
Only silhouettes of people were seen.

Just like dropping dumplings, I started jumping into the sea.

But many people at the top are actually surprised in their hearts~.

He jumped from a building that was more than ten or twenty meters high.

Not only was there no pain at all, but….Not even a drop of water splashed.

Could it be that he is really a once-in-a-century diving genius? ?

It’s just a shame.

Today’s environment does not leave them much time to think.

The moment after the last person in the boat fell into the water.

The Bihaiyuntian restaurant is built on a huge sea cruise ship.

Also in an instant.

In a weird posture that flipped over again, it slowly poured towards the sea.

And there is no line of sight blocked by tall buildings.

People escaping to the sea.

I could clearly see the terrifying wave that was less than a hundred meters away in front of me!


“What the hell is this! ?”

“It was promised that Haiwei would come to pick her up, but why the fuck is it a tsunami!”

“Lose, lose, lose big! If you know that no matter what, you will die, labor and management should show off a few more Australian dragons!”

“Wuwuwu, mommy, save me, I don’t want to die yet..”

Shock! fear! despair!!

In the face of life and death.

Countless emotions instantly enveloped everyone’s hearts.

The cry of sorrow and pain resounded throughout the sky.

Looking at the roaring crowd on the sea.

Then he looked at the terrifying wave that was about ten meters high and was coming right in front of him.

Even Zhang Dewang and the navy guards who jumped down with the hostages could not help but feel bitter and despair in their hearts.

Others don’t know.

But they all have a clear mind. at the moment…..Except for myself, the first group of Tritons to board the cruise ship and capture the hostages. There are no other rescuers at all. Zhang Dewang looked at the huge ferry in front of him, which was already falling infinitely close to the sea level, and let out a long sigh:


“Before he died, he couldn’t smoke another cigarette.”

He can imagine it without guessing.

There is a large amount of gas leakage inside the cruise ship, and there are countless circuits densely covered.

Once the circuit area comes into contact with seawater, what will happen?…What a sea of fire and purgatory!

But before Zhang Dewang could continue thinking.

As a sea guard soldier’s instinctive vigilance, he suddenly felt as if something terrifying was coming from underneath him.


Zhang Dewang quickly lowered his head and looked into the sea.

But see….A huge bottomless mouth like an abyss was rushing rapidly from the bottom of the sea.

And he didn’t even have a chance to resist. His eyes were suddenly filled with darkness, and his surroundings were extremely slimy!


At this moment, even a calm person like Zhang Dewang couldn’t help but utter a curse word.


Labor and management have thought of ten thousand ways to die, but they have never thought of it…..It will actually become the whale’s ration!!

Inside the Yae Pavilion.

The audience, who happened to be cut off by the cruise ship, had no idea what was happening on the other side.

The scene in their eyes was – after Tang Lingman used the loudspeaker to notify the people on the ship to jump into the sea within one minute.

The entire cruise ship tilted in the opposite direction to them.

And after dozens of seconds.

The huge cruise ship was obviously about to collapse on the sea, but it was in an almost weird posture.

It collapsed towards him again.

Then….There will be no more.

At this time, the tsunami wave of more than ten meters stirred up by the huge group of whales has clearly formed a forward trend.

Even if the fish school stops.

They also rushed towards the cruise ship building.

Just a moment. boom–!

The moment the wave collided with the cruise ship.

An explosion resounded across the sky, deafening. at the same time.

The building quickly collapsed and disintegrated, debris flew everywhere, and a raging sea of fire rose into the sky along with the aftermath of the explosion. immediately.

The raging flames continued to spread.

Just for a moment.

The sea area with a radius of one kilometer was filled with thick smoke, and even the surface of the sea was boiling.

The water bubbles and steam rises.

Saw a shocking scene in front of the camera.

Yae Pavilion, this live broadcast room with tens of millions of people.

Suddenly it was as quiet as death, not even an expression could be seen anymore


A long while.

I don’t know who reacted first, and tremblingly posted the first barrage on the public screen.——

【Complete…Is it all gone? 】


Is it all gone?

Even if the distance is still far.

But the audience can zoom in to see the scene in the sea of fire as much as possible.

But no matter how they look for it.

All remain the same…Can’t find half a figure

“Woo woo…Miss Tang, brother…sorry….”


Seeing such a tragedy happening right in front of my eyes, I had no ability to stop it.

Qian Xiaochen and Du Xiaoyue both murmured with tears in their eyes. for a while.

They only felt that they had lost the strength to sit still, and fell down on Tang Lingxue, who was sitting in the middle.

“Are you okay?”Tang Lingxue asked carefully.

She was afraid of these two beautiful ladies.

If she fainted accidentally, then she really wouldn’t know what to do.

“No, it’s okay.”

Hearing Tang Lingxue’s question, Qian Xiaochen quickly sat up.

She blamed herself very much in her heart.

In this situation, it is obvious that Tang Lingxue, as her younger sister, needs comfort even more.

She herself…How can you be so vulnerable and let others care about you?

Thinking like this.

She held back the crystal tears that were about to fall from the edges of her eyes, and held Tang Lingxue tightly in her arms.

“Huh? Well…!”

The unexpected warmth and softness made Tang Lingxue dumbfounded.

Just as he was about to struggle, he felt his body shaking slightly.

“Sorry, Cher…”

Qian Xiaochen pressed his white chin against Tang Lingxue’s soft blue hair.

She bit her red lips tightly, her voice trembling:

“It’s all my fault, I can’t protect you…”


All right.

Tang Lingxue sniffed the faint fragrance on the tip of her nose, feeling helpless:”It seems….”

“At times like this, it’s better for me not to move.”

And the audience who looked at this scene in the picture felt even more sad in their hearts.


——I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable Miss Xueer must be right now!

——Labor and management must dig up the ancestral graves of these gangsters!

——Woo woo woo Miss Manman……

——It was all these damn people who smashed it, killing so many people at once

——Sister Manman is still so young, she…I could have walked away! (Crying jpg.)

——(white candlejpg.)

——(White Candlejpg.)

In grief.

The audience kept cursing the gangster who caused this accident.

Thinking of the many people involved who lost their lives because of them, countless netizens even had bloodshot eyes. at the same time.

Imperial Capital, Zijie Building.

The supervisor, who was staring blankly in front of the computer screen, was suddenly awakened by a rapid ringing of the phone:”Hello….?”

“Why are you still staring? Can this kind of scene be broadcast? Hurry up and cut off the live broadcast!”

“ah? OK, OK…”

When the supervisor heard Director Zhang’s furious voice, he suddenly became alert and quickly sat up, preparing to cut off the signal source of the Yae Pavilion live broadcast room.

But before he could click the mouse, there was another loud shout on the phone:

“Wait a moment! this…What’s happening here! ?”

At this moment, all the viewers in the live broadcast room saw the extremely shocking scene.

In the camera, accompanied by a mournful and dull whale cry, came from the depths of the sea.

And then. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sky was clear just now. Suddenly, streaks of purple lightning flashed and jumped from the wreckage of the cruise ship, followed by loud thunder!

, a heavy rain poured down from the sky.

Such a sudden and strange scene brought an extremely fragmented visual shock to the tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

——Whales scream, it rains heavily, this is…Does heaven and earth share the same sorrow?

——Heaven cries and people mourn! I didn’t expect that this legendary wonder actually existed.

——So what if it exists? The labor and management are so arrogant!

——Damn it! So many people have lost their lives, do you really think that just a few drops of cat urine can be forgiven? ?

——Compensate me, Manmannao Po, and give back the soldiers of Haiwei!!

If you see such a strange scene on weekdays.

I’m afraid anyone will be filled with emotion.

I even wanted to take a photo immediately and send it to Moments to post it.

Can be put to now.

It will only make the tens of millions of netizens who are itchy with hatred even more angry!


Just when a wave of barrages appeared in the live broadcast room, they had not all passed by.

But I saw that the scene under the camera had changed again.[]


On the already rough and uneven sea surface, a huge figure suddenly jumped up.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be a humpback whale with wings spread flat, a large mouth and a broad snout, and a body length of at least seven or eight feet. It jumped out of the sea from the bottom of the sea without any warning.

It is larger than many buildings.

Under the sunlight, it sparkles and is extremely bright.

And under its abdomen, the large shadow continued to shrink.

The huge and terrifying body fell into the water again, and suddenly there were waves and splashes. actually.

If only this giant whale jumped out of the sea, it would not be a rare scene.

But what left the audience dumbfounded.

With the appearance of the first humpback whale, the subsequent whale calls became more and more frequent, loud and clear!



Humpback whale, blue whale, fin whale, giant sperm whale……

A series of terrifying giant whales.

Jumping out of the sea one after another.

There are so many that they cover the sky.

Even the majestic torrential rain was somewhat blocked by them.



The azure sea surface was hit by giant whales that fell together, making waves and waves.

However, just a moment later.

Looking at the direction of these deep-sea giants that suddenly appeared and quickly fell into the sea.

The audience who were still stunned just now, as well as the official senior officials in the Yongcheng conference room.


I almost fainted from fright!

——I rely on my young aunt!!

——Big silly whale, what do you want to do?!

——Ah ah, labor and management only have to pay back Miss Xue’er, but there can’t be any more accidents!

——Anchor lady, let the great white sharks work harder!

——Brother Jaws, hurry up and give me some oil. I’ll feed you meat every day after I escape! (Cheers jpg.)


Totally crazy.

Such as the people in the live broadcast room.

I never thought that one day I would….He would actually place his hopes on the great white shark, which is famous for its ferocity and cruelty. but……

There is no other way!

Countless netizens looked at the picture.

As soon as he fell into the sea again, it was as if he had taken medicine. He was shaking his huge and terrifying body crazily and swimming towards the whales swimming towards the lifeboat where Tang Lingxue and the three girls were.

They only feel this moment.

My heart was in my throat, and I almost stopped breathing!

The audience couldn’t even imagine it.

What if the small boat floating on the sea, held up by the sharks like duckweed, was hit by a group of whales?

That would be a picture of such a miserable and tragic scene.

But sometimes.

The more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.

The audience just clenched their fists and stared at the scene in the camera with wide eyes.

But I saw the sharks carrying the lifeboats forward.

Not only did it not speed up, but it slowed down as if waiting for the giant whale behind it.

——Holy shit!!!

——Was he stabbed in the back by a shark?! ?

——I’m going crazy. Is there anyone from the authorities who can rush over and save me?

——well…!! There is no way to break this situation. Even if official personnel are sent there, the impact of so many giant whales will only add to the damage.��

——Can’t you drop some bombs or something?

——But……A weapon that can kill so many giant whales in an instant will inevitably affect Miss Xueer and the others who are so close.

——Does that mean just watching them die?

——hope…There may be a miracle. (Prayer jpg.)

To the end.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room no longer have the courage to look directly at the screen.

There are also countless people, all at the same time.

Choose to close your eyes and pray silently for the three women floating on the sea.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…… present.

Those water friends who choose to face their fears have a hearty experience.

What does it feel like to feel like a second feels like a year?

As time goes by, the giant whales on the screen continue to approach the lifeboat.

They also realized it.

Human beings are as small and fragile as ants in front of giant creatures in the deep sea.

It seemed as if just one touch from it would end up being shattered to pieces.

Yes, next second……

——fertile! Virtue! hair?!!

——Look, look, what’s in the mouths of those giant whales?

——Lord Etitian, that, that’s a human being! ?

——Still moving, someone is waving! These are definitely the people who just jumped off the boat!! (Shout jpg.)

——I see….It must be these giant whales that came just now and swallowed the people who jumped down into their mouths. On the eve of the explosion at Bihaiyuntian Restaurant, they escaped by diving into the water!

——I cried to death! Are these giant whales coming so far just to save people who have fallen into the water?

——But, have you ever thought about it….How could these giant whales know that a cruise ship was exploding and come here from unknown distances?

——Damn it!! Is that what upstairs means? ? ?

From great joy to great sorrow, and then from great sorrow to great joy.

Less than an hour.

The netizens in the Yaege Pavilion live broadcast room simply have a more exciting life than others!

And as everyone inferred and analyzed, they kept beating on the barrage.

They even thought of a terrifying answer that made people go numb— could it be that……

These marine creatures traveled thousands of miles to get here because of the two anchor ladies?

If that’s the case.

Then wouldn’t they…It really complements the roles of Fukalos and Funina that I played, two characters worthy of the name of the Water Goddess! ?

Mist grass!

Think of this possibility.

Countless water friends in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but swallowed their saliva.

What the hell…Shouldn’t we meet the real guy?

But before the netizens could recover from their shock.

On the screen, another whale cry suddenly came.

Looked in response.

But I saw that the whales were moving out of the way, and the waves were all diverted. then.

I saw a white whale calf with a white body and crystal eyes, and an exquisite figure standing on its back. heading towards…Travel to where the camera is..At..

Người mua: thanator1412

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