That sad look really can’t be pretended, which shows how much Charles’s stimulation to her is. The policewoman immediately put away Charles’s photo, stopped irritating her, and went over to comfort her.

This is why they brought female policemen over instead of two male policemen, otherwise who will comfort at this time?

After a long time, Zhou Xiaohui calmed down, invited two policemen into the room, and called the company that hired her as a model, saying that she wanted to cooperate with the police investigation, and she was very sorry if she couldn’t get by.

Although work is very important, Zhou Xiaohui knows that if this matter is not solved perfectly, the nightmare on the night every day will linger.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xiaohui recounted what happened that night to the two policemen. That encounter made the policewoman want to repair Charles fiercely.

After listening to what happened to Zhou Xiaohui, the male policeman asked: “Then why didn’t you call the police at that time?” ”

“I signed up.” Zhou Xiaohui said: “But at that time, after the police investigated and collected evidence, they told me that this case involved foreigners and was a bit tricky. Hopefully, I can reconcile with Charles privately and…”

Neither policeman is new, and he knows very well about such a case.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely investigate to the end this time.” The policewoman said: “As long as Charles commits a crime here, he will definitely not escape the punishment of the law this time.” We will give you back justice, a piece of blue sky! ”

Listening to the words of the policewoman, Zhou Xiaohui cried again. This time, she was touched and her heart was 23 full of gratitude.

As long as Charles can be brought to justice, her nightmare should disappear.

A detailed transcript was made, as the two policemen prepared to leave. Zhou Xiaohui said: “Two comrades, please wait a moment. ”

The two stopped and turned to look at Zhou Xiaohui, their eyes full of doubts.

I saw Zhou Xiaohui rummaging through the cabinets under the gaze of the two, and then took out a heavy bag and handed it to the two.

“This is the 100,000 yuan Charles gave me, and I haven’t touched a penny.” Zhou Xiaohui said: “I always look forward to the coming of justice in my heart. ”

“Good.” The policewoman took the bag, how heavy this bag is, it cannot be calculated by weight, it is a trust and expectation of the people, as heavy as Mount Tai!

At the same time, several women who suffered similar to Zhou Xiaohui but were not seriously harmed by her are also cooperating with the police investigation of Charles.

Two other women with families pleaded with the police not to investigate and that they would not prosecute Charles. The reason is simple, once this matter is exposed, their home will be destroyed, and they do not want this warm home to be shattered.

Anyway, each has its own hardships, and what the police need to do and can do is to protect them to the greatest extent.

While investigating these cases, the grassroots comrades who had helped Paul avoid punishment were also under investigation, and the bureau took advantage of the situation to carry out an internal clean-up operation, find out those black sheep, and give justice to the victims.

The investigation of Charles was very fast, and in the face of a mountain of ironclad evidence, all Charles could do was confess guilt. Fengcheng police directly sent an email to Charles’s wife in the United States through the Internet through the Internet, writing on it all the crimes Charles committed in the Dragon Country.

What awaits Charles will be the punishment of the Dragon Kingdom, and after he is released, he will be expelled and will never be able to set foot on the land of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just in front of Tang Shi, he slapped Qiao Wu, Charles never dreamed of such consequences. His arrogance as a foreigner was also completely shattered.


As soon as Tang Shi finished breakfast, a message popped up on the phone on the dining table, which was sent to her by yoga instructor Xin Yu.

“Miss Tang, remember to come on time for this morning’s class.? (???)”

Tang Shi casually replied with a word: “Good.” ”

It’s okay anyway, it’s good to practice yoga, at least you can keep yourself in perfect shape, you can open your stomach and enjoy the food.

The most important thing is that she can see beautiful scenery that no man can see.

Just as Tang Shi was washing her face and brushing her teeth, she received another call from Tony.

“Little poetry, people’s plane back to the magic capital in the morning.” Tony said, “When you have time, remember to come to the magic capital to find me to do my hair. ”

“Okay.” Tang Shi simply said two words.

Tony didn’t care about this, she knew that Tang Shi was a relatively cold girl, and she usually spoke like this.

When choosing clothes, Tang Shi suddenly remembered that the 1700 that Qi Hong asked for yesterday, she reminded herself that 3 million of them could not move, but she still called her.

Considering that the time when the rebate arrived was the time when she bought the pink heart yesterday evening, she called Qi Hong.

“Miss Tang, what are your orders?” After the call was connected, Qi Hong asked.

“I’ll transfer 17 million back to you today.” Tang Shi said: “If there is something that needs money, you will push it to the evening to settle it together. ”

“Good.” Qi Hong’s answer was also very brief.

On the way to the fitness center, Tang Shi received another call from Qiao Wu and Du Yawen, and the two asked Tang Shi where she was and wanted to play with her.

Tang Shi told them that they were going to the fitness center to take a yoga class, and as a result, the two also had to sign up for classes to learn yoga. As soon as Tang Shi thought that it was good to have two friends of similar age learning yoga together, she directly sent the positioning of the House Fitness Center to them.

The two women moved quickly, and reached the House Fitness Center first, welcoming the arrival of Tang Shi, who was a little speechless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, in addition to the two women, Tao An also followed, like a dog skin plaster. Three women studying yoga, and he was a big man who came with him to do something.

Seeing that Tang Shi was a little unkind to his eyes, Tao An hurriedly said: “Miss Tang, the procedures for you to join the super sports club have been completed, and I specially came to give you a membership card today.” ”

Saying that, Tao An handed the membership card of the super sports club to Tang Shi.

Looking at the exquisite supercar membership card, Tang Shi accepted it satisfied. This Tao An is not bad, he is very sharp in his work, and he is also very smart about yesterday’s things, and the aftermath work is also very good.

Anyway, what happened at the Graff Jewelry Evening yesterday was not seen on the Internet at all.

The three women came to the bar side by side, and Tao An and Tang Yi walked behind the three women. Tao An did not feel that he would lose his identity if he followed Tang Shi, and let others treat him as a bodyguard.

On the contrary, if he could really have such an identity as Tang Yi, he would definitely have his nose hanging from the sky.

The members of the Red Arrow squad, with a gun license, are simply not too awesome!

Qiao Wu originally thought that after half a year card and buying a few yoga classes, she would still be able to take it out for one or twenty thousand yuan. But when she heard that an annual card plus ten yoga classes cost 150,000, everyone was stunned.

Is this how high-end fitness centers cost? It’s too expensive! She simply couldn’t afford it.

Seeing Qiao Wu’s expression, Tang Shi knew that she definitely couldn’t take this money. Anyway, she is still in the state of consumption rebates, and she still has more than 600,000 yuan on herself, and she is earning this money for her.

Without discussing with Qiao Wu, Tang Shi directly handed the card to the service staff and said, “Two annual passes, plus ten yoga classes.” ”

When Du Yawen heard this, she quickly said: “Xiaoshi, I have money.” ”

“Then invite me to dinner at noon.” Tang Shi said.

It was a very bland sentence, but Du Yawen didn’t know how to refute it.

“I’ll ask at noon.” Qiao Wu said quickly.

Du Yawen and Qiao Wu filled in the information, held Tang Shi’s two arms respectively, and happily went to the fitness center to receive the yoga clothes donated by the fitness center, ready to learn yoga with her.

Looking at the back of the three women going to the dressing room, Tao An thoughtfully said to the bar staff: “Give me an annual card and ten yoga classes.” ”

“Okay, please wait.” The staff took the bank card with a smile and began to process 443 for Tao An.

After the process was completed, a male staff member took Tao An to collect the yoga clothes presented and took him to the yoga studio.

When the two of them passed by Tang Yi’s side, Tao An asked suspiciously, “Isn’t it here?” ”

“This is a women’s yoga studio.” The staff said: “The man’s one is in front.” ”

“Clams?” Tao An was surprised: “Your yoga class here is not a male and female member together?” ”

“Of course not.” The staff glanced at Tao An and said, “Our fitness center does this to prevent some male members with impure purposes from harassing female members. ”

“I’m losing it!” Tao An couldn’t help but complain.

Although there are not many students in the classroom, Du Nima’s muscular man is like two small grenades hanging under him. How ferocious and murderous that picture is.

The key is that after they saw Tao An, they all showed a warm smile.

“your horse.” Tao An snatched the door out.

The fantasy in my mind is all the picture of wearing yoga clothes, with a bumpy figure and surrounded by beautiful women, which is instantly shattered.

“Return the card! You have to return my card. Tao An ran to the bar and said angrily: “You are teaching purely falsely here, I want to sue you…”

Tao An’s affairs, Tang Shi’s third daughter did not know, at this time had already changed into yoga clothes and was waiting in the classroom for class.

Qiao Wu’s figure, Tang Shi had already seen it yesterday, and there was only one place on her whole body that she had not seen. Du Yawen’s figure, she only saw today, belongs to the kind that hides a little meat, and wearing tights to show her figure perfectly.

The yoga class accompanied by two beautiful people is obviously more exciting.

Xin Yu came to the classroom and knew that Tang Shi had brought two new people over, and she was very happy. This girl’s circle is really the kind that is not rich or expensive, and if she is maintained, she may bring more and more members in the future.

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