In order to obtain the poison-related immortal method she wanted.

Zheng Chengcheng directly fabricated a Wandu Xianzong.

She herself was a fairy seedling from a small village under the jurisdiction of the immortal sect.

Of course, Zheng Chengcheng could set herself as a disciple of the Wandu Xianzong.

But the more noble the initial identity, the more things she would master, and the more she would need to participate in the fabrication herself.

And the original story card was many times more powerful than her.

The immortal method fabricated by the story card must be more powerful than the one designed by Zheng Chengcheng herself.

Of course, this is when Zheng Chengcheng needs to materialize the power system in the main world.

If she doesn't have the idea of ​​materializing the power system, then of course she can do whatever she wants.

After all, she is the creator god in the story card world.

And the power system that can be materialized in the main world must at least be recognized by the main world.

The immortal cultivation system can be more powerful than the current power system in the main world.

But as a balance, the difficulty and limitations of cultivation must also be higher than the existing power system.

Otherwise, the main world will not recognize it, and Zheng Chengcheng will not be able to use it even if she manifests it.

At the same time, the difficulty of cultivation cannot be set too high, otherwise she herself cannot cultivate, and that would be a joke.

So she can only start with limitations.

For example, at the beginning of the creation of each immortal law, the most basic inheritance restrictions need to be set.

The higher the inheritance restrictions, the lower the difficulty of immortal law cultivation, and the wider the strength restrictions.

Take the sect immortal law as an example, it can be a restriction of "only the sect's own talents can practice".

If you want to change the inheritance restrictions, the first generation of law makers need to communicate with the way of heaven.

If the first generation of law makers have passed away.

All the second generation heirs vote to decide whether to increase or reduce the immortal law restrictions......


Story card world.

In the yard, a little white-haired loli with two buns, wearing a light pink gauze skirt, sat palely on a wooden wheelchair.

Behind her were three beautiful maids in plain skirts.

One pushed the wheelchair, and the other two held a fruit plate, and one peeled the fruit and fed it to Zheng Chengcheng.

She was the God of Creation in the story card world, so she could do whatever she wanted.

Therefore, she set up the Zheng family, a gentry, in the village under the rule of the Immortal Sect.

In order to avoid the open and secret struggles between brothers and sisters, she set herself as the only seedling of the Zheng family.

In short, under the premise of not affecting the power system, Zheng Chengcheng gave herself a lot of invisible benefits.

"Yue'er, do you think I can be selected as a fairy seedling by the envoy?"

"Miss is extremely talented, and she will definitely be selected by the envoy!"

The servant pushing the wheelchair behind her was not complimenting Zheng Chengcheng.

Weak immune syndrome and weak immune body belong to the category of superior fairy seedlings in the Wandu Immortal Sect.

Just as Zheng Chengcheng narrowed her pink eyes and enjoyed the feeding of the servant beside her.

A guard rushed to Zheng Chengcheng.

"Miss! The envoy of the Immortal Sect has arrived!"

Hearing this, Zheng Chengcheng also spoke excitedly: "Quick... Xiaoyue, cough cough!!"

"Push me to see the envoy... cough cough!!"

Due to the excessive emotional fluctuations, Zheng Chengcheng also coughed up several bloody phlegm in succession.

The servant next to her saw it and quickly took out a gauze scarf to wipe the blood from Zheng Chengcheng's palm.

And took out a pill used to relieve the pain of asthenia and fed it to Zheng Chengcheng.

Wait until Zheng Chengcheng's condition eased a little.

Xiaoyue also put all her strength on the premise of maintaining balance and pushed Zheng Chengcheng to the square in the village.

I saw a long line near the square, and they were walking in front of the woman in black one by one in order.

The woman in black held a bronze mirror and looked at the person who came.

Seeing that the mirror didn't react, she waved her hand in boredom: "Unqualified, next one."

She waited until Zheng Chengcheng came forward, and the fairy seedlings chosen by the black-clothed woman were only two children, a boy and a girl.

"Oh? Special physique?" Looking at the blue light bursting out of the bronze mirror, the black-clothed woman looked at Zheng Chengcheng with interest.

Too high talent is easy to die; too low talent will not be selected.

So Zheng Chengcheng chose the compromise blue, which is neither high nor low, just like the main world.


"My Lord, I just came of age yesterday." Zheng Chengcheng replied weakly and softly.

In the world of cultivating immortals, talent is the first thing to look at, and age is the second.

Although Zheng Chengcheng has been an adult for a while at the age of 18.

But in the fictional story card world, she still reduced her age by a few years.

"Not bad! Name?"

"Surname Zheng, given name Chengcheng."

The black-clothed woman nodded and changed Zheng Chengcheng's basicThe information was written on a piece of yellow paper with a brush.

"This messenger will give you one day to prepare. Tomorrow morning, we will set off for the sect."

After that, the woman in black waved her hand to signal the other two children to go home.

She followed Zheng Chengcheng to the Zheng family.

Seeing the arrival of the envoy of the Immortal Sect, the Zheng family immediately asked the kitchen to prepare delicacies.

The head of the Zheng family looked at the woman in black with trepidation on her face and bowed: "I, the common people, have met the envoy!"

"Get up, arrange a guest room for me, and no one is allowed to disturb me."


As the head of the Zheng family stood up, he also personally took the woman in black and arranged her near Zheng Chengcheng's boudoir.

After that, Zheng Chengcheng began to perform a touching scene with her "parents".

This one was reluctant to leave that one, and that one was reluctant to leave this one.

The woman in black, who was observing in secret, took out the yellow paper again and filled in the evaluation of "valuing family affection" for Zheng Chengcheng.

Then, she disappeared, hiding her body to observe the other two children she had chosen...

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