"Are you awake? How did it feel in the past? Was it as smooth as velvet, or like washed cotton..."

"You're talking too much nonsense! He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, since he was an enemy, he had nothing to say, so he directly pulled up his blindfold, the contract was still there, and Charles called directly: "Sebastian! I'm here! Come over immediately!"

"It's really decisive, it's beautifully done, you can still keep yourself in such a distorted past, you are filthy now, but as long as you remove that thin layer of skin, there will be a glorious existence of abandonment. Ignoring Charles' call, Angel jumped in front of Charles, hooked Charles's chin and said, "Do you want me to help you change that filthy and ugly past?"

"No kidding! Charles slapped the other party's hand, I don't know what's going on, obviously he has already called, but the contract didn't reflect according to his own intentions, is it because the other party has done something or because of other factors that make the contract unusable?

Without words, Angel directly stretched out his hand to cover Charles's face, and the next moment, Charles fell into darkness, and then what came into view was the painful memories in the depths of memory, the day when the Vandôme Highway Mansion was burned, the day of the death of his parents, everything around him felt extraordinarily real, and then what was even more peculiar was that his parents appeared, and they were still alive, and then the scenery changed, and the burning mansion 540 Mansion changed into a field of flowers, and the sky was full of scattered white feathers, which looked exceptionally beautiful, but Charles knew very well that all this was false, and it was an illusion made by Angel。

"Master!" The room in the library where the marquee theater was placed was opened, and Sebas, Greer and William rushed in, and the sight of Charles who was lying on Angel's lap and fell into a coma, and the marquee on Charles's chest was flooded.

"His past is now being rewritten, purified of innocence and purity. "


"No one wants to hate, and so does he. Angel had a winning expression on his face, he had reached this point, and Sebas couldn't stop it.

"Young Master!"

"How superficial, even if you forcibly stop now, the past in that child's body will not only not be corrected correctly, but will also become an existence that cannot be established as a human being. William spoke, stopping Sebas's impulse, and there was no way out of it.

"Yes, to become innocent. Angel smiled triumphantly.

"I'm going to be purified, my young master..."Sebas's mood became a little complicated, if Charles gave up his hatred and was rewritten in the past, then how should he deal with himself in the future, and at this moment, the situation changed.

The marquee that originally slowly emerged began to quickly recycle into Charles's body, and Charles also broke free from Angel's arms and floated into the air, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Angel's rewritten power was stopped by Charles' own will, and then all the marquee lights returned and disappeared, Charles's body lost the power to float and began to fall, and was caught by Sebas who reacted.

"What a mess!"

"Sebastian... I..."

"You have always made me see more than I ever imagined, and I am worthy of my soul... No, it's my young master. Looking at Charles with a tired face, Sebas sighed.

"Ding! Sebas's opinion has been increased by 5 to 70, please keep up the good work. "

"What an unclean heart, terrible, depraved, sinking, and lightless, it really shouldn't be kind to you, let me purify you here!" Angel's face was angry, this change was really unexpected, and it could even be said that it was unexpected, ordinary people actually forcibly broke the angel's spell with their will, just like the sun rising in the west, which is a fantasy, but it really happened, or was forcibly changed.

"I'll be your opponent!" Putting Charles down, Sebas took out his knife and protected it in front of Charles.

"The noise in the library is under the jurisdiction of the Grim Reaper, and we're going to be on it too, Greel Suttcliffe. William said indifferently.

"Oy!yes" Grell took out his little scissors and walked up together, and a three-on-one situation was formed.

"Sebas, this is an order, kill it! "Charles ordered with a contract in this action (CHCA), this time Sebas is by his side, the contract has been successfully launched, and Charles doesn't want to drag on complicated things, it will be very troublesome.

"Yes, my master!" Sebas understands that Charles is already serious, for so long, Charles has used the power of the contract very few times, so as a deacon, he naturally has to behave well and relieve his master's worries, even if the other party is an angel, he will be killed today.

"Okay! Please borrow it before that. Pushing a cart full of books, the funeral house came to the bookshelf not far away and began to work.

"Sebas!!" Not paying attention to this scene, Charles urged Sebas, if such a good opportunity let the other party run, it would be troublesome.

"Yes!" Immediately throwing his throwing knife, Sebas rushed towards Angel.

On the other side, because the guy in the funeral house suddenly appeared, Greer's undisciplined pervert was directly fascinated, for Greer's rude style, William had to strictly correct it, the original three-on-one directly became a one-on-one between Sebas and Angel, the space in the library is large enough, and there are no other ordinary people here, the battle between Sebas and Angel can be let go, as for the losses caused, Charles is too lazy to care so much.

"You seem busy, so let me start with the monastery to clean up the unclean, and show you what will happen to this filthy world. Dodging Sebas's attack, relying on his ability to fly, Angel turned on the teleportation again, and a cloud of white light opened up behind him.

"Are you going to run away again, you won't be able to get away with it!" Sebas jumped against the wall, quickly approaching Angel.

But the next moment, a thin sword was pulled out from somewhere, Angel sneered and looked at Sebas who couldn't borrow strength in the air, a sword stabbed at Sebas's heart, although he barely twisted his body to dodge, but his left arm was inevitably pierced, and then fell from mid-air.

Seeing that there was no one blow to kill Sebas, Angel didn't care, no one stopped him, turned around and entered the white light and disappeared into the library, and then everyone found that they couldn't get out, and the angel's enchantment had been set up here, so it can be said that everyone has been trapped here, and it takes a lot of effort to crack it, and when the time comes, the daylily will really be cold, and the monastery must have been cleaned up by Angel early.

And at this time, it's the turn of the funeral house, after all, it's the legendary Grim Reaper, there are always some peculiar methods, even if they are now in retirement, it's not comparable to the new Grim Reaper like Grell and William, relying on the Marquee Theater of those people in the monastery, using a pen to continue the next interrupted part, and directly teleporting Sebas, William and Grell and Charles one after another. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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