After You Xing commanded Lao Hu to select the crocodiles of the upper unit, both sides completed the first round of selection. After a short break, we will enter the second half of the BP link.

In the second half of the BP, the red side gives priority to banning people, so Youxing needs to continue to think about strategies.

First of all, the first three players of the sparring team chose the midfield combination of Qinggang Shadow and Jace Taishu in the top laner, while Circus chose the bottom lane combination of Varus + Renata, and the crocodile in the top laner.

There is no need to worry about getting on the road to the line for the time being. As long as Lao Hu is not a desert man, heroes like Qinggang Shadow can't beat crocodiles in the early and middle stages, after all, it is the crocodile's strong period.

And a poorly developed Qinggang shadow is also difficult to quickly get out of key equipment and enter the single-belt rhythm. The big tree is not particularly good at cooperating with the jungler of the green steel shadow, so it's no problem.

At the moment, the sparring team has not come out of the bottom lane combination, and Circus has not selected a midfielder. The next BP should mainly go to the bottom of the sparring team.

"Ban off the little yellow hair.

You Xing thought for a moment and chose to leave the fourth hand ban position to the little yellow hair Ezreal, which is EZ.

The skill set of Xiao Huangmao EZ makes him a common anti-pressure AD choice, and he can withstand the pressure of the opponent's strong line combination. You can even use flexible skill sets to make the opponent worry about the benefits of crossing the tower, and win the opportunity to wander for your own support.

There is a good saying that the end of a single row of AD is Ez. Because of the ADC treatment of the passerby bureau..... Indeed, to the point of not being worthy of being called human. Therefore, an ADC like Ez, which can pick up garbage and eat by itself, has become a good choice for mixing.

Moreover, a well-developed Ez can also provide strong poke ability in the medium term, which is very suitable for the poke system of the pair of Jace Big Tree, and pulls out the space for the single belt for the female spy through consumption.

After You Xingban dropped EZ, the sparring team didn't move for a long time.... This made You Xing feel very puzzled, and she immediately picked up her mobile phone and contacted the middle laner of the sparring team in the captain's group.

"What the hell, these people......."

Since You Xing was just sending a message and didn't open the voice, it was no problem for her to mumble a few words in Northeast dialect. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the message from the other party on the screen.

..... That's what happened. Because the adc of the sparring team suddenly wanted to have fun and frying, he... Just now when I wasn't in front of the computer, it timed out.

“..... Let's reopen the room when he comes back, and just keep the BP as it was. If

You Xing turned on the voice, then even the sparring team on the other end of the screen could hear her sigh. It's really lazy donkey..... I won't talk about the second half of the sentence, it's not very elegant.

When the ADC of the sparring team came back, You Xing also pulled up a room again, maintained the original BP, and restarted the game.

Maybe the sparring team really didn't feel embarrassed, so they had already discussed BP while they waited, and they didn't need to continue thinking after the restart.

The sparring team decisively banned Niko. Ban Nicol is not to be messed with.

Although Niko has been weakened now, it is still a mid-laner choice with a fast line clearing speed, and the strength of the line is definitely enough, and it can also be used as a group position to find opportunities to end the game in waves.

Niko is also a hero who is often used in the rank record of the Wandering Star, which is probably also aimed at the ban. Hiss.... You Xing doesn't feel very good.

Although this represents the attention of the family in the live broadcast room, the 5ban mid-laner is inevitably a bit too targeted (8)! Even if she can play a lot of things, she won't be so targeted!

" The fifth hand banluo bar.

You Xing sighed lightly and used his last ban to block the opponent's support hero.

The hero chosen by Circus for the adc Xuan Ge is Varus, who has no displacement. Even with Renata's protection and reversal, it is easy for the other party to catch the opportunity to press to death and die violently.

Therefore, the assistance that can be used to open a group needs to be limited. Nonosuke's swinging Ruil has already been banned in the first round, and between Titan and Luo, Yuxing chooses to block the more flexible Luo.

Although Titan's R [Deep Sea Impact] is a stable lock to fly, the Titan is easy to be called a Muggle during the lane period, and with an adc that is not strong enough, it is equivalent to going to jail.

But Luo can use the skill set to maintain the state of the lower lane combination, and when he enters the group stage, the flexible Luo also has a better chance to find his own flaws. Don't forget the classic 10,000 economic clockwork Luo ...... a few years ago

Came to the last hand of the sparring team. Well, they finally didn't continue to ban the mid-lane hero of the wandering star, but banned the current version of the strong rhythm jungler Daruma .... Oh, I'm sorry, it's the blind monk.

Probably because they think that they can suppress the mid laner online has been banned, so they choose to ban the jungler. After all, Jace didn't have a displacement either, and if Jace, the core of the lineup, was kicked off by a roundhouse kick, it would be really difficult to do.

The second round of banning is over, this time with the red side choosing one person first. Maybe.... You can choose it this way.

"Shen Mo, can you choose AP Jungler?"

You Xing looked at Shen Mo, who was sitting on his left side. According to the plan she set, in order to fill the damage composition of the lineup, it is necessary to silently choose an AP jungler - because she intends to choose AD mid laner to deal with Jace of the sparring team.

"Yes. Rock Sparrow, Spider, Bright Moon, Lilia.... These are fine. If I need to be the main output responsibility, then I can also choose Dead Song. "

There are a lot of heroes that Silent can play, and naturally these AP types of junglers are also included. Whether it's a rock finch spider looking for a chance, or a dead song Lilia who is biased, as long as the star needs it, then he can use it. It just depends on whether the version is suitable or not.

"I had a point, pick this. You

Xing reached out and patted Shen Mo's shoulder, choosing one for him.... In the current version, there is almost no jungler - Udir.

"What kind of idea is this?"

Seeing Udil, who had chosen the jungler position on Youxing's side, it was the turn of several members of the sparring team to feel confused.

It's not the same ...... it was then The version of the three mysteries of Xiao Yan Tianhuo in the wild area, Udir has been weakened whether it is AD Tiger Flow or AP Phoenix Flow, and it is not as strong as when it was first revised.

However, when facing a jungler like a tank like a big tree, Udir can still rely on the advantages of fast farming speed and strong ability to fight in the wild area to invade strongly, perhaps Youxing chose Udir for this reason.

This is not a common position selection at the moment, so the sparring team now feels that BP is a little difficult to do - because they can't guess what kind of mid-laner You Xing will choose from the counter position on the fifth floor. It's probably a fox, right? With Udil, it's also a kind of zoo, maybe it's planning to catch Jace in Nakano?

"What do you want to use AD?" In

the voice channel, the midlaner of the sparring team asks what hero his ADC wants to use. But..... The unique ADC of the horse suit, there are probably only a few heroes that will be chosen.

"Give me Samira! choose this!"

you see, it did. The two ADCs that Mafu ADC is best at are Kaisha and Samira. Hehe, it's so manipulative.

However, You Xing didn't have any position to complain, after all, Brother Xuan was also a Shuangsha unique brother before, and it was only because of You Xing that he tried to expand the hero pool.

After the sparring team has selected the ADC female bandit Samira, the next step is to choose a support that can match Shamira.

Hard assistants such as Titan or Japanese Girl are indeed suitable, but if these two hard assistants can't catch the right opportunity to drive to Varus online, they will be hit by Circus's bottom lane combination and become mentally retarded. Then you can only settle for the next best thing and choose an assistant that can break your head online.

It can be used with a samira to provide control, and it can also be combined with a long hand to assist in the line.... The most suitable is definitely the crow. In the hands of Erné, Noxus will be a good man again.... Sorry, I misremembered the lines, but this is the opening of the electric baton recorder, not the original line of the crow.

"Well.... Just right. "

Red can't get the advantage of one pick, but it can get a solid counter on the fifth hand. After seeing the other party's overall position, You Xing felt that she had chosen this hero.... No problem for sure.

"Wait a minute, I'll look for it.

You Xing cut the hero selection screen to the jungler - after all, the hero she wanted to use had been kicked out of the middle lane by the designer for a while.

Among the heroes in the jungler position, You Xing finally locked the Nightmare Demon Teng.

"This number also has the skin that the box opened.... It's just right to use.

Along with Nightmare's classic line "Embrace the darkness", You Xing switched the skin interface and replaced Nightmare with the skin of the prehistoric era of Blue Flame Nightmare. Treasures from ancient times are now on sale.

"Xingxing, is it really okay to choose this?" Brother

Xuan felt that You Xing's choice was unstable! After all, You Xing rarely used AD type midlaners in the usual rank. What's more, because the mid-laner nightmare has been the favorite of the competition for a while, it has naturally been favored by the designer - Xiti weakened.

Brother Xuan felt that Nightmare was no longer suitable for playing mid-laner, so he specifically asked You Xing if this option would work.

"Trust me, no problem. It's too suitable to use it to hit the opposite side.

You Xing stretched out his finger and poked Brother Xuan's face, which made Brother Xuan's face a little red - but the current You Xing didn't think it was an important thing. It's just a way for friends to communicate.

"Okay guys, it's up to everyone's efforts. Xuan, you're out of AP. "

I'm not going to play Varus. Brother

Xuan triggered the AI voice again. When someone asks ADC player AP Varus, they should also answer "I can't play Varus", otherwise they will be washed by Godzilla's atomic breath.

"It's not you, buddy..... You're damned. Don't force me to record this passage of yours and post it in Uzi Chao's words, you are waiting to be cyberbullied with a group of Godzilla. They're going to come and kick you in circles, and I'll lock the door.

Although You Xing said this, her speech also seemed to be disrespectful to a certain top ten player, which was undesirable. Successful people will teach her to be a human being.

"I don't think we should continue to talk about it.

Shen Mo smiled slightly awkwardly - this is naturally because the game is about to start, if You Xing continues to debate a certain top ten player with Brother Xuan in the Dongbai dialect here, the preparation time will run out.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot to get down to business!"

You Xing raised her hand and stopped in mid-air, coughing twice and returning to her normal game state.

"How do I feel a little bit at a loss....."

Brother Xuan also avoided the fate of being pulled by You Xing because of his silent timely clearance, but he felt a little pity when he thought about it. It's okay to be a boiling sheep, but don't become a shaker, Xuan ......

"Old Hu, I feel that we have been separated from their communication. Assisting

Ansheng tilted his head back and looked at Lao Hu, who was sitting at the other end. Although there are only three people between the two of them, Shen Mo, You Xing and Brother Xuan, it seems to be separated by the Milky Way.

"I feel the same way.

Lao Hu nodded, he really didn't understand why the three of them talked so much, is this the advantage of young people?

In this way, although there were many episodes, You Xing and the others still ordered the pre-game talent and summoner skills, and officially loaded it into the game.

Nightmare's passive [Nightmare Blade] has a recovery effect, but the recovery effect on the online is not enough to see. In this game, the star is on the line with Jace in the middle of the sparring team, and the long hand is in the single.

Short hands play long hands, and the line period naturally needs to resist pressure. You Xing also chose the firm system in the talent sub-department, pointing out the double recovery.

As for the main talent, it must be the deadly rhythm of the precision system and the choice of the conqueror, both of which are very suitable for the primitives of the nightmare... Mechanism. However, instead of choosing a lethal rhythm, You Xing pointed out the conqueror. It also has to do with her train of thought.

And the choice of small talents is more conventional, perseverance and legendary joy are very suitable for nightmares. But You Xing was a little different in the choice of small runes in the first row, she did not choose triumph, but pointed out that she was calm and relaxed.

It's because of ..... Nightmare this hero, it.... It's a smart one, and it's very blue. The jungler position has the recovery effect of the jungler egg and the blue buff, so it doesn't seem to be so lacking in blue. But the blue volume of online nightmares has become a problem that has to be paid attention to.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, You Xing chose to be calm and relaxed. In this way, when Jace's skill level is not lit up in the early stage, he can use his skills to grab the right to the line with Jace and win the opportunity to wander in advance.

And Jace is a hero who has a high growth in the classics, but has a relatively low initial stats. The Nightmare of the Wandering Star has the recovery of Dolan Shield + double recovery, and it can basically push the line against Jace's damage in the early stage.

Tears of the Goddess.... It's not necessary, as long as you can get the Iron Spike Whip, then even if You Xing has a lane advantage, he can use the strong period of the Nightmare to the first piece of equipment [Advance Breaker] to torture the opponent's side fiercely.

Of course, all this .... You'll have to wait until the official start of matching. It is not enough to talk on paper, but it must be flexible in actual combat..... That's it.

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