The two of them were so excited that they had to wait for the new girl to come.

However, they didn't wait for them to continue discussing this topic.

Suddenly, at the door of the restaurant.

There was a crisp sound of high-heeled footsteps.

"Here it comes!"

"Could it be a beauty?"

"Wow, a lady in a white skirt!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was instantly excited, and they wanted to open the screen and get closer to see what the new girl looked like.

And the boys present.

They also took a deep breath.

They looked at each other.

Finally, as Yu Jin stood up first, the others immediately stood up and greeted each other gentlemanly.

"Welcome, welcome!"


The boys took the initiative to say hello.

The lady in the white skirt also smiled and nodded generously: "Hello, how are you."

"Come, please take a seat first."

Wang Helong smiled.

The lady in the white skirt pointed to the two seats in the middle: "Is it here?"

"Yes, we thought you might not be familiar with it when you first arrived, so we left a seat for everyone to get familiar with quickly."

"Okay, thank you."

The girl smiled at Lin Yi, she was new here.

I have a good impression of this boy at the moment.

He is handsome and tall.

Everyone exchanged a few words in a slightly restrained atmosphere, and then sat down again.

The boys were all sneaking glances at the new girl, or openly looking at her.

She is also a little pretty.

She is dressed very fashionably.

She obviously chose the clothes carefully to attend the appointment tonight.

The white tube top dress, although it is a bit unsupportive, at least she is more than 1.65 meters tall, and looks very thin.

The audience in the live broadcast room was not as nervous as the audience on the scene.

The atmosphere was always lively.

They kept chatting.

"It's okay, she looks like a sister type, and her appearance is not low."

"If I saw this kind of beauty in the past, my eyes might light up, but now there is Chengzi, I feel that other girls are not pretty enough."

"Upstairs, I am exactly the same as you!"

"Alas, there is no rabbit, why does she keep covering her collar."

"Isn't it... Are you polite? Grab the bamboo shoots!"


For the audience, in fact, the first impression of seeing this young lady is just one sentence.

Not as pretty as Chengzi.

Then, everyone began to lose interest.

I thought that the female guests that the program team would find in the future might have high appearances. Not to mention better-looking than Mu Cheng, at least better-looking than Liang Qiaowei and Miaomiao.

Unfortunately, reality is very skinny.

This young lady just makes everyone feel pretty, that's all.


"My name is Wang Keyu, what are your names? Can you introduce yours?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little quiet.

The lady in the white skirt took the initiative to speak.

Looking at everyone.

Everyone reacted at this time and introduced themselves one by one.

"Lin Yi."

"My name is Jiang Junhan, Jiang is the Jiang of the Yangtze River, and handsome, and has connotation."

Old Jiang, who was sitting opposite Wang Keyu, made a little joke at the right time, which made the atmosphere instantly relaxed.

After that, other people also introduced themselves.

Wang Keyu nodded and wrote down their names one by one.

After a while, she was a little curious: "So how long have you been in the cabin?"

She has not watched this show.

It's completely blank.

And now, she is also constantly inquiring about everyone's progress.

After all, if all the boys present have their favorite objects, how can she play?

Huade was sitting next to her. Hearing this, he laughed: "We have actually been in the cabin for a month."

"Ah? Really?"

"Yes, this is the last meal... No, no, I'm just kidding you."

After a little joke, Huade immediately became serious: "We will be here for about a week."

It seems that there is still a chance.

Wang Keyu thought to herself.

She felt that even if the pace of the love variety show was fast, a week would not be able to decide anything.

After a few jokes.

Everyone slowly let go of themselves and talked more and more topics.


Another footsteps appeared outside the restaurant.

"It seems that someone is coming again."

Yu Jin looked over first.

Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to the unique marble path in the restaurant.

You can see this

The girl was also wearing a dress, light blue, a bit like the sling that Mu Cheng wore before, and was walking over carefully.

Because this marble path was laid on the surface of the artificial lake.

The girl was also wearing high heels.

If she sprained her ankle accidentally, she would definitely fall down.

So everyone at the table didn't disturb her, but just stood up and waited for her to come over quietly.

"Hello, I'm late, sorry."

"Hello, hello, it's okay."

"Yes, I got here a little earlier than you."

"Please sit down."

Needless to say, there was another round of greetings.

Everyone introduced themselves again.

The last girl to come was Liu Sijun.

She looked prettier than Wang Keyu, at least she was recognized by the audience in the live broadcast room.

When everyone was present, the dishes would naturally come up.

The waiter brought the exquisite French Western food and let everyone enjoy it slowly.

Then they kept looking for topics to talk about.

"What year were you born?"

Someone started asking the two girls.

Wang Keyu wanted to playfully say 'guess', but Liu Sijun had already said it, and said with a smile: "I was born in 1999, so I'm not the oldest among them, am I?"

"Same as you, what year were you born?"

Jiang Junhan took over the topic and asked her.

While cutting the steak, Liu Sijun whispered: "I was born in June."


The three boys present suddenly said two words in unison.

This change.

The girls were confused: "What's wrong?"

Yu Jin quickly explained: "Nothing, there's just a girl in our cabin who happened to be born in June."

"Oh, so that's it."

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

It became very subtle.

Lin Yi felt that this couldn't be done, and had to change the subject.

He accidentally glanced at the piano placed next to the artificial lake and said with a smile: "Does anyone know how to play this?"

"Well... I can, but maybe not many."

Wang Keyu replied with a smile.

Lin Yi immediately glanced at her and glanced at the piano: "How about?"


The girl's heart moved. In fact, when she came in.

She saw the piano.

But she didn't take the initiative to say it.

That would be unreserved.

And now, it seems that it is her chance to perform.

"Okay, then I'll play one."

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Wang Keyu stood up and walked towards the white piano placed in the artificial lake.

Everyone was also very supportive, following her footsteps, applauding and cheering.


Because the atmosphere here is too awkward.

I feel uncomfortable all over!

"Well... I will play and sing a song I like recently, it's called "Mermaid", please forgive me if I don't sing it well."

Wang Keyu was a little confident, she sat at the piano and started playing.

But she didn't notice it at this moment.

All the boys' expressions were a little confused.


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