"Lin Ling, you're back, where did you go in broad daylight?" When he got home, his brother Lin Haoran, who was already at home, asked, the small round table was already full of several dishes, this time his manuscript was passed, in order to celebrate, it was rare to order a takeout and spend more than a hundred oceans, and I wanted to be happy with my two sisters.

"What about Lin Xin?" Lin Ling said, sitting down at the table and helping to set up the meal.

"I called her, because the part-time job in the evening is busy, and it will be later to come back, so let's eat first. Lin Haoran sighed and said, as the saying goes, the eldest brother is like a father, but as a brother, he is very unqualified, he can't let his sister forget about brocade clothes and food, and even a worry-free life is a little difficult, but fortunately, this time the manuscript was officially signed, and the editor believes that it has a lot of potential.

"Hmm. "I didn't say anything more tacitly, the brother and sister started to eat, leaving a small half of each dish, mainly because they were afraid that Lin Xin would not have to eat when they came back, this is already a tacit understanding between the three brothers and sisters, and the meal must always be left for those who have not come back, life is not easy and cherished.

After a meal, Lin Haoran went to code words, Lin Ling also sat in front of his notebook and opened the web page to start coding words, and at this time, the touch-screen mobile phone that took out hundreds of yuan vibrate, and a message popped up, 540 opened the mobile phone screen and looked at the message, it was a message sent by the staff of today's talent show, Lin Ling's interview passed, let Lin Ling come again tomorrow to participate in the final exam, and after passing, she can go on TV to participate in the official draft.

"I'm back! brother, sister. More than an hour later, Lin Xin came back with her schoolbag, then sat down at the dining table, fed herself food and ate directly, and went to take a shower directly after eating.

"Lin Ling. "

"What's wrong? "

"Make me a cup of coffee. "

"Good. "

got up and walked towards the kitchen, Lin Ling sighed, in the past few years, my brother has been able to endure it, and ordinary men are afraid that they will directly turn into wolves, and after Lin Ling went to the kitchen, Lin Haoran acted, and directly rummaged through Lin Xin's underwear at the door of the bathroom, and soon returned to his position, and began to go crazy with code words, after all, he is a writer with H master, and he usually only relies on network resources, and Lin Haoran's only contact is only two sisters, but since it is a material, it can't be so blatant, so it has always been secret.

"Brother, your coffee. Lin Coffee (CHCA) was placed on Lin Haoran's table.

"Well, thank you. Taking a sip of coffee, Lin Haoran put on the illustration, a picture that has no way but looks like a slow color, the style of the underwear is according to what Lin Xin wore just now, but it has been changed, and the ordinary pure white fat times have changed into attractive white buds.

After Lin Xin finished taking a bath, it was Lin Ling's turn, and then it was time to go to bed, Lin Haoran slept very late, Lin Ling slept with Lin Xin first, and after finishing today's work, Lin Haoran looked at the two sleeping sisters, and couldn't help but come to the bathroom to take out the changed underwear, and after more than ten minutes, he threw the clothes back to the washing machine with satisfaction, and came to the position next to the two sisters to lie down and fall asleep.

This situation has lasted for more than a year, did Lin Xin find that Lin Ling didn't know, but everyone didn't mention these things very tacitly, but Lin Ling said she understood, after all, Lin Haoran is 22 years old, and it's already very good to be able to endure not to do anything to her sister but just vent to her clothes, there are many men chasing the two sisters, Lin Ling has not been a house girl since she became an otaku, Lin Xin is still very popular in school, and she is also a well-known school flower at school, but she has never been in a relationship with anyone, and is known as the goddess of cold Lori.

When I got up the next day, what should the three of them do, Lin Xin went to work, today is the weekend, you don't have to go to school, you can work for a few more hours and get more money, Lin Haoran continues her illustration work and code word life, Lin Ling also wants to stay at home, but there is a draft today, so I said to Lin Haoran and left the house after saying something to go.

Coming to the building, compared to yesterday's situation, there are a lot fewer people today, but there are still a lot of people who have passed the interview, and everyone is concentrated in the open space, because the interviewers have not yet come, everyone is doing their own things, making phone calls, practicing dance, practicing voice, Lin Ling is finding a quiet corner to sit on, compared to other people's glamorous dress, Lin Ling's dress is very old-fashioned, but there is no way, there is no money, but no one can compare to himself in appearance, which is full of gratification.

"Assemble, everyone! Today's retest is about to begin!" More than ten minutes later, a staff member shouted at the crowd with a loudspeaker.

Soon, everyone gathered over, looking at the dozens of girls in front of them, the staff continued: "Today's interviewer for you is Director Gao Peiqing, but you have taken the famous director of Orcas, I think everyone has heard of Director Gao's deeds, I won't express them one by one, now please get ready, the first to follow me." "

Hearing that it was Gao Dao, everyone seemed very excited, Lin Ling said that he didn't understand, anyway, it would take some time for his turn, Lin Ling used his mobile phone to search the Internet to know how good this Gao Dao was, not to mention the Orcas Award, he has also won more than ten other well-known awards, and he is not yet 30 years old, and he is also a well-known songwriter, known as the youngest phenomenal director, and the entertainment company organized by this draft, he occupies 30% of the shares of Tianxing Group, is the second largest shareholder, and he is also very handsome, Many people think that he may be a base, after all, there are many women chasing him, but I haven't seen him have intimate contact with anyone.

And this time the full name of the draft is the Idol Revolution Show, the initiator is this Gao Dao, from the folk audition, generally speaking, in the re-examination stage, such a big man should not appear, I heard the staff say that Gao Dao is a local, so this re-test, Gao Dao will appear, and the specific reason is probably only known to Gao Dao himself.

didn't let Lin Ling wait too long, and soon came out one by one, everyone's time is different, most of them come out with a smile on their faces, and they seem to have passed, and soon they came out either crying or their faces were gloomy, and they were obviously brushed off, when it was Lin Ling's turn, there were not many people present, and there were currently five people who passed, and no less than twenty or thirty were eliminated. _

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