As Bai Xinjue completely retracted her jade hand.

She condensed another memory fruit of mixed black and white and hung it on the tree.

"The closer the memory fruit is to 'white', the easier it is for me to read it, and I don't even need to touch it."

"The closer the memory fruit is to 'black', not only does it carry various dangers, but even every time I touch and read it, I need to seal the memory once more."

"The real purpose of the 'god' to cultivate the god fruit is not to leave a way out for itself."

"It is to obtain something called 'antibody chaos'."

"If there is no memory tree to help me seal various taboo memories, perhaps even if I am not dead, I should have fallen into 'indescribable'."

"The memory tree is the way my 'god fruit' is used to resist 'chaos'."

As Bai Xinjue finished speaking, the price card in Zheng Chengcheng's body suddenly moved.

Then, a 'towering memory tree' suddenly grew in the core of her originally empty soul palace.

On that ‘towering memory tree’, there were more dangerous memory fruits than those on Bai Xinjue’s memory tree.

And as this memory tree took root and sprouted in Zheng Chengcheng’s soul palace.

She inexplicably felt extremely relaxed.

Then, the evil aura of the strange tentacles in her soul space seemed to fade a lot.

But its ultimate strength not only did not decrease, but also increased.

And Bai Xinjue’s memory tree also gained some amplification from the ‘price card’ because of the blood contract.

Under this amplification, the cost of Bai Xinjue reading those forbidden memories will be significantly reduced.

As for the fruits hanging on the memory tree in Zheng Chengcheng’s mind... those fruits are condensed with ‘divine language’.

Once Zheng Chengcheng touches any divine language memory fruit, he will be brain dead instantly!

Relying on the blessing of the ‘price card’, Bai Xinjue can read more forbidden memories on his own memory tree.

"Xiao Chengcheng, your characteristic as a 'God Fruit' may be 'chaos antibody'."

"Although I can't 'see' it."

"But I can feel that the 'God' behind you has planted a memory tree for you."

"It is because you have 'chaos antibodies' that it will be safer to plant the memory tree here."

"And He will most likely hang the corresponding 'chaos fruit' on you according to the strength of your antibodies."

After listening to Bai Xinjue's guess, Zheng Chengcheng also nodded.

Bai Xinjue, who got the affirmation, also continued her speculation:

"The more 'chaos fruits' He hangs on you, the more 'awake' He is."

"Although he is not 'completely awake', he can mobilize the 'divine power' that does not carry chaos pollution to protect you at critical moments."

The more experience Bai Xinjue has, the more beneficial it is for Zheng Chengcheng.

After all, she will face the 'unspeakable' sooner or later in the future.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she would of course ask all kinds of questions clearly!

"Master, since their power carries pollution, will there be any side effects if I let the tentacles devour their power?"

Bai Xinjue looked at Zheng Chengcheng for a few times, and then said: "If there are side effects, you should be assimilated into 'unspeakable' on the spot."

"Since it has not been assimilated, it means that your antibodies can ignore the side effects of 'divine power pollution'."

After getting a definite answer, the things that Zheng Chengcheng had been worried about for a long time finally came to an end.

Then, she told Bai Xinjue about Ye Shuanghan's situation and chatted with Bai Xinjue for a while.

Until Zheng Chengcheng had no questions to ask, Bai Xinjue condensed another memory fruit and hung it up.

Then, she tore the space and returned to Yuanxing City...

And at the moment Bai Xinjue left.

The price card in Zheng Chengcheng's body suddenly appeared!

It was obviously only the size of a playing card.

This scarlet card with a skull pattern can completely cover Zheng Chengcheng's vision!

Before Zheng Chengcheng could react, He split out a "white" tentacle and fell into Zheng Chengcheng's soul palace.

With the entry of this tentacle.

The original tentacle with "chaotic pollution" was purified in an instant!

In Zheng Chengcheng's soul space, the soul palace that originally looked gloomy.

It also became sacred because of this purification!

When the price card returned to Zheng Chengcheng's body.

She also got the idea of ​​"swallowing chaotic pollution".

This idea was not directly sent by the price card.

It was a harmless information indirectly transmitted through the "white" tentacle.

"Record the harmless information into the harmless tentacle, and then split it.As a reward to me? "

Zheng Chengcheng didn't have anything to worry about this information.

The memory tree is now located in her soul palace.

The possibility of the price card regaining 'awakeness' almost entirely depends on Zheng Chengcheng's 'divine fruit'.

Under this circumstance, Zheng Chengcheng didn't think the price card would do anything to harm her.

The only possibility is the act of 'swallowing chaos pollution'.

It is related to strengthening her 'chaos antibodies'.

"So... where should I go to find chaos pollution to swallow?"

The trace pollution contained in the air is definitely useless.

And the chaos pollution that follows the rhyme of the poison path and is unconsciously transmitted to Zheng Chengcheng is actually not that strong.

"Oh yes! Since these 'unspeakable' are all asleep. "

"Then why can't I take advantage of their sleep and steal their 'chaos pollution'? ”

All the ‘unspeakable’ are suffering from ‘chaotic pollution’.

Although they will not be grateful for Zheng Chengcheng’s stealing.

But her idea is indeed to ‘cure’ them.

So, when Zheng Chengcheng obtained the ability to steal ‘chaotic pollution’ through the cost card.

Her stealing did not lead to the resurrection of any ‘unspeakable’!

Because in their deep consciousness, Zheng Chengcheng’s stealing is beneficial to them!

Since it is beneficial, why do they need to revive and intercept?

In just a moment, Zheng Chengcheng, who exuded an ominous aura, suddenly fell to the ground.

“Your strength is still too low!”

“If I had exited the stealing state a little slower just now.”

“Nine out of ten times, I would have been assimilated into ‘unspeakable’!”

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