What is recorded in this booklet is not the immortal method of Danjie.

But it is a series of pictures of polishing mirrors with very exquisite movements!

This picture book is not only vivid, but also has very detailed text annotations.

Although Zheng Chengcheng's heart did not fluctuate much about this.

But she still pretended to be a little embarrassed in front of Xuanyu.

"This method is called "Luanfeng Ningyuan"."

"When your cultivation reaches a bottleneck, or when you need to sharpen your mind, you can use this method."

"Before reaching the ascension, this method will continue to gather the free immortal energy between heaven and earth."

"Finally, at the moment of completing the ascension."

"The pure yin power in the body will assimilate the gathered immortal energy, and together with it, it will become 'yin yuan' and be stored in the birth room."

Although the birth room and the dantian that stores immortal energy are relatively close, the two are independent of each other.

If we classify the body, qi, and spirit as the three mainstream roads with the greatest comprehensive improvement,

Then "Luanfeng Ningyuan" belongs to a relatively unpopular minor path.

The three mainstream avenues are enough for most people to study and practice for a lifetime.

Even if you practice minor immortal arts like "Luanfeng Ningyuan", the improvement of combat power may not be that great.

After all, the time that ordinary people practice minor immortal arts is enough for him to practice a decent combat immortal art seriously.

But for people like Zheng Chengcheng, the mainstream avenue has been raised to the upper limit without breaking through the realm.

It seems relatively necessary to practice some minor immortal arts.

After all, practicing a minor path is equivalent to a relatively weak power system.

It's just that it still belongs to the large scope of the immortal cultivation system.

Because it is a minor path, there will definitely not be as many people practicing it as the mainstream avenue.

Therefore, "Luanfeng Ningyuan" does not have a particularly clear realm division.

The booklet only records the three stages of "initial practice is not bad, long-term practice is not empty, and constant practice is not tired".

The initial practice is not bad, which means that after ascending to heaven, you will not enter a state of sainthood or self-guilt.

In this first realm, Yin Yuan will have the effect of calming the mind.

Long-term practice does not mean that after a long period of Yin Yuan practice.

Even if you experience pseudo-ascension, small ascension, half-step ascension... and other such experiences.

You can also feel satisfied and content from the bottom of your heart, and will not ask for more because of emptiness and boredom.

In the second realm, Yin Yuan will have the effect of suppressing the six desires and consolidating the immortal foundation.

Regardless of the first or second realm.

Every time you practice "Luanfeng Condensation Yuan", no matter what the results are after ascending to heaven, a large amount of pure Yin power will be consumed to condense Yin Yuan.

Before the pure Yin power is restored, "Luanfeng Condensation Yuan" will be in a state of prohibiting practice.

Constant practice does not tire, which means that after a long period of practice, you will still not feel tired.

In this third realm, whether before or after ascending to heaven.

The consumption of physical strength, pure Yin power, mind and the like will be greatly reduced.

At this point, Yin Yuan has the auxiliary ability to increase the strength of immortal power and speed up the comprehensive recovery efficiency.

In the first two realms, you can only practice "Luanfeng Condensation Yuan" once in a short period of time.

After reaching the third realm, as long as the consumption reduction of pure Yin power is high enough.

Not to mention practicing only once, it is not impossible to practice 10 times in a row.

"The realm of this small Taoist immortal method seems to be mainly based on the state of mind, and there is no prerequisite for the accumulation of Yin Yuan."

No wonder Xuan Yu taught her this relatively special small Taoist immortal method.

Because this small Taoist immortal method has the effect of stabilizing the mind, it is just right for Zheng Chengcheng, who is now impetuous!

"Although this small Taoist immortal method is used for dual cultivation, it is not impossible to practice it alone."

"It's just that compared with dual cultivation, the efficiency of practicing alone will be greatly reduced."

At this point, Xuan Yu's meaning is already very clear.

——If you can't bring yourself to practice dual cultivation with me, I won't force you.

Zheng Chengcheng likes to flirt with other people.

It would be fine if Xuanyu didn't mention it before.

Since she took the initiative to mention it, why would Zheng Chengcheng not agree?

"I don't know if the lives in the story card world can be bound by love relationship..."

Although she is curious about this, Zheng Chengcheng and Xuanyu have not started dual cultivation yet.

She is not in a hurry to ask Xuanyu to bind a love relationship.

She spent several days in the story card world to learn the preliminary "Luanfeng Ningyuan".

Zheng Chengcheng took the initiative to go to Xuanyu's cave to report her cultivation situation.

"Xiaorou, are you really ready to practice dual cultivation with me?"

(Zheng Chengcheng's Taoist name is 'Lingrou')Looking at Xuan Yu's serious face, Zheng Chengcheng nodded very forcefully: "Disciple is ready!"

After a long silence, Xuan Yu opened the cave formation and invited Zheng Chengcheng into his exclusive practice room.

Afterwards, Zheng Chengcheng put on a shy attitude and asked Xuan Yu to help remove the covering.

Considering that Zheng Chengcheng had just learned "Luan Feng Condensation Essence" not long ago, he might be a little reluctant.

Xuan Yu did not choose a practice process that was too difficult.

Instead, he personally guided Zheng Chengcheng in some basic practice techniques.

Because before reaching the realm of "constant practice without fatigue".

Practicing "Luan Feng Condensation Essence" and ascending to heaven, no matter how effective the practice is in the middle, it will consume a lot of pure yin power.

Therefore, Xuan Yu needs to consider the quality of Zheng Chengcheng's practice in each cycle.

And in order to improve the quality of the practice cycle, Xuan Yu will use blocking techniques in the process of guiding Zheng Chengcheng.

As long as Zheng Chengcheng does not enter the realm of ascending to heaven, a cycle of practice is not truly completed.

Naturally, there will be no consumption of pure Yin power.

Although Xuan Yu was considering Zheng Chengcheng's practice of "Luanfeng Ningyuan".

But Zheng Chengcheng's actual experience was quite complicated.

If you say that the experience of the practice process is good, Xuan Yu will always discourage her at the critical moment.

But if you say that the experience of the practice process is not good, Xuan Yu's experience is indeed superb, and his guidance to Zheng Chengcheng is indeed very useful.

Considering that Zheng Chengcheng has just started the "Luanfeng Ningyuan" small Taoist fairy method.

Xuan Yu did not choose to increase the intensity of Zheng Chengcheng at the beginning.

So after two and a half hours of circular practice, the normal practice officially ended.

At the moment when Zheng Chengcheng finished practicing, strange phenomena appeared in the practice room at the same time.

Under the impact of the strange phenomena, the originally clean and tidy practice room also fell into a mess.

When Zheng Chengcheng could no longer support the continuation of the strange phenomena, she fell asleep.

Xuan Yu then used the fairy technique to restore the practice room to its original cleanliness...

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