The truth is, it's not a big deal.

Mu Cheng naturally wouldn't blame this little girl for her mistake.

It's not a big deal.


Looking at her cautious look and not being familiar with the people around her, you can guess that she must have just entered the workplace not long ago.

She was very afraid that she would be scolded and wronged because of her mistake.

So, Mu Cheng just smiled warmly and clinked her hot milk tea with hers: "Cheers~"

"It's quite hot today, don't you want to drink iced milk tea?"

"I'm on my period, sister..."

She was on her period, but she brought one iced and one hot milk tea. If Mu Cheng hadn't said she wanted to drink iced milk tea, she would have drunk it herself. Alas, it's a bit silly.

The girl felt a little touched, but she didn't say it.

She just whispered: "Go and have a rest, don't care about those little things~"


Looking at Mu Cheng's figure leaving, the girl only felt that the milk tea was warm, and her heart was also warm.

The orange she saw.

Exactly the same as in the show.

Pretty and gentle.

After shooting the commercial, Mu Cheng chatted with everyone here and took a simple rest.

On the other side.

On the basement floor of the villa, the band and the flute teacher were still rehearsing the accompaniment of the new song that Mu Cheng had given them.

Mr. Wu was here, working on his computer.

He listened to the accompaniment over and over again.

But he never got tired of it.


Not only him, but even his assistant Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sigh.

"The songs written by Chengzi are all good. I feel that this new song is another song that can dominate the charts."

"Haha, her talent is really amazing."

Mr. Wu stopped what he was doing and smiled to show his approval.

He also admired the talent of this girl in his heart.

How did she do it... Just the accompaniment can make him feel like he is in a world of flowers, with the fragrance of flowers and the figure of Mucheng in his mind.

Especially the flute, this instrument is really the core of this song!

Originally, the four band members.

I didn't feel it when playing with other instruments.

But as soon as the flute was added.

It felt like the song was injected with soul instantly.


Just as everyone was savoring the echo of this song, a crisp sound of high heels came from the stairs.

Then, a girl's sweet voice came over.

Everyone turned around.

Only to see Mu Cheng, wearing that off-shoulder light tulle gradient dress, strolling towards this side.

Step by step, swaying gracefully.

At a certain moment, everyone was subconsciously amazed and stunned for a moment.

Until they saw the corners of the girl's mouth blooming with a smile.

Then they quickly came back to their senses.

Even Mr. Wu blushed.

He didn't have any other thoughts, but he was really stunned by Chengzi's beauty.

To be honest.

It means that his son is already married.

Otherwise, he must be eager to match this girl to be his daughter-in-law!

"Have you finished shooting up there?"

Mr. Wu directly closed the computer and asked with a smile.

Mu Cheng also chuckled: "The shooting is done. I ordered milk tea for everyone. They are all resting now."

"Yes, it's good to let everyone rest. I haven't stopped today."

"And you've spent money. I'll reimburse you for the milk tea later."

"It's okay~"

"I treated them to it, and you have a share."

Okay, okay, Mr. Wu laughed immediately.

But since that's what he said, he didn't continue to be polite, because he knew that this girl was not short of money.

After chatting for a few words, the two started other topics.

"Then Chengzi, see if there are any other arrangements. Just tell me and I'll ask someone to do it."

"Well... no hurry, I'll practice with the band first~"


Mr. Wu nodded.

So, the three of them came to the decorated concert area.

Only now.

The originally empty and deserted place has been decorated with colorful balls by the staff, and there are even some "orange" shaped ones falling from the ceiling.

Very nice.

And several musicians in the band, as well as the flute teacher of the Magic City Drama Academy.

When they saw them coming, they all stopped playing.

The flute teacher looked at Mu Cheng and smiled, "Mr. Mu, your new song is great, another masterpiece!"

Some songs are just composed.

She has already

I already know the value of this song.


It was written by Chengzi.

It must be good!

Hearing this, Mu Cheng just smiled and responded, then clapped his hands: "How about teachers, let's rehearse it ourselves first?"

"Okay, sure!"

"I'll start from the second eight beats, right?"

"Yes, Teacher Liu~"

The girl slowly walked to the piano and sat down. Seeing this, the others quickly got into the state.

Teacher Liu... the teacher who played the flute.

She held the brown flute in her hand.

Put it to her lips.

Ready to go.

After a while, as Mu Cheng gently pressed the keys, the drums sounded at the same time, followed by the guitar, bass, etc.

The keyboard player didn't do anything, he was more involved in the interlude.

So, it ended at the first eight beats.

The important part is here!

Mu Cheng and Teacher Liu exchanged glances, and the next moment, the flute's vocals also sounded here.

Instantly injected soul into the entire accompaniment!

"Still, all the flowers bloom"

"Distant, clear love"

"The sky is depressed, but love likes it"

"At that time, I didn't understand, this is called love"

"You like, stand...."

When the girl's voice sounded in this world that seemed to be in a sea of ​​flowers.

Instantly, everyone was amazed by her singing.

Originally thought that the accompaniment was already the peak.


The lyrics she wrote for the song are the real soul!

Several band members looked at each other, only to feel a tingling scalp, and the whole person was numb by her immersed singing.

But fortunately.

Although everyone was extremely shocked by this song at this moment.

But it still played the instrument very steadily, bringing out its essential timbre, allowing Mu Cheng to continue singing.

This scene.

The pupils of Mr. Wu, who was watching silently beside him, also slightly dilated.

He only had one sentence in his mind now.

Tomorrow's live broadcast is stable!

The show effect.

Absolutely explosive!!!


It was a little after seven in the evening, 701 of the Heart-beating House.

"Is Chengzi not back yet?"


"Then how about we eat first, leave some food on the plate, and come back to heat it up for her later."

"Okay, I'll do it."

Liang Qiaowei got up and went to the kitchen directly.

She actually knew that Mu Cheng would be very busy today, but she didn't know.

Will this girl come back after dinner?

So some should be left.

At the same time.

In the live broadcast room of "Heart-beating", millions of fans were also bored and posting comments at this time.

"Teacher, why hasn't my Chengbao come back yet? I miss her!"

"I feel that Chengzi is so strange today. She went out early in the morning and hasn't been seen since."

"Is it possible that the program team has found a new male guest and asked her out for dinner alone?"

"But that doesn't make sense. We who watch the live broadcast can always know the content of the date."

"That's right!"

"Friends! Friends! Big news! Chengzi's Douyin has just been updated!!!"


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