Under the soft lighting in the coffee shop, Shi Han's complexion was still white and her appearance was delicate.

The facial features are also softer.

At this moment, she still had a smile on her lips, and even her two watery eyes curved into crescent moons.


Shi Han gently plucked the strings with his fingers and hit the strings with his hands to make rhythm.

A simple and sweet melody sounded as cheerful as Shi Han's mood.

The water friends and guests watching could not help but close their eyes and gently shake their legs to follow the beat.


The soft and melodious voice sounded, as if singing with a smile, reaching everyone's ears.

"The sky really wants to rain, and I really want to live next door to you."

"Standing stupidly downstairs in your house, raising your head and counting the dark clouds."

"If there was a piano in the scene."

"I will sing to you, even if there are many basins of water pouring down..."

Just sang a part.

Water friends who were watching the live broadcast in front of the computer screen were immediately struck by this cute and lively female voice!

It is different from the first "Insect Flying".

What’s wrong with the song I sang this time? Not only the melody and lyrics, it’s really more relaxed and enjoyable!

Listen to this song.

Water friends think of a girl who has a crush on them. Before it rains, she appears downstairs in her house, looking at the dark clouds and looking at herself.

If there is a piano.

The girl will also take advantage of the heavy rain to sing a song to herself...

This picture has a very youthful feel.

The water friends who had prepared tissues to wipe their tears finally relaxed and began to listen to the singing with smiles on their faces.

"Summer is almost over, please buy less ice cream."

"Don't wear short clothes when it's cold, and stop being so naughty."

"If not so happy sometimes."

"I am willing to lend you Gromi. You actually understand my intention..."

Shi Han continued to sing to the camera with a smile on his face, and his little head nodded gently to the beat.

Summer, shorts, ice cream.

Three simple words create a picture of late summer and cool autumn in everyone's mind.

September, which represents autumn, is coming.

It is indeed the season change, and I can think of the girl who has a crush on me at this time, and her sincere care for me...

It’s just that everyone doesn’t know what Gromi is.

Maybe a dog?

Lend it to a boy to keep warm?

In an instant, some water friends with rich imagination have already imagined a youth romance TV series based on the only lyrics...


"Da da la da la da, da da la da la da..."

In the coffee shop, Shi Han was still gently strumming the strings and humming the melody in time.

Then came the end of the song.

"Singing this song for you has no style."

"It just means, I want to give you happiness."

"I will thaw the glacier for you and be a moth flying into the fire for you."

"Nothing is unworthy..."

Thaw the glacier for you?

The water friends were stunned.

This picture should be particularly beautiful. I am willing to thaw the ice for the person I like. Nothing is not worth doing for the other person.

Simple and straightforward lyrics, but a little touching...

"Singing this song for you has no style."

"It just means, I want you to be happy."

"Tossing and turning for you, why not give up the world for you."

"The coolness of late summer and autumn brings a little warmth, and there are colors of the changing seasons..."

The singing is over.

Some water friends who listened to the song were still immersed in the scene described by the song.

This is a cheerful and refreshing confession song, but it also carries a somewhat middle-aged vow from a girl's perspective.

Thaw the glaciers, give up the world or something...

It may seem childish now, but it is extremely innocent language.

Let everyone feel loved.

sounds amazing!

It sounds like I have traveled back to many years ago, to the time when I was writing homework and listening to songs.

At that time, everyone was still very young.

I still have my hair, and it hasn’t become ugly.

There are also girls who ask themselves out to play...

Thinking of the past scenery and stories, some water friends expressed their youth with a faint smile.

"Ah! It seems like the story of my first love in the past. She often came downstairs to my house and asked me to go out to play. Unfortunately, we didn't get together in the end..."

"I'm almost the same as you! But the ending is different. My first love has been married for a long time, and now we are still watching Shi Xiaohan's live broadcast together!"

"What NTR scene..."

"Every time I see you feeling emotional while listening to music, I'm so envious!"

"Why does everyone have a girlfriend? It's not fair!"

"No, no, no, there's no heat, then you're single..."

The last time Shi Han finished singing, a water friend who had countless ex-girlfriends appeared in the live broadcast room.

This time, here’s a buddy from school uniforms to wedding dresses.

It took a long time!

The only ones injured were single water friends, and it was the kind of critical attack!

After listening to the song, everyone started cursing after watching the barrage.

But his eyes turned to the picture.

The water friends who were still feeling aggrieved suddenly became stunned...

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