Chengcheng to join the Night Watch Division, came to Dongwu.

Thinking that Zheng Chengcheng was more introverted and shy.

In order not to add trouble to Zheng Chengcheng's daily life.

This time when she came to Dongwu, she naturally wore a white sportswear.

Originally, she planned to find Zhao Weixia from the Extraordinary Class 1 to call Zheng Chengcheng out alone.

But she learned from other teachers in the extraordinary class that when the yamen runners came to find Zheng Chengcheng, she rushed to the reception room where Zheng Chengcheng was.

As Qu Siyan entered, Zheng Chengcheng, who was shrinking her head and not saying a word, was relieved.

"Although Sister Qu's memory was inexplicably erased, but... she must be aware of my uniqueness."

"In this case, from a personal perspective, she will definitely be interested in cultivating a relationship with me."

"From a background perspective, she will definitely find ways to recruit me into the Night Watch."

"And the two are not contradictory. The key lies in when Sister Qu will take the initiative to find me."

"Although I am betting on Sister Qu to appear, even if this matter is delayed for a few more days, she will definitelyYou will definitely know. "

The Supernormal Bureau and the Night Watch Department belong to the official camp.

In addition, there is a shortage of manpower in the secret dungeons.

The hunter team of the Night Watch Department needs to be on standby at all times, ready to support the pioneering teams of the secret dungeons.

As one of the captains of the hunter team, Qu Siyan naturally has to deal with people from the Supernormal Bureau.

Therefore, the yamen runner recognized Qu Siyan's identity at the first sight.

But seeing the casual clothes he was wearing today, he forcibly interrupted his idea of ​​greeting Qu Siyan.

Seeing Qu Siyan set his eyes on Zheng Chengcheng.

The yamen runner glanced at Zhang Zhizhi and the other two families obscurely, quite Some gloating meaning.

Originally, as long as the matter did not get out of hand, without evidence, he, a small yamen runner, could not do anything to Zhang Zhizhi and her family.

But... if Zheng Chengcheng knew the night watchman, or was even one of the captains of the hunter team, the situation would be different!

Even if Zheng Chengcheng had no evidence, Qu Siyan could get someone to investigate and find evidence!

Even if Zheng Chengcheng was the one who was wrong, Qu Siyan could still call a black cat a white cat and confuse right and wrong!

Of course, the premise is that the severity of the matter must not exceed a certain range.


I am procrastinating again...

I don't know if I can update 5 chapters in a row tonight...

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