In order to prevent Tang Shi and Tang from confessing, they went to the police station in two separate cars.

Along the way, Tang Shi held her chin with her hands, her eyes looked at the scenery speeding by outside the window, her calm and relaxed expression and calm demeanor all showed her strong heart.

Everyone knows that the more fearless the person, the deeper the background. Li Tao’s daimyo is thunderous in some departments of Fengcheng.

It was planted in the hands of this girl’s bodyguard, which did not put Li Tao in his eyes at all.

Such a girl, they must also be treated carefully, God knows what her background is, and if she can’t get it right, it is the result of immortal fights and mortals. This kind of thing has not happened before, and everyone pays more attention to it.

The ancestor returned to the sect obtained by opening the treasure chest lay quietly in the system inventory of Tang Shi, and she could sign the documents at any time and become a member of the Tang family, which was the main reason why she did not panic in her heart.

When she arrived at the bureau, Tang Shi was not taken to the interrogation room for interrogation, and a female policewoman was assigned to take notes for her. Ask about what just happened.

Tang Shi did not hide it, and told it from the time she received the photo sent by Li Tao. She didn’t need to add fuel or justify herself, as if she were looking back at the whole thing from God’s perspective.

At the same time, Li Tao’s parents were also notified that their son had been shot in the leg and was being treated in the hospital. The couple went to the hospital in a hurry.

Fang Yizhuo’s situation was the same, Fang Yunlei rushed to the hospital with his wife.

The captain in charge of handling this case is called Yu Hu, who is very experienced. The first time people checked the surveillance of the speakeasy, they were told that the monitoring was bad and there was no record at all.

Although the number of people involved was large, they were basically Li Tao’s people, and their words were highly consistent, apparently telling them how to answer 350 before the incident happened.

Both guns were identified, confirming that one of them belonged to Li Tao and the other to Tang Yi.

Now Li Tao is being treated in the hospital, but it is not fatally injured, and someone has taken notes for him. Tang Yi was taken directly into the interrogation room, his hands handcuffed to the interrogation table.

After asking some basic questions, Yu Hu didn’t go around in circles with Tang Yi and asked directly: “Tell me, where did you get your gun?” ”

“I have two documents in my jacket pocket, and the answers you want are all in it.” Tang Yi said.

Yu Hu gave a look to a pre-trial assistant next to him, and the assistant immediately came to Tang Yi’s side, and sure enough, he turned out two documents from his pocket.

When he saw the red and blue two color documents, his head instantly became a little down. Where will ordinary bodyguards have such documents, and who is this person they brought back?

However, he couldn’t tell the authenticity, so he gave these two documents to the team first, and let him solve the headache. They ordinary employees don’t have that power.

“Team Yu, give.” The pre-trial assistant handed the two documents to Yu Hu, and then honestly sat back in his place.

After seeing these two documents clearly, Yu Hu’s face changed greatly, and he naturally knew the seriousness of the matter. Under his many years of experience in handling cases, he determined that these two documents were genuine and absolutely not forged.

There is a gun license, and it is a person with a red arrow, so who is the calm and relaxed young lady sitting outside! He didn’t dare to think about it.

Obviously, this matter is beyond his competence. If you don’t want to think about it, report it directly.

Basically, he can also conclude that Li Tao was shot for nothing. Even if Tang kills Li Tao with one shot, it will not belong to them (CDAA).

“First uncuff this comrade.” Yu Hu ordered, “Then pour someone a glass of water.” ”

Immediately afterwards, Yu Hu left the interrogation room with his documents and went directly to report to the superior leader.

The higher-level leaders contacted the Red Arrow Team through the higher-level leaders to verify Tang Yi’s identity.

After verification, Tang Yi is indeed a member of the Red Arrow Squad and is currently on a protection mission.


At this moment, they didn’t even have to check the identity of Tang Shi. Can the people of the Red Arrow squad protect ordinary people? That’s not!

Now they are afraid that it is easy to ask God to send God, if Tang Shi just sits there and does not leave, if she has to wait for the results of the investigation, things will be troublesome.

An emergency meeting was then devoted to the issue. In this case, absolutely no one is allowed to engage in malpractice for personal gain, and all case-handling procedures must be fair and just, and a fair result must be given to the victims.

After the meeting, the superior leader said to Yu Hu: “Less than, you are responsible for this case, I believe that you have the ability to handle it well, and you will not let us down.” ”

“Master, then Tang Yi, you have disappeared?” Yu Hu was surprised.

“Given the peculiarities of the case, we are gone.” Yu Hu’s master patted him the shoulder and said seriously: “Handle this case well, your future road may be smooth.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll deal with it.” Yu Hu said.

Although he said so, Yu Hu’s heart did not think so, you old foxes, no one wants to share the responsibility, if something goes wrong, it will definitely be pushed on him.

The next thing was much simpler, Yu Hu returned to the interrogation room and returned the documents to Tang Yi. After the normal questioning, Bi respectfully sent Tang Yi out.

Tang Shi, who was still hesitating whether to sign the document recognizing his ancestors and returning to the sect, also breathed a sigh in his heart after seeing Tang Yi sent out unharmed.

However, on the surface, she is still silent, and her cold appearance makes people dare not approach easily.

“Thank you both for your cooperation.” Yu Hu smiled and said to Tang Shi and Tang Yi: “We are all clear about the matter, if there is any more problem, we will invite the two of you to come over at any time.” ”

“My friend is a victim, he will get the compensation he deserves, right?” Tang Shi asked.

“You can rest assured that we will handle this case fairly, justly and openly.” Yu Hu said in a high-profile manner: “The victim will definitely be compensated, and the criminal will definitely be tried.” ”

Yu Hu’s words made the subordinates around who did not know Tang Yi’s identity couldn’t help but laugh. Since they joined the company, they have never seen Captain Yu perform like this, and they are extremely excited!

Send someone to send Tang Shi and Tang Yi to the parking lot of the speakeasy, and the task of sending God is over. Yu Hu can also take a breath.

After that, he quickly called the people in charge of the case today together for a meeting. The opinion of the leaders above is not to expose Tang Yi’s identity, so as not to affect Tang Shi’s worship

Zhengsheng. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So this matter will only be passed between the upper layers and will not be known to the people below.

But people are not fools, Li Tao has not committed anything, how to deal with his affairs in the past, and how to deal with it this time, it is completely different.

At this time, more than five hours had passed since the incident, and Tang Shi had been sitting in the bureau, feeling a little tired, so she asked Tang Yi to drive her home to rest.

In Fengcheng First Hospital, Li Tao successfully removed the bullet in his thigh after surgery and has now been pushed into the ward to rest.

Because it was local anesthesia, his whole person was awake and did not fall asleep.

Li Tao’s mother sat on the edge of the hospital bed, wiping her tears while saying to Li Tao’s father Li Hongsheng: “This time anyway, our family Taozi is the biggest victim, this shot fortunately hit the leg, if it hits other parts, the consequences are unimaginable, you must seek justice for him.” ”

“Your son also used a gun, why didn’t you say it.” Li Hongsheng said angrily: “If it’s a fight, it’s okay, do you know the seriousness of the gun?” That’s going to jail. ”

“That gun is not Taozi’s.” Li Tao’s mother weakened her momentum and said.

“Do you believe this yourself?” Li Hongsheng said: “What your son usually looks like, you can not know in your heart. At this time, you still want to protect him, what a loving mother! ”

“Okay, don’t argue about me.” Li Tao, who was lying on the hospital bed, said: “The gun is really not mine, it was a friend who was present at the time, I just borrowed it to play.” ”

“How big your heart is, you dare to borrow a gun to play.” Li Hongsheng scolded angrily: “After this matter is over, you honestly stay at home for me for three months, don’t go out all day to cause me trouble.” ”

“Dad, you didn’t see it. That girl is super beautiful. Li Tao said: “If she gives you a daughter-in-law, you can wake up laughing in your dreams.” ”

“Okay, don’t me here.” Li Hongsheng asked again: “Is that gun sure it belongs to someone else?” ”

“OK.” Li Tao replied in a firm tone.

Listening to Li Tao’s words, Li Hongsheng, who was originally a little excited, sat back on the sofa, thinking in his heart how to solve this matter is the best.

Just then, the phone rang, interrupting his train of thought.

Li Hongsheng glanced at the incoming call, immediately stood up, and went to answer it in the corridor where no one was.

“Hongsheng, I have something to tell you.” A slightly vicissitudes voice came from the phone.

“Leader, you say.” Li Hongsheng said quickly.

“The person who shot Li Tao today is from the Red Arrow Squad and is currently on a protection mission.”

“How is that possible? How could the people of the Red Arrow Squad appear in Fengcheng! You can’t be mistaken, right? ”

“This has been confirmed with the Red Arrow squad.”

In an instant, Li Hongsheng stood motionless as if he had been struck by lightning, and his original expression suddenly became much darker.

The person on the other side of the phone also knew that when Li Hongsheng heard the news, it must be like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, giving him a few seconds of silence.

A few seconds later, he continued: “Hongsheng, you let Li Tao turn himself in and go inside to reform for a few years. ”

“Old leader, have you confirmed the identity of that girl?” Li Hongsheng didn’t seem to want his son to go to jail, and asked in his heart.

“Confused.” The old leader reprimanded: “Doesn’t it still explain the problem that the members of the Red Arrow Squad are bodyguards? If the identity is really verified, as everyone thinks, how to deal with this matter? Ten lives for Li Tao are not enough to kill! “。

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