The name of "Soft Feather Spirit Sword Dance" is taken from the Taoist names of Zheng Chengcheng and Qu Siyan in their "previous lives".

Since Zheng Chengcheng in his "previous life" has been reincarnated, his highest cultivation level is only the peak of the Nascent Soul.

And Qu Siyan has been a great power at the level of Hedao or above since Zheng Chengcheng's second life.

Therefore, the perfect state of "Soft Feather Spirit Sword Dance" is a person dancing with two swords.

Before perfection, the threshold for stepping into the double sword flow can be lowered through a double sword dance.

In order to facilitate Zheng Chengcheng's learning, although Qu Siyan has reached the perfect state for this sword dance.

However, in order to facilitate teaching Zheng Chengcheng, she did not directly use the double swords that are only available in the perfect state.

"Chengcheng, the soft sword dance is to hold the sword with the left hand." Qu Siyan put the wooden sword in her hand and looked at Zheng Chengcheng and explained patiently.

"The sword of the Soft Sword Dance is mainly for defense. By frequently blocking attacks, the sword of anger is accumulated."

"The upper limit of the accumulation of the sword of anger depends on the degree of one's understanding of the sword."

"The higher the degree of understanding, the greater the power of this sword when it is fully accumulated."

"And the dance of the Soft Sword Dance is used to train the coordination of the body."

Speaking of this, Qu Siyan held the sword with her left hand and began to dance in front of Zheng Chengcheng.

Although Qu Siyan's body had not practiced the "Soft Sword Dance" before.

But with the "previous life" memory inherited by Qu Siyan, plus the extremely plastic body of the extraordinary.

After a little adaptation, she can easily perform various difficult movements.

The fixed difficult movements in the Soft Sword Dance are not very useful for actual combat.

Because these difficult movements are mainly used to train the "softness" of the body, not for fighting.

Only when the difficult movements in the Soft Sword Dance can be easily performed.

Only in the ever-changing actual combat, can you adjust your body at will through various tricky angles to swing the sword and block.

And all these difficult movements combined together are the "Soft Sword Dance" in "Soft Feather Spirit Sword Dance".

As the sword dance was fully demonstrated, Qu Siyan led Zheng Chengcheng to learn one movement at a time.

"When can you easily use the various difficult movements of the soft sword dance."

"You can try to abandon these fixed movements, and then I will swing the sword to attack you, and you will defend."

"Okay." Zheng Chengcheng looked at Qu Siyan seriously and nodded.

Then he began to follow Qu Siyan's movements and learn one by one.

Although Zheng Chengcheng "has no memory of the previous life", Zheng Chengcheng is absolutely 100% in line with the soft feather spirit sword dance.

As expected by Qu Siyan.

Zheng Chengcheng only followed Qu Siyan's movements and learned once or twice.

She basically mastered all the difficult movements of the soft sword dance.

And it can be performed very easily in front of Qu Siyan.

"When I used the cost card to improve my physical fitness before, except for some specific attributes, it was basically an overall improvement."

"And the flexibility required for the Soft Sword Dance, I have already maxed it out and don't need to train after birth."

What's more, Zheng Chengcheng has practiced the "Soft Feather Spirit Sword Dance" in the story card countless times.

If she wasn't afraid that Qu Siyan would find the flaw, she wouldn't deliberately pretend to be as unfamiliar as possible.

As Zheng Chengcheng "preliminarily" mastered the "meaning" of the Soft Sword Dance.

Qu Siyan held the sword in his right hand and attacked Zheng Chengcheng with the Feather Sword Dance.

Originally, she rushed straight towards Zheng Chengcheng.

The wooden sword in her hand also slashed towards Zheng Chengcheng quickly and powerfully.

But just as Zheng Chengcheng raised his left hand wooden sword to block.

The wooden sword blocked by Zheng Chengcheng instantly turned into sword feathers all over the sky.

As the sword feathers attacked Zheng Chengcheng from various angles under Qu Siyan's control, she also swung her sword to block with a solemn face and various mysterious movements. Of course, in order to pretend that she was not particularly familiar with "Soft Feather Sword Dance", she chose to let some sword feathers hit her deliberately. And in the following defense, she gradually reduced the frequency of the sword feathers hitting her. As Zheng Chengcheng was able to resist all the sword feathers, the sword feathers magically turned into a wooden sword and returned to Qu Siyan's hands. "Chengcheng, be careful!" Qu Siyan warned, and then raised the wooden sword in his hand. Just as the wooden sword was about to cut down from top to bottom, Qu Siyan twisted his waist and arms in a very short time. This made the sword pierce Zheng Chengcheng's abdomen in a strange way. Just as Zheng Chengcheng raised her sword to block, the wooden swords instantly turned into sword feathers and started to attack from all directions.

At such a close distance, Zheng Chengcheng certainly couldn't "do it" to block all the sword feathers with her wooden sword.

If sheIf he did, Qu Siyan would definitely suspect that Zheng Chengcheng had awakened her "past life memory".

After some actual combat training, Zheng Chengcheng's proficiency in soft sword dance was also increasing rapidly.

After the training, Qu Siyan took Zheng Chengcheng to the medical room.

After the clothes were removed, Zheng Chengcheng's delicate body was covered with bruises from being hit by the sword feather.

Qu Siyan recovered the sword intent from the bruises, and then used some plasters in the medical room to apply to Zheng Chengcheng.

Not long after, the injuries caused by sword practice were completely recovered.

"It's getting late, I'll teach you the feather sword dance tomorrow."

"When you have mastered both sword dances, you can learn how to dance with me."

After that, Qu Siyan helped Zheng Chengcheng put away her clothes and sent her to the villa...

The next morning, Qu Siyan took Zheng Chengcheng to the training room of the Night Watch Division.

Zheng Chengcheng always showed from time to time that she felt very familiar with this sword dance, but she couldn't remember where it was familiar. She relied on this familiarity. Today, which was the second day of sword practice, she learned the feather sword dance and the double dance. Then on the third day of sword practice, Zheng Chengcheng directly "learned" the double sword flow. This result was not much of a surprise to Qu Siyan. After all, "Soft Feather Spirit Sword Dance" was created by her and Zheng Chengcheng together. Zheng Chengcheng is one of the reincarnations of the founder of the sword dance. Not to mention 3 days, even if it was completed within 1 day, Qu Siyan would not feel anything strange. It's just that these 3 days were enough for Qu Siyan to be sure that Zheng Chengcheng did not awaken the memory of the past life. "Although Chengcheng will instinctively get close to me, in her heart now, I and she are just a sister relationship, right?" Due to the influence of the memory of the past life, she is obsessed with Zheng Chengcheng and will definitely not give up on her. But she was a little afraid that her overly radical actions might scare Zheng Chengcheng.

So she could only teach Zheng Chengcheng swordsmanship to cultivate the relationship between the two.

When the swordsmanship training was over, Zheng Chengcheng also told Qu Siyan that she had broken through to level 4.

"Sister Qu, can I go on the mission with you now?"

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