The more you love someone, the more you will be in love.

So for Mu Cheng, it doesn't matter who she sends a text message to.


Although she is acting, she doesn't want to give others the feeling of misunderstanding, after all, she was a boy in her previous life.

The three major illusions in life, "she likes me".

It is very easy to get carried away.

So now the content of this text message needs to be carefully worded.

The girl is sitting on the swing chair in the entertainment room on the first floor.

The snow-white gauze skirt is gathered on top, revealing a pair of delicate and jade-like calves.

The two little feet are shaking and swinging gently.

The crystal clear toes are slightly curled up.

Mu Cheng seemed to be in a daze, unconsciously pursing her lips, occasionally puffing up her little face, like a little hamster stuffed with food.

This scene made countless viewers in the live broadcast room feel their heartbeats speed up and thump.

Orange is so beautiful!

She just sat there, like a person walking out of a painting!

[Ding! Host, please open your heartbeat choice! ]

Just when everyone was admiring this girl, a voice suddenly sounded in Mu Cheng's mind.

She was also slightly stunned.

[Choice 1: Send a heartbeat text message to Lin Yi, and reward efficient bank business processing methods! ]

[Choice 2: Send a heartbeat text message to Yu Jin, and reward basketball skills master level! ]

[Choice 3: Send a heartbeat text message to Wang Helong, and reward sales eloquence proficiency! ]

[Choice 4: Send a heartbeat text message to Huade, and reward Douyin account exposure quickly! ]

[Choice 5: Send a heartbeat text message to Jiang Junhan, and reward French proficiency! 】

Ah, this... there are actually five options!

This is definitely the most common choice since Mu Cheng got the system.

The girl herself was a little surprised.

Then, look carefully at these choice rewards one by one.

After a moment, she already understood.

The choice this time is to send a heart-warming text message to someone, and you can get a reward related to the other party's profession.

It feels quite interesting.

Well... choose four, Mu Cheng thought about it, it seems that only this reward is more suitable for her.

After all, the six songs she recorded were all posted on the Douyin account.

All she needs is an opportunity to be exposed and popular.

But, what should the content of the text message be?


At the same time.

Just when Mu Cheng was slightly dazed.

Others in the Heart-warming House were also thinking about who to send the heart-warming text message to and what to send.

Or for a few boys.

This is not difficult.

After all, they all have candidates in their hearts.

But several girls were confused, especially Miaomiao, who was lost in thought.

Why can't they send messages to people of the same sex?

But anyway.

The program team only gave everyone about ten minutes to send heart-warming messages.

So soon, the live broadcast room was divided into ten small screens.

Everyone pressed the send button.

Observation room.

Seeing this scene, several people at the scene couldn't wait to reveal the answer.

And on the small blackboard pushed by Teacher He.

Everyone's headshot had a line drawn to another person.

That was the heart-warming connection they guessed.

"Come on, reveal time!"

Chunye clapped his hands, looking excited.

Others were also looking eagerly, waiting for the answer from Teacher He.

Teacher He understood their anxiety and smiled: "Then come on, director teacher."

As soon as the voice fell.

The big screen in front suddenly switched to playback, and the live broadcast screen was placed in the corner.

I saw...

The first one to be revealed was Lin Yi from the boys' side.

The person he sent a text message to was a cute orange avatar.

"Yeah! We guessed it right!"

Everyone in the observation room was very excited and high-fived each other.

Everyone had a smile on their face.

Although everyone knew the answer, they were still very happy when the answer was revealed.

It was just like an exam.

"Come, let's see what Lin Yi sent."

Cyndi's words instantly made everyone put away their excitement.

They turned their heads and looked.

[Lin Yi: You are still so beautiful today. ]

Oh my~

Everyone looked at each other, with an auntie smile on their lips, still~so~good~~~

If the conditions did not allow it.

They all wanted to make that emoticon action.

"Hurry up, next one."

Wang Yanlin came back to his senses and urged, his eyes full of gossip.


He was also very obedient and cut it directly.

The second one was Yu Jin.

He also sent a cute avatar to an orange.

Yeah, I guessed it.

Although everyone was very happy this time, they were not as excited as at the beginning. Instead, they were more looking forward to the content.

[Yu Jin: If there is a chance, I want to try the breakfast you made. ]

He sent a text message, probably because he remembered what happened in the morning.

At that time, the two had a chance to spend time together alone.

But the girl only had breakfast in her eyes.

Moreover, she also disliked the boiled eggs and broccoli he made...

"Next one, next one!"

"Another orange!!!"

In fact, no one was surprised about the person the boys sent text messages to, as it was almost the same as what they guessed before the beginning.

Three people sent it to Mu Cheng.

Jiang Junhan sent it to Wang Yuchen, and Wang Helong sent it to Liang Qiaowei.

Emmm, someone guessed wrong here with Wang Helong.

Meng Ziyi thought at first that this guy would also send it to Orange, but he didn't expect it to be to Qiaoqiao.

Fortunately, she obeyed the majority.

That’s why the team didn’t answer wrong.

“Okay, then we all guessed correctly on the boys’ side, and now it’s the girls’ turn.”

Teacher He continued to host the process and said with a smile.

At the same time, the big screen also cut.

It turned into a pink text message frame.

The first one to appear was Liang Qiaowei, and she sent a text message to Wang Helong.

Dongfang Xiang was surprised: “Hey, they sent it to each other!”


Everyone was also slightly stunned, and then they couldn’t help but sit up straight.

Staring at the screen intently.

[Liang Qiaowei: You have taste, you actually like to listen to Ling Jing (snickering/)]

“This should be about the songs they listened to in the car, right?”

“Yes, Ling Jing Band, their songs are very nice.”

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but start barrage.

"Good taste!!! I like Ling Jing too!"

"Damn, I thought I was a bit of a minority, but I didn't expect everyone is the same."

"Ahhh, just because we like Ling Jing, we are good friends!"

Of course...

Only a small part of them are excited.

More viewers are still looking forward to the content of other people's heart-warming text messages, especially Chengzi's.

Who will she send it to!

The director continued to cut the screen, and then Wang Yuchen and Chen Jia did not disappoint everyone.

The two girls sent them to Jiang Junhan and Lin Yi respectively.

Just as the guests in the observation room guessed.

So, now only Miaomiao and Mucheng are left.

As long as they are the same.

They can get the small gold bars awarded by the program team.

You know, this is real!


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