In order to reduce the total time of the competition as much as possible.

The official has made a basic ranking based on the overall combat power of a single person or team.

For example, if the weakest superhuman is level 3, then the competition will start from level 3.

After the level 3 competition is over, if you want to get more performance points and decide to challenge level 4, you can take the initiative to sign up.

Of course, not just any level 3 can sign up for the cross-level competition.

During the competition, the applicant needs to show combat power close to or at the beginning of the regular level 4.

If you insist on signing up, you can also apply for the official to send a standard regular level 4 superhuman to compete with him.

Most of the wild monsters killed by Zheng Chengcheng's team are level 6.

So their team competition was directly arranged to the finals.

As for the single competition... Ye Jingtian's single competition is also in the finals.

His level 5 realm is already the ceiling among all martial arts candidates.

After all, among all the martial arts candidates present, no one has broken through level 6.

Zheng Chengcheng did not sign up for the single competition.

The remaining three people, Ye Shuanghan, Yang Xueyi, and Liu Zheming, were arranged in the 4th level range.

There was nothing interesting about the competition in the 3rd level range.

Even if there was a dark horse in the 3rd level range, it might not be the opponent of Ye Shuanghan and the other three.

Before the 4th level competition officially started.

Zheng Chengcheng took Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi to go shopping and relax in Xingyue City.

Whenever passing by a roadside stall, Zheng Chengcheng would buy some grilled skewers and fried food and eat while walking.

Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi would look at each other from time to time.

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in the sight of the two people looking at each other.

Zheng Chengcheng, who was in the middle of the two, although he noticed it, pretended to know nothing.

Both Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi benefited from her.

The improvement of their strength also depends very much on Zheng Chengcheng.

In this case, just the two of them would not constitute a Shura field.

From the moment Zheng Chengcheng taught Bai Xinjue "Luanfeng Ningyuan".

Bai Xinjue could probably guess that Zheng Chengcheng definitely had more than one confidante.

But she was already an old "witch", so she naturally wouldn't be jealous of some little girls.

It was just that Qu Siyan was a little difficult to deal with.

Because Zheng Chengcheng had created a very real past life memory for her.

So Qu Siyan's feelings for Zheng Chengcheng were extremely rich.

If she knew about the existence of Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi...

Of course, with the emotional accumulation of the "previous life".

In the end, even if Qu Siyan knew, she would definitely have to accept the fact.

Even during Qu Siyan's adaptation period, Zheng Chengcheng didn't know what would happen.

After shopping, Zheng Chengcheng took Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi to the martial arts examination dormitory after eating and drinking.

In order not to destroy the comradeship between Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi.

That night, Zheng Chengcheng specially invited the two to go to her room to practice together.

Because Ye Shuanghan was targeted by a certain "unspeakable".

Therefore, when Zheng Chengcheng showed his strange tentacles, Ye Shuanghan could see them naturally.

Although Yang Xueyi could not observe the strange tentacles, the collision volume was still there.

And Zheng Chengcheng also relied on such a strange method.

There was no problem at all in guiding two people to practice together.

After accumulating strength for two and a half hours, they were able to ascend to the sky and complete a cycle of practice.

Both of them saw each other's embarrassment after the end of the practice.

Under the influence of the charm of ascending to the sky, the hostility between Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi also faded a little.

When Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi relaxed.

Then it was their turn to assist Zheng Chengcheng in practice...

Soon, several days passed.

Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi were going to participate in the single-player competition.

So Zheng Chengcheng had to stop the three of them from practicing together in seclusion.

After that, Zheng Chengcheng was alone, and immersed her mind in the story card world.

Because of the improvement of strength, the extreme time flow rate of the story card world can be adjusted again.

"The story card world was traced back to the timeline before Sister Qu projected here."

"In the story card world, I was only at the Jindan level in that timeline."

"And I'm already at the peak of the Yuanying in my main world..."

After thinking about it, Zheng Chengcheng used the authority of the God of Creation to create an ancient secret realm.

After that, she went to this ancient secret realm, chose to end her personal experience, and accelerated the timeline.

After about ten years of acceleration, Zheng Chengcheng directly returned to the Wandu Xianzong with a peak Yuanying level.

The background synchronized from reality allowed Zheng Chengcheng to pass the Wandu Xianzong very smoothly.The inspection of the ancestors of the sect.

Successfully obtained the immortal arts of the Transformation of the Spirit.

Zheng Chengcheng first cultivated herself to the peak of the Transformation of the Spirit in reality.

As she broke through the Transformation of the Spirit in the story card world.

The library of the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect was also fully opened to Zheng Chengcheng.

She also relied on the extremely exaggerated flow of time.

She read all the immortal books of the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect.

She learned that the limit of the inheritance of the immortal arts of the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect is only the integration of the Tao.

Or in other words, the limit of the inheritance of the immortal arts of most immortal sects is the integration of the Tao.

After the integration of the Tao, the realm will increase as one's understanding of the Tao deepens.

When one's understanding of the Tao meets the minimum requirements, one can attract the tribulation thunder and enter the tribulation period.

Zheng Chengcheng, who obtained all the immortal books of the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect, was intimate with her master Xuan Yu for a while.

She left the Ten Thousand Poisons Immortal Sect under the pretext of going out for training...

Because Zheng Chengcheng had already obtained the sword inheritance from Qu Siyan.

Going to Xuanjian Xianzong again would not bring much gain.

Therefore, Zheng Chengcheng set her sights on Wuxing Xianzong.

With the authority of the God of Creation.

Even if Zheng Chengcheng did not change her face and name.

No one in Wuxing Xianzong discovered that Zheng Chengcheng was the saint of Wandu Xianzong.

She just disguised her own cultivation level, pretended to be a new disciple, and joined Wuxing Xianzong openly.

Afterwards, she relied on her talent to become the sect master's personal disciple, and spent a certain amount of time to obtain the Wuxing Huashen Xianfa.

After reading all the immortal books in the library, Zheng Chengcheng turned to the next immortal sect...

She kept repeating the behavior of obtaining immortal inheritance.

She has practiced dozens of immortals of various attributes to the state of Huashen.

In addition, the Yin Yuan force has reached the strength of the 7th level.

Below the 8th level, almost no one is Zheng Chengcheng's opponent...

Soon, the singles competition ended.

Ye Jingtian undoubtedly ranked first.

Of course, if Ye Shuanghan wanted, she could actually take the first place.

But considering that she was awakened for the second time and was more or less influenced by Zheng Chengcheng.

She finally chose to retreat to second place.

Yang Xueyi often practiced with Zheng Chengcheng during this period.

Although the two practiced together for a short period of time, Zheng Chengcheng taught her a lot.

Even the "Immortal Soul" that Yang Xueyi originally practiced.

Zheng Chengcheng found an opportunity to change it to "Eternal Immortality".

Combined with "Luanfeng Condensation Essence", Yang Xueyi, like Ye Shuanghan, unexpectedly ranked third.

As for Liu Zheming, although she and Yang Xueyi were both auxiliary,

But he was not a girl after all, and he did not have the opportunity to practice with Zheng Chengcheng.

Zheng Chengcheng's various favors did not fall on him.

Relying solely on the "Immortal Soul" spiritual training method.

Liu Zheming also killed all the way to 11th place in the singles competition.

As the results of the singles competition of the other four members of Zheng Chengcheng's team came out.

It also immediately alarmed the martial arts examination officials.

——Doesn't this team have only one golden talent?

How can the other three members with ordinary talents get such a leading ranking?

"Maybe Ye Jingtian's golden talent comes with a permanent increase?"

"Maybe Ye Jingtian shared the permanent increase with his team members, so the result is so unexpected."

As for why Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi ranked 2nd and 3rd, but Liu Zheming ranked 11th.

This is of course because 'heroes have always loved beauties'!

It was also expected that Ye Shuanghan and Yang Xueyi could get 'more care' from 'Ye Jingtian'.

But... Zheng Chengcheng did not participate in the singles competition, which made the martial arts examination officials a little curious.

"The information says that this little girl is timid. Maybe it's this character that caused her to give up the game?"

"This little girl is also a formal member of the Night Watch Hunter Team. It's normal that she doesn't value the performance points in the single-player competition."

"This girl's information is incomplete, and many of them are even kept top secret."

"So... I think the performance of this team may be related to this little girl named 'Zheng Chengcheng'."

"Related to her? Didn't the information room say that she awakened a blue talent?"

"So much of her information is top secret. Can't the talent quality in the information be faked?"

"Based on my experience, her talent is likely to surpass gold."

"Speaking of which, we didn't even know that this girl's information was top secret. How did you find out?"

"My grandfather is a senior executive of the Night Watch! I told you many times, but you just don't believe it!"

"Uh... So this 'top secret' may be made up by you?"

"Believe it or not!""If you think it's Ye Jingtian's credit, then give it to him!"

"But then again, don't spread the content of today's chat everywhere."

"Since the little girl's information is top secret, it's obvious that the higher-ups don't want any news about her to be leaked."

"If you don't believe me, you can try it. Even if the leak is traced to me, I have my grandfather to protect me."

"If you don't pay attention, you'll be on your own..."

Because of this special conversation.

When the team finals came, all the people involved in this conversation focused their attention on Zheng Chengcheng.

But Zheng Chengcheng's performance disappointed them.

Because...once someone attacked her, at least one of the other four would return to defend.

And Zheng Chengcheng was nervous as she poisoned the enemy team.

A game was won so muddled, and Zheng Chengcheng's contribution was not much.

If it weren't for the previous conversation, they wouldn't be surprised by Zheng Chengcheng's performance.

But there was a foundation for that conversation.

They felt that Zheng Chengcheng's disappointing performance seemed to be performed for them.

"The information is top secret, the talent is mysterious... maybe this little girl is the daughter of a senior member of the Night Watch?"


Even if Zheng Chengcheng was slacking off the whole time.

But with Ye Jingtian and Ye Shuanghan as the main combat force.

Her team still ranked first without exception.

After the martial arts exam, all martial arts candidates were not in a hurry to go home.

Instead, they continued to stay in the martial arts exam hotel, waiting for the human resources department of other extraordinary academies to contact them.

Because Zheng Chengcheng's team performed very well.

Whether Zheng Chengcheng was really slacking off or not.

As long as all 5 members of the team were recruited into the academy, it would be a profit.

With this idea in mind, whether it was the Imperial Capital Academy or the Magic Capital Academy.

When meeting with the captain Ye Jingtian, they gave extremely rich benefits.

For example, a certain amount of resources higher than the current realm were distributed free of charge every month.

Complete the internal tasks of the academy and get additional contribution settlement.

Various equipment, props... and other things that can be used for land reclamation.

All have a free quota that is refreshed once a month.

As long as the free quota is planned properly.

Zheng Chengcheng and others can not only use brand new and excellent equipment frequently.

They can also make a lot of practice resources by selling the benefits of free quotas.

After some discussion and comparison within the team.

Everyone finally chose to join the Imperial Capital Academy and had a more detailed communication with the person in charge.

Of course, during the communication process, no one mentioned that they would definitely join the Imperial Capital Academy.

After all, the more benefits, the better!

No one dislikes that they can get more benefits, and they can strive for some.

After the various indicators were basically finalized.

Zheng Chengcheng and others returned to Yuanxing City through the teleportation array.

She found Qu Siyan and Bai Xinjue to talk about the situation of the martial arts exam.

After that, Zheng Chengcheng followed the other four members of the team and went to the imperial capital through the teleportation array.

Because there were not enough people to open up the wasteland in Yuanxing City.

Therefore, Qu Siyan could not follow Zheng Chengcheng to the imperial capital for the time being.

Although Bai Xinjue was in Yuanxing City.

But she left Zheng Chengcheng with the props to summon her.

After the two lines of defense of love reward and blood contract.

The "divine power" in her body almost stabilized.

It was not difficult to respond to Zheng Chengcheng's call and come to Zheng Chengcheng's side by tearing the space.

As soon as they arrived in the imperial capital.

The person in charge who had previously agreed on welfare with Zheng Chengcheng and the other five came to meet the five people as soon as possible.

After that, he welcomed the five people directly into the Imperial Capital Academy.

And according to the conditions previously agreed.

The five members of the team were given a villa located inside the academy for free.

Although the space inside the villa was not as wide as that of Yuanxing City.

However, the various top facilities in the academy are not comparable to those in the villas of Yuanxing City.

For example, the spirit gathering array used to assist in cultivation is as high as level 5.

And after several upgrades, the villas in Yuanxing City are only level 3.

It’s not that Ye Jingtian doesn’t have the resources to hire a level 4 array master.

But most of the extraordinary personnel in Yuanxing City are very busy with land reclamation.

As a result, it is very difficult to hire a level 4 array master or above.

Even the shortest appointment is scheduled for half a year later.


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