Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 181: Reed Richards

The transformation of aliens involves Cree genes. In fact, all aliens are genetic hybrids of Cree and Earth.

He is also a stranger, the Black Bat King does not need his life-threatening voice, and can use his physical strength to fly the stone man. In an angry state, he can beat the Omega mutants, the younger brother of Laser Eye, the emperor of the Shia Empire, and Vulcan Vulcan. Half the strength is lost to the normal Thanos, but it can also cause great damage to Thanos.

Compare with Daisy? Hehe, it is now very strong at the normal level, but there is still a gap like a gap with the Black Bat King.

Even if she was strengthened by the heart-shaped grass once, she should be able to beat Medusa, Gorgon and the others, but still lost to the Black Bat King.

As she explored the root cause, the only explanation was that her blood was not pure enough.

As the queen of the alien race, Medusa once announced to humans that the alien race was able to land on the moon 30,000 years ago, and that the opponent's scientific and technological capabilities ensured that the bloodline could be optimally processed.

Daisy lost directly at the starting line.

But she also has an advantage. In her memory, SHIELD still retains the corpse of a Cree, and that part of the gene is very meaningful to her.

In addition, Carol Danvers mixed Cree genes with a human body to become Captain Marvel. This experience can also be used as a reference.

The quantum bracelet that created the superhero quasar is also in the hands of Nick Fury.

Not to mention the Universe Rubik's Cube, in short, there are many SHIELD treasures, and she still needs to continue climbing.

"Miss, the Baxter Foundation intends to rent our supercomputer." Two days later, the maid reported to her.

Renting supercomputing and providing a service port is a very normal job. Many companies or individuals cannot afford supercomputing. Their method is to rent!

Daisy, who was tutoring Lorna in algebra, frowned slightly. The maid looked at her eyes and knew that she had never heard of this foundation.

She hurriedly took out the information to introduce to Daisy: "They support the development and innovation of young scientists across the United States. They currently fund 135 projects. The Baxter Foundation has now proven the existence of dark matter and has developed quad-core superchips. People drive cars, and theoretical research on space elevators has also been completed."

The lady maid flipped through the information, and when she saw the last page, she was obviously taken aback: "They are now studying the strengthening effect of cosmic rays on the human body..."

Ok? Daisy's attention was attracted. She rubbed Lorna's head and motioned to the other party and the little lion to go and play. She herself took the information and looked at it carefully.

After just two glances, she confirmed that the Foundation's cosmic ray project would eventually lead to the birth of the Fantastic Four.

The operating model of the foundation is different from that of the company. They accept gifts from all sectors of society and shareholders, then evaluate and fund potential targets, and return the results to the shareholders who paid the money after the project is successful.

The foundation itself does not generate income. According to the law, there are a lot of tax exemption and tax deduction policies, which is a legal method for many wealthy people to conceal their income.

Daisy flipped through it quickly. The other party wanted to rent their supercomputer port, and naturally they would hand over a plan that was not too detailed. This is supercomputing and not a video game console. In case it gets involved in illegal crimes, Dai West also has joint and several liabilities.

The application is fairly qualified, and the words used are not gorgeous. The current person in charge is Reed Richards, and everything is in the early stages of preparation.

"Help me ask the person in charge of the foundation to have a talk." She really wants the data from the other party's experiment. Shen Gunde's vision is very advanced. When everyone's eyes are still on the ground, the other party dares to set foot in the universe. Not to mention his courage...

Just a day later, Reed Richards brought his friend, bodyguard and driver Ben Grim to visit her villa.

Reid is still a scientist, tall and thin, with a gentle face. It is a bit difficult to talk about specific issues, because they don't have much money.

As an almighty scientist in the world, he supposedly should have nothing to worry about, but in reality he lives very tightly, belonging to the kind of person who breaks a penny into two.

No matter how high his intelligence is, he is still troubled by all kinds of trivial matters. Reed Richards owns a building called Baxter at the intersection of Madison Avenue and Forty-Second Avenue. It is said that the poor man is called Baxter. It's totally untouched.

Is it poor to own your own building in Manhattan? Daisy is an extremely poor household.

The fact is that Mr. Reid didn't mix well. His experiment was too expensive and he had to rent out the ground floor of the building while being in arrears for the four-phase mortgage of the building to maintain daily expenses.

Residents in the building often think his experiments are dangerous. Today’s rental situation is not good. In addition to funding some youth innovation projects from time to time, Mr. Reed Richards is the kind who seems to have food and drink, but is actually very Poor people.

"Two, please sit down." In order to appear serious and older, Daisy changed into a coffee-colored professional You should know that she can wear it casually at home.

After changing into professional attire, there was an episode. Little Lion didn't recognize who she was at first sight...

Reid sat calmly, and Ben Grim, the bald-headed man, carefully looked at the soup bag and made sure that the lion would not hurt people before sitting down next to Reed.

"Leasing the supercomputer and giving you a port is no problem from my point of view. I only need the supercomputer at night, and I can rent it to you by the hour during the day." She first explained her attitude, those in business There is no need to try and compromise with each other. He is a pure scientist.

Sure enough, Daisy was straightforward and won the favor of Reed Richards.

However, his expression is even more embarrassing. He feels that he is a bit too calculating. He specifically came to the door to get it right. Even if Daisy has a calculation purpose, the super calculation is still in a half-empty state, compared to the full schedule. With full of national laboratories and large consortia, Daisy is much easier to talk about here.

However, a more realistic problem lay before him. He has no money to pay the rent.

Daisy didn't know that Reid had no money. In her opinion, how could there be no money in such a big building? are you kidding me?

She seemed to unintentionally chatted with Reid about scientific topics: "What does Mr. Richards' cosmic ray project mean? I know that the earth's magnetic field hinders cosmic rays, but why do you want to observe this thing in the universe? This ray is just a proton, right?"

Hearing that Daisy did not continue to talk about money, Reid sighed in secret and yelled at the fluke. It would not be possible to let him lie face to face. If Daisy asked, he could only tell the truth. Now Daisy has not asked! His plan is to use the super-calculation first, and the money is just one word, drag!

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