Good thing.

Making this smooth egg and shrimp rice was quite fast, and soon the second batch of customers received their rice.

Pick it up and run away immediately.

Hurry up and go home for dinner! If you stay here, someone will rob you!


Sometimes it was Tang Zixuan, sometimes Tao Xinyi or Fu Ling, who came out to take the lunch boxes back and forth.

Each customer received their meals one after another and left the coffee shop happily.

But the strange thing is.

But the line still hasn't gotten shorter.

Even though they know that the hope is slim, there are still many water friends who do not believe in evil and want to try their luck and see if they can buy one.

After all, one hundred copies!

If Xiaohan loses count and sells a few more copies, wouldn't they have a chance?

But it turns out.

They still think too much.

With the hard work of four people in the coffee shop, Shi Han, they made fifty or sixty servings of egg-shrimp rice.

When there are thirty portions left.

Tang Zixuan went out of the shop again and handed over the prepared smooth egg and shrimp rice to the customers.

At the same time, he said to the team with full apology.

"Sorry everyone, there are still thirty portions of egg-shrimp rice left. Customers who want to try it after the first thirty in the queue will have to wait until next time..." "Six, six, seven"?!

Originally, this was a time when many people were uneasy.

I was afraid that Shi Han would tell me at any time that the rice with egg and shrimp was sold out and they would queue up in vain.

It's now!

Immediately, the sailors at the front of the team began to report their numbers subconsciously.


Every time the number reported is within thirty, the guest who reported the number will breathe a sigh of relief, and the worried expression will disappear and be replaced by excitement!

It goes on like this.

When they heard the number twenty, the guests nearby became nervous again.


A girl with a pretty face pointed at herself and said in disbelief.

I feel dizzy!

If there is really no chance, forget it, there is only one chance, it will really make people feel crushed!

But there is no way.

A hundred copies means a hundred copies.

After being sad for a while.

Led by this girl, the other water friends dispersed one after another.

Including latecomers, as soon as they reach the back of the queue, they will be reminded by the people in the queue, and then they leave in a low mood.

This scene fell in Shi Han's eyes.

It's also a bit sad.

She understands the mood of these water friends very well. She also understands the pain of not being able to taste the delicious food in front of her eyes.

But after all, she is alone now.

A small shop that can accommodate up to twenty people.

How can it withstand so many people!


When I first opened this store, it was mainly for ticket fun and system tasks, with no intention of turning it into the main business.

But look at the longing look on the guest's face.

Shi Han suddenly felt.

This responsibility and burden seems a bit heavy...

Get the thoughts out of your mind.

Shi Han continued to prepare the remaining meals, put them in the lunch boxes brought by the guests, and took them out the door.

One hundred copies soon.

Officially sold out!

Shi Han finally breathed a sigh of relief after completing the task.

Sit down and rest for a while.

At the same time, he shook his sore wrist.

At first she used two pots to cook, but she found it was a little slow, so she added two more pots in the middle...

Four pots operate together!

So now it takes just over an hour to finish all these 100 portions of rice!


There was some sweat on Shi Han's forehead, and some hair strands hung down and stuck to his standard oval face. Even his eyelids were slightly drooped, and there was tiredness in his almond-shaped eyes.

Sitting on a chair, drinking water, panting slightly.

It's inexplicably alluring.

The picture is transmitted to the live broadcast room.

Originally there were people who said they would continue to do it, but now they have kept their mouths shut.

The whole opening process tonight was completely watched by water friends in the live broadcast room!

Shi Han basically never stopped.

Operating four pots together requires not only energy, but also mental calculation time.

So it’s normal to be tired!

"I feel sorry for Xiao Han! You must be exhausted. I'll give you a little golden man. Don't dislike it!"

"That's it, take a good rest. Don't open the store tomorrow. Don't exhaust your body!"

"What the are so proud that you didn't make a reservation for tomorrow's dinner!"

"I feel so tired just looking at it! I feel so sorry for sister Xiaohan!"

Concern for water friends.

Shi Han smiled: "It's okay, just rest."

There are still several customers eating in the store now. As long as they are well entertained, the business can be stopped.


Except for Shi Han, the other three people are also very busy today.

But I'm tired.

Absolutely no Shi Hanti.

So while Shi Han was resting, Fu Ling and Tang Zixuan still served the guests attentively and did this last step well.

Tao Xinyi helped pour a glass of water and served Shi Han noodles.

"Han meow, have a glass of water."

"Thank you."

Shi Han took a breath and smiled slightly.

Then he took the water, raised his neck and drank the glass of water completely.

After putting down the water glass.

Looking at the live broadcast camera, he smiled tiredly.

"Okay everyone, I've never been so tired. I forgot to interact with everyone. I'm really sorry.

Listen to Shi Han say this.

The barrage in the live broadcast room became more enthusiastic and intensive.

"No, no, no! Xiaohan, take a good rest! It's good to regain your strength!"

"That's right. I also said that there is no limit to the quantity. If it is really unlimited, it may not be sold out until tomorrow!"

"Indeed! This benefit, which is limited to 100 copies and does not require an appointment, is better to be distributed once in a while, not frequently! Your health is important!"

"Although I am very reluctant and want to eat it, I agree!"

Seeing these considerate water friends speaking.

Shi Han also smiled softly: "Don't worry, I will give you benefits again next time I have the opportunity.


There was a barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room. There were too many to count and it was dazzling.

Tao Xinyi next to her was dazzled by what she saw.

A lot of money!

But for Shi Han, this is just a small matter.

However, she still used a tired voice to thank the few IDs that could be seen clearly. She swiped the ID too fast and couldn't help it, so she slowly stopped.

After chatting for a while.

Several customers in the store also left one after another.

Shi Han also said: "Okay, it's not too early now, because I have to send two classmates back to school today, so I opened the store a little early."

"I'm turning off the live broadcast now. Let's see you tomorrow night~~"

Everyone knows that Shi Han is very tired...

Therefore, the water friends did not try to persuade him to stay, but began to say goodbye to Shi Han.

And at this time.

Suddenly a barrage with special effects flew past.

[Wan Chongsha]: "Shopkeeper Xiaohan! I will go to Donghai tomorrow. I wonder if you have time to receive this bad old man like me in your middle age?"

When Wan Lao appeared in the live broadcast room.

The water friends who were about to leave all stopped.

Then he sent the barrage with a smile.

"Hahaha! Wanlao, how many female anchors have you watched? The barrage has special effects!"

"Wan Lao is my idol. When I grow old, I will also watch my sister's live broadcast!"

"I'm not talking about Wan Lao, you can't just go and get food without making a reservation just because you are an old man [Goutou]"

[Wan Chongsha]: "Young man, if you don't respect martial ethics, who will say that I am just trying to make a living? I am going to do something big! To do something big that benefits the country and the people!"

After Wan Lao said this.

The water friends here are all curious about what Wan Lao is going to do. It feels like a big battle.


No matter what everyone says, how to find out the bottom of the story.

They were all blocked by Wan Lao, who said "confidential" lightly.

"Okay Wan Lao, I'll meet you at the coffee shop at noon tomorrow."

Shi Han also noticed something.

However, she still said tiredly, then said goodbye to everyone again and exited the live broadcast.

The moment you exit the live broadcast.

The fatigue on Shi Han's face disappeared, and he stood up and jumped around, stretching his muscles and bones.

The three people next to him looked confused.

"Shi Han, aren't you very tired? Now..."

"I'm pretending."


Listening to Shi Han's words, the three people next to him almost fainted.

Good guy.

Everyone was fooled by this little girl!

Tang Zixuan was the first to react, and her original expression of astonishment was replaced by surprise.

"Just get used to it. This girl is very good at acting. I've been deceived by her before.

"No, I'm still very tired, but it's not that serious."

What Shi Han said this time was true.

But this time no one believed her. After hearing this, everyone rolled their eyes in unison and said they didn't want to pay attention to her.

Sit for a while.

It's getting later.

After Shi Han finished resting, he took the car keys and drove the two girls back to Dongda University.

Shi Han was quite satisfied with these two roommates.


She had heard of an incident involving four people in a girls' dormitory, who created a group of intrigues in various permutations and combinations.

But now it seems.

This thing would never happen in their dormitory.

After saying goodbye to the two of them.

Shi Han rushed home.

Because he was a little tired, Shi Han went to bed not long after taking a shower.

I slept until noon.

After waking up, eat lunch made by Tang Zixuan.

Shi Han went downstairs and opened a coffee shop, waiting for Wan Lao's arrival.

Twelve o'clock.

Wan Chongsha and Wan Biao arrived on time and entered coffee shop C.

The three of them sat down.

After the polite greetings, Wan Lao coughed twice and got down to business.

"Shopkeeper Xiaohan! The reason why I came here is just like last time, for the West Lake vinegar fish."

"I plan to use 10 million to buy your formula. I wonder if you are willing..."

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