Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 628: Thunderbird John

When the Avengers recruited new recruits, Daisy took the time to visit Kunlun, the so-called Danny Rand martial arts master, to prepare for the selection ceremony and then challenge the Shenlong.

He first defeated Lei Gong's son Davos in the selection, and then embarked on a journey against Shenlong.

Daisy glanced at the battle between Danny Rand and the three-year-old Shenlong and didn't want to look at it. This was completely bullying Shenlong's young age, right! ?

"Why don't you let your son inherit the position of Iron Fist? In my opinion, they are about the same strength." She asked Lei Gong strangely. This decision was puzzling to give away Iron Fist to outsiders and not to his own son.

The martial arts of Steel Serpent Davos and Danny Rand belonged to her in her opinion, but it was only because Thunder called the halt that Danny was judged to win. Actually, the fight continued. It is still unknown who will die.

"This is a matter of prophecy and Danny should bear this responsibility."

Lei Gong pushed the reason to the vague prophecy, and Daisy didn't quite believe it.

In her impression, the prophecies only say that the iron fist will bear countless tribulations in the future, and is not specific to a single individual. Whether it is the future destruction of the earth calculated by Sir Newton, or the road full of Zilaiyi to find the son of prophecy, all prophecies throughout the ages are It's vague, and it doesn't matter how you understand it.

Prophecy has always been a certain pronoun, a certain adjective, and it has never been named and said that someone did something on a certain day, a certain year, and a certain month. It is impossible and cannot be done so finely.

Lei Gong, who loves his son, picked his son out of this vortex, but his good intentions were not realized by his son.

Like a family, watching Danny Rand defeat the three-year-old Shenlong and become a contemporary iron fist.

After she turned the marinated egg into the former chief, Danny also changed the title of Daisy into the former Iron Fist.

After observing the ceremony in the dark, she heard that Lei Gong would give Danny an iron fist special training, so she went directly back to SHIELD.

Seeing that the Avengers recruit new members, Xavier School will also officially change its name to Jean Grey Youth Talent School in accordance with the will and will prepared by Professor Charles a long time ago.

SHIELD will also enter a new stage under Daisy's leadership.

Once the emperor and the courtier, this sentence applies to both ancient and modern times. Nick Fury entered the missing list, Daisy succeeded to the post of director, and some old agents chose to retreat bravely.

The most obvious is that Coleson, Black Widow, and Hawkeye have completely left SHIELD.

Daisy also welcomed the choice of several people. Her prestige was so high that it would be good for everyone to leave SHIELD.

If the old people leave, you need to continue to recruit new people.

Three-legged toads are hard to find. Two-legged people are everywhere. S.H.I.E.L.D. has officially stepped onto the front desk. It is no longer the kind of hidden organization that suffers from hardship and enjoys nothing. The great achievements of the stars need to be economical and economical, and honorable and honorable. It is not difficult to recruit elites.

The bald brother quickly recruited people according to the list she gave. The first report was a soldier of Indian descent who had just retired from the Marine Corps. Strictly speaking, he was expelled because he was a mutant. .

"Codename Thunderbird, Mr. John Proudstar, it was their loss for the Marines to give up you. Would you like to join SHIELD?"

Faced with her personal solicitation, the former Marine Corps soldier codenamed Thunderbird could not say anything to refuse. He was expelled by the army. He was at a crossroads in his life. Now he gave him a job in a convenience store, let alone a god. What about the shield.

But he still hesitated: "I am... I am a mutant."

Daisy pondered for a few seconds. In fact, she could call Katie the Phantom Cat to prove that her SHIELD also had mutants.

However, she had a good impression of Thunderbird. If there was no genetic mutation, he would become a very pure soldier, honest, principled, caring for his subordinates, and fighting forward bravely. These qualities remind Daisy of Captain America.

She said two more sentences: "Mr. John, when the Skuru invaded the earth, there was a very interesting word in their propaganda."

Thunderbird was a little surprised. Although the lady chief wearing a lady’s suit was very ordinary, her every move still gave him a strong power. It was completely different from the generals in the army. It could not be analyzed in detail, but he was very patient and did it. An expression of serious listening.

"Skuru say that change is sacred. Isn’t it interesting? I’ve been thinking these days that if the Skurus don’t withdraw, the status of mutants will be very high now. The reality is that mutants are not sacred. Ordinary people are not humble, and forcibly dividing the boundary between the two is just a short-sighted behavior."

After expressing her attitude towards mutants, Daisy changed her words: "What is your mutant ability?"

Thunderbird's description of his superpowers is very vague. His enhancement is like a comprehensive enhancement, sharp perception, advanced hearing, skin that is several times tougher than ordinary people, and the ability to fight in harsh environments~www. born soldier! This is Daisy's evaluation of him. Perhaps the Indians' hard-working, brave and good fighting qualities are solidified by their abilities. Seeing Thunderbird and Crossbones fought undefeated for more than ten rounds, she nodded with satisfaction.

Being a general agent wastes his abilities, and Thunderbird with thick eyebrows and big eyes is not suitable for some spying and lurking tasks. His abilities are very suitable for tackling tough problems. Daisy put Thunderbirds directly on the crossbones special team, and simply familiarized himself with the rules and regulations of S.H.I.E.L.D., and was able to play.

The second target rejected S.H.I.E.L.D.'s solicitation, and Daisy went directly to the door.

Some cowardly women opened the door tremblingly and found that Daisy didn't know herself. She wanted to close the door, but Daisy opened the door without saying a word and walked in.

The woman is timid and helpless, holding the table with her hands tightly for fear of falling down. This look makes the bald brother who followed Daisy full of courage. Look, there are still people who are so scared these days, more scared than me!

"Director, this woman named Mary Walker has no special abilities, but a very ordinary freelancer." The bald brother dare not say that your order was wrong, and said tactfully.

Daisy wears a long red trench coat and black boots, and she wears black super sunglasses, which looks cool.

She took a look at the interior furnishings. The layout of the woman’s house was very simple. The house was clean and looked a bit unpopular. The investigation by S.H.I. Know what she does.

Taking off her sunglasses, she looked at the cowardly woman in front of her, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it.

This seemed to be an ordinary woman, she refused to recruit S.H.I.E.L.D. without even thinking about it.


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