In addition to the neatly arranged spiritual medicines, there are also wooden fences with obvious traces of human intervention in this spiritual field.

Each section of the wooden fence is about two meters high, and it is also wrapped with dense thorns.

As Ye Jingtian's eyes burst into golden light, he cut the wooden fence with thorns.

Houses made of stones and loess appeared in their eyes.

"Could there be indigenous residents in this secret place?" Looking at the orderly earthen houses, Zheng Chengcheng couldn't help but guess in his heart.

"Chengcheng, let's go and take a look together."


As Ye Jingtian spoke, the two left the spiritual field one after another and came to the village.

After a brief walk, Zheng Chengcheng found that there seemed to be no living people here.

Walking into a mud house casually, he found that the wooden tables, wooden beds, and other retro furniture inside were all covered with dust.

Ye Jingtian just touched the wooden chair beside him lightly.

It fell apart in an instant and turned into a pile of wood chips.

"Perhaps the ancients came to this secret realm and didn't know how to return to the main world, so they had to build a village here and live for a long time."

Ye Jingtian said his guess while looking at the layout of the earth house.

Then, he took Zheng Chengcheng with him to check all the earth houses in the entire village.

But no key clues were found.

"Perhaps... there was something special happening here."

"The ancients who lived here had to migrate away?"

After all, no one or even a dried corpse was found in the entire village, so it's no wonder that Ye Jingtian would guess so.

As he returned to the spiritual field with Zheng Chengcheng, Ye Jingtian informed everyone of his discovery just now.

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's collect the spiritual medicine in the field first."

"Wait until Zheming finishes drawing the map, and we'll leave immediately!"

As Ye Jingtian finished speaking, the four people except Liu Zheming began to collect the spiritual medicine in the spiritual field.

"Chengcheng, have you found anything special?" Ye Shuanghan was picking herbs while communicating secretly with Zheng Chengcheng using the sound transmission method.

Because both of them practiced the "Immortal Spirit".

Originally, non-spiritual extraordinary people had to wait until the 4th level to learn the sound transmission method, but they could use it at the 2nd level.


After getting the answer, Ye Shuanghan no longer worried and collected spiritual herbs with peace of mind.

While Zheng Chengcheng was picking spiritual herbs, he used his mental power to draw a map model while alerting the situation of the entire spiritual field.

Soon, the spiritual herbs in the entire spiritual field were collected.

Liu Zheming also completed the map model of the spiritual field and the village under the leadership of Ye Jingtian.

The five members of the team also chose to leave the village without any nostalgia.

When they came to a forest, they did not find any traces of wild monsters except collecting spiritual herbs along the way.

Soon, it was night, and everyone found a wide plain to set up camp and set up a night watch formation.

Although everyone was a little uneasy.

But since nothing was found, they tacitly did not speak out their uneasiness.

Although Ye Shuanghan and Zheng Chengcheng communicated through voice transmission.

But Zheng Chengcheng did not find anything unusual.

During the night watch, Zheng Chengcheng looked at the dark night outside the array with a feeling.

Just when she realized something was wrong and wanted to wake everyone up, a strong sense of fatigue rushed over.


"Chengcheng?" Zheng Chengcheng finally woke up in the shouts of Ye Shuanghan.

"Why are we back?" Zheng Chengcheng just muttered in her heart and did not say it out loud.

Because according to her observation, Liu Zheming was still drawing a map model, and Yang Xueyi was collecting spiritual medicine.

Ye Jingtian was not there, but he was probably exploring the village outside the spiritual field.

"Is it a dream? Or..." Just as Zheng Chengcheng was thinking, Ye Jingtian came to the spiritual field with an old man in a robe.

"Senior Gu, they are my companions."

After listening to Ye Jingtian's introduction, Yang Xueyi immediately stopped collecting.

She smiled at the old man with embarrassment and put her hands behind her back.

But the old man did not scold Yang Xueyi for picking spiritual herbs without permission.

Instead, he ran to Zheng Chengcheng with tears in his eyes and knelt on the ground.

"God!! You are finally back!!"

"What's going on???" Zheng Chengcheng was confused at first, and then pretended to be afraid and hid behind Ye Shuanghan.

Liu Zheming, who was still drawing the map model, was also startled by the shout.

"God!! Don't you remember your most devout believer?"

Seeing Zheng Chengcheng's performance, the old manThe old man looked at her with despair.

Seeing that the old man was still going to pester him, Ye Jingtian, who had come to his senses, hurried forward.

Originally, he planned to help the old man up, but the other party refused.

Helplessly, Ye Jingtian had to let go of his hands: "Senior Gu, can you tell me why you call Chengcheng a 'god'?"

He looked at Ye Jingtian first, and then at Zheng Chengcheng.

"My name is Gu Chen. I was dragged into this secret realm because of an accident 100 years ago."

"Back then, this secret realm was full of monsters that could not be killed!"

"Just when everyone was in despair, 'God' brought light!"

"Under His protection, all monsters turned into wisps of black smoke and were burned out by the flames..."

At this point, the enthusiasm on Gu Chen's face was suddenly covered by fear:

"Just when we thought we were saved, endless monsters suddenly swept in!"

"The countless monsters kept rushing towards the direction of 'God', one after another, regardless of life and death..."

"And in order to survive, we dedicated our faith to 'God' and obtained the flames given by God."

"Under the leadership of 'God', we defeated wave after wave of monsters."

"I also became the first Light Knight under 'God' with my devout faith."

At this point, Gu Chen opened his old hand, and a white-gold flame appeared instantly.

"But there are unexpected events, and the evil god behind the infinite monsters appeared..."

"In order to protect believers like us, 'God' had to start a war with them."

"In that battle, the sky was ignited by flames, and all monsters turned into firewood."

"'God' defeated the evil god, but He was also seriously injured because of that battle..."

"Before He fell asleep, He used the original flame to wipe out the remaining monsters in the secret realm."

"Use the last fire to build a divine space, and leave a prophecy that 'He will be reborn and return'..."

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