Transformation: Start With Delicious Food And Become The Strongest Female Anchor

Chapter 71: Someone Is Unconscious! Classic Security Guards Maintain Order!


The group of two-dimensional enthusiasts who were still surrounding Lin Xuan turned their eyes when they heard the movement next to them.

Then it was discovered.

The Keqing cosplayer who was still wearing a mask just now took it off at some point.

Revealing that flawless face.

It’s just that every move she makes is completely like Harumoto Haru!

So beautiful!

In an instant, everyone around him subconsciously ran away in the direction of Shi Han, ignoring Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, who still didn't know what happened, was also stunned.

Then he turned around and looked.

Only then did I see Ke Qing who had taken off her mask. No, it was Shi...

Originally, Lin Xuan was still scoffing.

This highly restored costume is a waste when worn on Shi Han. He doesn't even dare to show his face. What's the point of coming to the comic exhibition?

Even thought about it.

Why don't we discuss it with Shi Han later and sell it to her at a 50% discount?

After all, wearing such a good outfit on her would be a waste, so she might as well keep it as second-hand...

I deserve this outfit better than she does!

But now.

The people nearby left one by one, and Lin Xuan only saw Shi Han's face.

Now she realizes how wrong she was

But Lin Xuan was still a little unwilling. Even though there were still a few people left beside her, she stared at Shi Han in the distance without any concealment, with resentful eyes.

It's all because of her...

All my own eyes were attracted to her...

04 Lin Xuan, who originally had an innocent smile, suddenly became so terrifying.

This startled several men nearby.

"Wasn't this woman quite cute just now? Why has she become so scary?"

"What can be done? It's not just a woman's jealousy! Let's go over there and take a look!"

"Hurry up or you won't be able to squeeze in!"

"It would be nice if I could shake hands with you. Anyway, it's through gloves, so it should be fine!"

Listening to the comments of the people around him, he ran away from her and headed towards Shi Han.

This made Lin Xuan's resentment grow stronger and stronger...

At this moment.

A group of people rushed over to surround Shi Han, squeezing away Tang Zixuan who was still nearby.

Tang Zixuan finally came back.

I want to protect Shi Han.

However, because Shi Han's COS was too realistic, Shi Han glanced over and raised the Wind Eagle Sword in his hand slightly, which made the people in front of him stop involuntarily.

Everyone was a little scared.

This is not going to give everyone a shitty swordsmanship, right?


If you can really use it.

Being hacked by a sword doesn't seem so hard to accept.

When everyone was intimidated by Shi Han's eyes and stood still without rushing forward.

Shi Han withdrew his eyes and gently put down the Wind Eagle Sword.

Now the people around him breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he slowly became bolder.

Start admiring.

At this time, Shi Han still had the same purple ponytails, cat ears, and purple classical skirt, and the decoration had not changed at all.

But take off the mask.

The small nose, the slightly pouty mouth, and the cheeks with a little baby fat are obviously not angry and intimidating, but they look a little cute.

The combination perfectly suits Keqing's rose-shaped face!

It seems.

It’s really like a two-dimensional character appearing in the third dimension!

The noble and gorgeous Yuhengxing, the capable and unrestrained executive, the mature and sexy person in power, and the graceful grace of the beautiful girl.

These multiple mutually exclusive elements are inherently difficult to control.

But in Shi Han's case, there was no conflict at all.

The spirit is in harmony!

Everyone was stunned as they watched.

Among them, several young men in the front row were both excited and restrained, shouting at Shi Han.

"Wife Keqing! I love you! Ahhhh!"

"It really seems like... If my head hadn't been quite clear, I would have really thought that Ke Qing appeared in front of me."

"Can you take a photo with me, Master Keqing! Please!"

Listening to requests for photos from people around me.

Shi Han nodded slightly.

"Yes, but you have to wait a while, because I have already promised to others."

Before taking off the mask, Shi Han had thought about this happening, so he didn't resist much.

As long as she doesn't get flushed...

In Wing Chun, ten is okay, but dozens or hundreds are a bit overwhelming!

Shi Han also understands the principle of first come, first served.

There was a little photographer sister who had been waiting for a long time next to her, so Shi Han decided to take a few photos of her first.

The little sister who was the photographer was the most pleasant surprise.

When Shi Han was still wearing a mask just now, she was waiting.

Can wait until now.

What we were waiting for was Shi Han, whose appearance, temperament, and even his face and voice were absolutely exquisite!

As a result, her hands were shaking a little while holding the camera.

After taking some serious photos.

The little girl who took the photo was a little embarrassed.

"Sister, can you do some action?"


Shi Han made a standby action, first closing his legs, and quickly stretched out his hands to adjust his collar.

Then she gently lifted up the peacock feathers at the hem of her skirt.

The legs opened slightly again and returned to their original position.

The relaxed and capable movements make people feel elegant just by looking at them.

It gives people a feeling of full of heroic spirit.


The people watching nearby couldn't help but exclaimed and shook their heads in sighs.

This is too beautiful and magical!

But it hasn't stopped yet.

While Shi Han returned to his original state.

Open your lips lightly.

He said slowly in a clear voice.

"I am Keqing, Yuheng among the Seven Stars of Liyue. The time for change has come, and the order that has been maintained for thousands of years is about to be rewritten.

"Would you like to witness this historic moment with me?"

When Shi Han read this line.

The onlookers were shocked and looked like they couldn't believe it, but they were immediately followed by ecstasy.

Others started stamping their feet.

"Oh my god, this is so cool!"

"Cousin, what is Keqing?"

"You little kid is really rude, don't call me something, call me cousin! Otherwise I'll spank you!"

"Ah Qing! They lied to you! In fact, you are very ugly. They just want to steal your money! Come home with me..."

"Ah, my heart can't bear it!"

2D depth enthusiasts have started howling straight away.

In the past, making such a sound would make passers-by feel very disgusted, because no one could understand your XP.

But this time.

Passers-by didn't say anything, they could only praise.

Because no matter what character Shi Han cosplays, as long as he is beautiful, he doesn’t care about so much!

The atmosphere at the scene has not yet cooled down.

Shi Han, who has already entered the state of acting, does not feel that he is not the best at all.

Started to recite lines belonging to Keqing.

And make some moves.

"Ha...the weather is so nice, and work has just come to an end, why don't you... go shopping?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"If you feel you are right, you should speak up and act resolutely. This is the philosophy of life that I have always implemented."

"What the carver said is..."

"The light of the sword is like mine, cutting off everything!"

“Classic offal chef, haha!”

When Shi Hannei reads a line or performs some actions, the atmosphere of the scene will be taken to a higher level.

And among the crowd of onlookers, there are still many people who will respond to her.

Suddenly Shi Han stopped talking.

He quickly and sharply picked up the Wind Eagle Sword and swung it forward.

Then he leaned down.

He knelt down on one knee and drew a sword light around him, which made the onlookers feel dazzled and had to scream and cover their eyes.

Wait until you open your eyes.

At the same time, Shi Han's purple skirt fluttered slightly and stopped in mid-air for a while.

When you stand up, the skirt slowly returns to its original position...


In the end, Shi Han did a lot of moves, and all the heavy blows were executed perfectly.

But the Pixie Sword Technique that comes out of the second stage of basic attack.

But there is no trace at all...

Obviously I just passed!

But even so, the people watching nearby were very satisfied, and all kinds of shouts and whistles came one after another.

The lively atmosphere also attracted many passers-by to stop. 613

And at this time.

Due to the huge momentum here, it also attracted the attention of the security team of the exhibition hall, and five or six security guards were quickly sent to check.


The last time Shi Han went shopping, the young security guard he met was also there.

After the security team confirmed that nothing major happened.

They left collectively.

Only the young security guard and two middle-aged security guards were left here to maintain order.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

Shi Han's "performance" has lasted for several minutes.

But even senior game enthusiasts and otakus who claim to be Keqing's husband can't find a single difference between Shi Han and Keqing.

The only one there is.

It's just a difference in the different dimensional worlds.

And some 2D enthusiasts who had been waiting early in the morning were already impatient to take photos.

So he started shouting excitedly.

"Master Engraver, stop reading! Can we take a photo with you?"

"Okay, but you have to do it one by one, don't make a mess."

The two-dimensional enthusiasts nearby nodded very obediently and really started to behave in a orderly manner.

Each time, one person stepped forward to take photos.

After filming.

Shi Han would also smile slightly and shake hands gently with the friends who came.

Even through gloves, friends shaking hands can still feel the warmth and softness of the catkin inside the gloves.

Younger boys may even blush.

The same is.

Every buddy who came over to stand next to Shi Han and took a group photo felt so happy that they left excitedly after taking the photo.


When a fat man who looked like a high school student stood next to Shi Han.

Smelling the fragrant fragrance on Shi Han's body, my eyes were a little blurry.

"Thank you."

Shi Han still thanked the young fat man in front of him like he treated everyone else.

But it's time to shake hands.


The little fat man's eyes turned white and he fell to the ground...

The young security guard next to him twitched his eyes.

Why does this scene feel so familiar?

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