Chapter 142: What the hell! Can cats also drive away wolves? [Ask for automatic subscription].

At this time, the wolves had already launched a full-scale attack, and their speed had also been greatly improved.

Under the moonlight, they seem to be like black lightning shuttling through it, and the ape teeth are against the cold light, which makes people shudder, even across the screen, it makes people feel a huge sense of oppression.

The wolves spread out from the middle to all around, coming towards the crowd in turn, like a slowly drawn bow and arrow, the wolf led by the wolf was obviously their wolf king, running the fastest.

Professor Huang said in horror: “They seem to have determined that the target will not pose much threat to themselves, and they are ready to attack!” ”

Professor Huang has studied this point a little simply, although it is not particularly profound, but he can probably understand a characteristic of wolves.

That is, the wolves have a process of probing, and once they find out that the other party has little combat effectiveness, they will attack without the slightest hesitation.

Wolves are a relatively special kind of existence, they seem to have a certain hostility to any creature, but their strength is not the kind of existence at the top of the food chain.

They are completely incomparable with lions and leopards, but they are full of great aggression, can cooperate and cooperate, and then hunt much larger creatures than them.

And before this offensive process, they will make a series of tentative moves.

For example, check whether the target can hunt successfully, or whether the target has strong resistance? If the target is neither, then they will not hesitate to attack, which can be said that the rigor of wolves is definitely much more than most other animals.

Hearing this, Nuan Nuan asked in amazement: “Professor Huang, is there a way for Tangyuan to block them??” ”

The wolves in the picture are already getting faster and faster.

As Professor Huang said, now that they have set their sights on these targets, it can be said that their ultimate goal is to eat them.

There is no doubt about this warmth, after all, for wolves, whether it is these drunk humans or cats, they do not pose any threat to them at all.

Even to exaggerate, let alone drunk humans, if humans do not get weapons, even if there are no drunk humans, I am afraid, it is impossible to withstand the attack of wolves.

After all, although there are incomparably many people in this world, there is only one Wusong. Professor Huang’s eyebrows tightened.

He knows very well the weakness of the wolves, that is, he is afraid of fire, after all, on the primeval grassland, people will also light a dance fire at night to disperse the wolves.

But at this moment, until the weakness is Professor Huang, other people may not even know the weakness of the wolves, as for the tangyuan in the picture, they are even more difficult to say, or even whoosh, in other words, even if the wolf pack now knows that the weakness of the wolf pack is afraid of fire, so what?

Professor Huang said worriedly: “The weakness of the wolves is that they are afraid of fire, but where does Tangyuan go to find fire now? ”

Her gaze looked around: But apparently there are no traces of fire.

Everything is so strictly controlled in the city, it’s really not easy to find a fire all of a sudden.

If there is no fire, then the attack of the wolves may be unstoppable!!!!!!!!

“Oops, this wave of tangyuan hurry up and run wow, don’t waste time in this place, these people should not be able to save.”


“Yes, Tangyuan, you’re just a little cat.”

“Oh my God, what should I do at this time? Are these people really being eaten by wolves? ”

“Mom, when I was a child, I often listened to the stories of Grandma Wolf, do you want to see the real-life version of Grandma Wolf today?”

“Brothers, are you watching the live broadcast now? Hurry over and save people. ”

“How could it be too late at this time? It is estimated that the immortals cannot be saved at this time. ”

“Well, who is to blame? If you want to blame, you can only blame these people, you have to drink, it’s four fucking o’clock, and you still drink in this place. ”

“Look at our rice balls.”

“Human, it’s so disobedient.”

At this point, the wolves are getting closer, and they are getting faster, and it looks like they will soon pounce on those —

Drunken humans.

They were drunk at this time, like mud, leaning against the wall, and it was impossible to guard against the attack of the wolves.

The audience in this live broadcast room is extremely afraid, if they have not been able to wake up at this time, then Tangyuan has not blocked these attacking wolves, and all the viewers in the live broadcast room may really witness a tragic incident.

Although it is not they who are attacked at this time, it is absolutely impossible to keep the audience in the live broadcast room calm, after all, these people are facing an extremely dangerous wolf pack at this time.

In the subconscious of human beings, this aggressive animal, although not their natural enemy, but human beings have a certain fear of their natural existence.

The sharp teeth also have an explosive speed, which is estimated to be unattainable for humans in a short period of time.

After all, many fast runners, athletes are praised as beagles?

Yu Wolf, that’s not to mention, runs faster than a dog, can only say okay.

This is also the reason why they feel that Tangyuan is extremely dangerous at this time, because the cat’s words, no matter how sharp they are, are completely incomparable to the speed of wolves.

As for explosive power, wolves are probably at least ten times more powerful than cats.

Seeing this scene, on the other side, Su Muer’s expression was extremely solemn, and she muttered, “Can cats really stop the wolves??? ”

To be honest, her heart is very unconvinced of this, after all, the power of cats is still very clear, want to compare with wolves, basically unrealistic things, sometimes the number is really not an advantage, not to mention the number of wolves at this time is not a lot.

If it is compared to the group combat ability, then the wolf is far more than the cat’s kind, after all, the cat fights with each other, even if it can be very perfect, but it cannot achieve the effect of the wolf.

If you use modern proportions to compare, it is the difference between a group of peasant soldiers and a group of special forces.

Even if you are a great number of peasant soldiers, if you want to block the path of special forces, it is not easy to complete.

What’s more, the wolves still have sharp teeth, just like special forces and pistols, your cat’s sharp claws can be more like a small hoe in front of people?? What are you kidding!!!

Chen Duanshan said in a low voice: “I don’t know why, I always think that tangyuan can succeed!” ”

Although he can’t tell where his confidence comes from, it always has this inexplicable feeling.

I always feel that Tangyuan can show good strength in this battle, although it is just a cat, but if the intelligence is high enough, then it can have a great advantage in the biological world.

After all, if the animal world is purely based on strength, then there is no doubt that the largest creatures in this world must be the strongest, not the many human beings who are far weaker than them.

As for Dean Tangyuan Chen, he saw the current Tangyuan from the beginning.

He always had a strong premonition that this would definitely not be a simple cat.

Although he said that he did not know where the cat had received what kind of training, if he had the opportunity, he would definitely like to study tangyuan.

Although Tangyuan was at an absolute disadvantage, and there were seven burdensome humans, Dean Chen still had an inexplicable confidence that Tangyuan would be able to successfully resolve this crisis.

At this moment, it was not so much incomparably nervous, but rather that he had extremely great expectations. At this time, the wolves were already in full swing.

At full speed, from a distance, he rushed towards Tangyuan and humans.

If before they just quickened the pace under their feet, now they are sprinting at full speed.

Extremely fast, like lightning through the night.

At this moment, the moonlight looks so pale, so strange, the eyes of these wolves reflect a unique light in this moonlight, and the sharp teeth are like a sharp arrow, constantly shuttling in the dark night.

It created a strong illusion in the live broadcast room, that is, at this time, what was seen was not a group of wolves moving rapidly, but a group of assassins moving towards the goal.

Like the pictures I have seen in those film and television dramas, it is too shocking. This maybe!! It’s the speed of the wolves.

But at this time, the drunken human was completely unaware.

Behind them, a deadly sword was stabbing towards them.

“Oh my God, run, that is, if you don’t run, everyone will be finished, don’t you all want to live?”

“I suspect that if they had an afterlife, they would regret drinking at four o’clock in the morning in this life.”

“Absolutely, do you even need to ask? One hundred percent will regret it. ”

“Without further ado, I feel that these people’s lives have come to an end.”

“Forget it, be lazy to say, just let them see you in the next life.”

The wolves were already coming at these people’s bunk at great speed, and it was clear that their target was not tangyuan.

After all, these humans are just a group of kittens after all, and the meat on their bodies is not a few pounds or two, as for these humans, it is not ordinary for men and women, fat and lean and the meat also has a fine wine pickled taste must be very good.

Of course, the wolves did not have so many thoughts at this time, maybe they simply thought that these humans were easier to attack.

Looking at their crooked appearance, it seems that in their eyes these people are going to die in the next second, they are coming, at this time it is not considered murder, just picking up corpses.

All the wolves are outbursting and manipulating drunken humans.

The bald director stood up abruptly, picked up the walkie-talkie in horror and shouted loudly: “Technical department, prepare to cut off the live broadcast screen!!” ”

Although he was extremely nervous at this moment, he still had the sanity he should have.

If there is really such an accident in the live broadcast screen at this time, if there is a dead person, then I am afraid that this is the only thing he can do.

That is to cut off the picture at the most critical moment, and then make it impossible for all viewers in the live broadcast room to take screenshots or record the picture.

In this way, even if an accident occurs, it will be relatively more difficult to deal with it at that time, after all, there is no one to see the picture after the wolves attack the human race, all the staff are instantly tense, the mind is idle, looking at this moment in the picture.

They are also very clear that they will never be able to let the audience in the live broadcast room see such a bloody picture, once it is spread, then they will be completely finished.

At this time, many cats in the picture are also extremely nervous. Obviously, this kind of enemy, they also encountered for the first time!!

Say not afraid, that’s fake, some cats’ bodies have begun to tremble, but under the control of Tangyuan’s powerful Elvis aura, they still don’t flinch at all, although the body is afraid, but the spirit is still brave.

At the moment when the wolves charged, the cats instantly jumped on a high place.

At this time, the fastest wolf had already come to a few meters away from a person. Then, open your teeth and bite the man’s neck!!!!!!!!!!! ”

“I lean, sure enough, he won’t have the slightest mercy at all, it’s over, it’s over.”

“Big brother, really fake? Don’t!!! What’s going on here? Is it really going to die??? ”

“It’s over, it’s over, brothers, I don’t dare to look at it anymore.”

“It’s terrible, this is the wolves, this attack speed is simply invincible.”

“This scene has seen in the animal world that if the prey is pounced, then other wolves will instantly rush up.”

“Brothers, I made a record, that is, a prey of a wolf pack, the fastest time is five seconds.”

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room is already a little restful, I really can’t believe ah, these wolves that are rampant in the animal world, at this time, are actually attacking humans, it is really terrifying.

And at this time, the open ape teeth are obviously extremely deadly, if it is really on that neck, I am afraid that there will be no possibility of survival in an instant.

Although human beings have absolute power to rule on this earth, when they lose the help of weapons, human beings sometimes seem so weak that even a wolf can kill him.

The bald director’s eyes widened in horror. The hand holding the walkie-talkie was shaking violently.

At this moment, he had even forgotten to remind the staff, or was this in the picture too much for him to feel incredible.

After doing so many live broadcasts, the first time I encountered this situation, the daily life of those cats he did before that, it was a real cat smell of daily life.

Where have you seen this kind of cat fighting with a wolf, and then humans suffering?

This one he understands extremely well, that is, if these people really have an accident in the live broadcast room at this time, or even lose their lives, then he, the director, must bear all the responsibility.

Of course, I don’t know the absolute reason for the fear, the real reason for fear is because of the measures, the attack launched by the wolves is so ferocious, this is a real killing scene.

At this moment, he was not even afraid of work for any reason, but purely instinctive fear of death.

Professor Huang’s expression instantly froze.


And Nuan Nuan, who was watching the live broadcast alone in the room, was so scared that he took the quilt. At this moment, her whole face was ugly.

Right now. Broken!!! Whisper!!!

A scream suddenly sounded from the picture.

The wolf, as if hit by something, fell heavily to the ground.

Is that……..

The small stones thrown by the cats!!!

“I’m leaning, what??? novel

“What’s the thing?” Brothers? What was that just now? Is it a gun? Did someone shoot? ”

“It doesn’t seem to be a gun, it seems that something fell on the wolf’s body just now.”

“Oh my God, help, it won’t really be like this tragic picture in this place, will it?”

“So what the hell was that just now?” It seems to be a stone. ”

“Yes, a stone was thrown by Tangyuan, and it hit the wolf on the head!!!!!

“Oh my God!!! Emperor Tangyuan actually knows how to use weapons, which is really too exaggerated. ”

“Brothers, it’s really a stone thrown by Tangyuan, this has been fighting for too long, and it only saved that person’s life.”

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room all opened their eyes sharply, if it were not for the sudden throw of this stone of Tangyuan, and it hit the head of the wolf that could not fly very accurately.

It is estimated that at this time, that person is already dying on the spot, such sharp teeth bite down, I am afraid that the neck will be directly bitten off.

The bite force of the wolf is really no joke, although it is not the strongest existence in the animal world, but for the fragile neck of humans, it is simply impossible to resist.

Once bitten, I am afraid that humans will not let go of their mouths if they do not suffocate.

It can be said that this wave is tangyuan, which really saved this human being who did not know that his death was imminent at the moment of the first shot.

It is even possible that this drunken human does not know that he has been hovering on the edge of death at this time.

At a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a long sigh of relief, if it weren’t for Tang Yuan’s presence, it would really be difficult for the live broadcast to be directly interrupted.

But at this moment, Professor Huang’s face did not relax because Tangyuan successfully added this person, but it became even more ugly…

Instead, he said even more frightened: “In this way, the target of the wolves will be aimed at tangyuan!” ”

Indeed, the wolves’ habit of attack is always like this.

If they find an existence that may pose a threat to them among the targets of the attack, then they will concentrate all their forces and give this threat to the group leader first, rather than attacking other weak existences.

This is where the wolves are strong, and one of their characteristics, that is, the power of the group is always exported from a certain point.

The so-called wolves are united, and its profit is broken, and it is not exaggerated to use it on the wolves.

And more importantly, as long as the wolves are targeted, then they will not relax easily.

Their willpower is close to pathological.

Even if he follows you for three days and three nights, it is very possible, staring directly at you until you are exhausted and unable to resist, and then taking advantage of your weakness to take advantage of your life.

Sure enough, in the next second, the wolves rushed directly towards Tangyuan!!! Only blurry shadows can be seen in the fast live broadcast room.

The bald director stood up in horror and roared: “!! It’s over!! ”

But the next second…….


A dull sound of metal clashing suddenly sounded!!????????????

Is that….

Tangyuan let the cats use their bodies to hit the sound of the metal plate in unison!!


? ”



The audience in the live broadcast room is completely confused, what does this mean? Are they trying to scare the wolves away with this act of self-harm?

It’s not right, the wolves should be very excited to see you self-harming.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room were all confused, and they didn’t know what Tangyuan was trying to do.

But at this time, Professor Huang suddenly realized, opened his eyes sharply, and said like a dream: “I understand!!! The wolves are afraid of one thing, that is!! Metals made by humans”

“!! Because they went through shotguns!!! ”

“And the destruction of forests by various human machines.”

“And in the process of this resistance, they are basically wrong, there should never be a moment of victory.”

Yes, any carbon-based creature in front of human mechs and mission machines is a toy. Thundered!!



Another crashing sound. And that wolf pack.

Sure enough, as if he had been frightened, he cried out in horror, clamped his tail, turned around and ran away with a cigarette!

How fast you come when you come, twice as fast when you run as you come!!!!!!!!!

The imposing seven wolves escaped at this moment. Tangyuan, he really led the cats and drove away the wolves!?? What the hell is hey!!!

The whole network instantly boiled!!!

I have received all the suggestions from you, in the future, try to minimize the live broadcast content and speed up the plot promotion!! However, during the New Year, there are a lot of adults, forgive me for being a little lost, looking at the past every chapter written so seriously, and tangyuan is so cute, you and I are so handsome.

Rest assured, the core content of this book is about to arrive, and it will definitely make you enjoy it after reading it!! A lot of support, the new January, the monthly pass will spend a wave!!! Thanks for the support!!

In addition, as long as the data of the building is as powerful as it was at the beginning, I will definitely update it, and when I say it, twenty a day is not blowing!!

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