Yizhou, the land of Sichuan and Shu, has been blessed with outstanding people since ancient times. In ancient times, this place was even called the Land of Abundance.

In modern times, due to the provincial capital, the Fog City has separated from Yizhou and has become a municipality directly under the central government, a national central city and even an international city.

The terrain of the Fog City is mainly mountainous and hilly. The mountains are in the city and the city is on the mountains, so it is a mountain city in the hearts of the Chinese people.

At this time, five days have passed since Su Xianer was going to draw pure love comics.

"Dear students, this is Lingzhen, which is the most remote place in the Fog City." A middle-aged man with two thin mustaches puffed his cigarette butt, parked the dilapidated bus on the road halfway up the mountain, and then pointed to the town looming in the mist outside the car window and smiled.

As the middle-aged man pointed, a group of students looked out the left window and exclaimed.

"So beautiful!"

"The name of the foggy city and mountain city is really well-deserved!"

"This is not a tourist attraction, but a remote mountain area?"

The car stopped on the left road halfway up the mountain, leaning against the fence. At a glance, everyone saw a very light mist. At noon, the sun penetrated the mist, and the smoke was lingering, as if covered with golden gauze, beautiful as a fairyland.

Under the mist, everyone could clearly see the uneven houses below. Because of the distance, it felt like these houses were standing on the mountain.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled proudly and said, "Although our Fog City cannot be called the place with the most mountains, the name of the mountain city is not for nothing. Of course, it has developed into a metropolis now, but that is only the urban area. And because of the mountainous reason, many areas are still undeveloped, resulting in many beautiful places, most of which are sparsely populated." As he said, the middle-aged man put out his cigarette butt and said directly, "Everyone sit tight, let's go straight to Lingzhen now!"

"Tsk tsk... There should be the place you are looking for here, right?" Liu Ruyan leaned on the seat with sunglasses and said lazily.

"Who knows!" Chen Xue leaned against the window, marveling at the scenery just now. Hearing Liu Ruyan's words, he sighed, "We have come all the way from the Magic City to here for three or four days, and we haven't found anything that meets the requirements. If there is nothing here, we have to go to the Ten Thousand Mountains to find it!"

A few days ago, Chen Xue accepted Su Xian'er's task, and naturally investigated the places in the country with many mountains and beautiful scenery. After all, many places have been developed by modernization. If you want to find something that meets Su Xian'er's requirements, you must look for it in remote places.

At first, she asked Liu Ruyan to follow her to look for it and travel.

But Liu Ruyan had a strong sense of crisis and said that to find such a place, she would definitely have to go to a remote mountainous area. It would be better to take classmates from the same class to go together. Anyway, everyone was about to graduate, so it was not impossible to get together and travel. At that time, the AA system could also save money for Su Xianer.

Nearly twenty people agreed with Liu Ruyan's travel proposal.

So the seven-day and seven-night self-guided tour planned this time started three or four days ago.

As the proposer of this time, Liu Ruyan was naturally their team leader. In addition, the other party was the president of the student union and had rich leadership experience, so he led them wherever they went.

"Don't worry." Liu Ruyan said leisurely, "Anyway, we will find it until we find it, and Mayor Jin just said that there was a mountain here in ancient times that seemed to have been hit by a meteorite, and it seemed that the mountain was hit and dented. The terrain was strange. We will go and see it directly later."


Chen Xue could only look forward to it.

Half an hour later, when Chen Xue and her group arrived at Lingzhen, they found that what they had just seen from the halfway road was not an illusion. These houses were actually built on the mountain, and the distances between neighbors were different.

Lingzhen is not big. There are less than a thousand households in the Yunxing Mountains, and the population is scattered and messy, but fortunately the road is built so that it is not bumpy.

"We're here. This is the commercial street of Lingzhen." The bus stopped, and the middle-aged man grinned. The students looked at both sides of the street and rolled their eyes. This is the commercial street? Don't be ashamed!

The bus stopped beside a small street. There were scattered houses on both sides. There was no regular store to be seen. The canteens, vegetable and meat vendors were mixed together. Obviously, it could only be regarded as a vegetable market, and there were very few people, only two or three people. Some people leaned directly on the chair, fanning themselves and relaxing with their eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the people could not help but calm down, as if they were infected.

Chen Xue got out of the car and took a deep breath, feeling the birdsong in the mountain stream. "It's different to be surrounded by mountains. The air is so fresh!"

"Okay, business is important!" Liu Ruyan didn't forget about Chen Xue.

At this time, the students all said hello, agreed to meet in the afternoon, and then started to stroll along the road. Anyway, there was only one road, so they didn't worry about getting lost.

"Mayor Jin, where is the strange mountain you mentioned? Can you take us to see it?"

"No problem!" Mayor Jin readily agreed. After all, he had received money from the other party, so he naturally had to provide attentive service. He drove a tricycle from his home and said, "Come on, we have to pass Gongshui Village to get there, and I'm afraid you two girls don't have enough strength."

"Is it far?"

The two got on the battery tricycle, Mayor Jin started the engine, and then he talked nonstop, "Don't worry, it's not far... That place is the place where the gods of the gods worshipped by the Gongshui Shrine are enshrined, but there is no road, so we still have to climb the mountain when the time comes. But don't worry, every time it's time for sacrifice, the people of Gongshui Village will go up the mountain to worship, so there is a mountain road, but it's not a concrete road!"

"Shrine?" Liu Ruyan squinted, enjoying the breeze, and asked curiously, "Is Gongshui Village the village of the He tribe?"

"Yes, but I don't know whether they called it Miyamizu Village because of their surname Miyamizu or because of the Miyamizu Shrine. Anyway, our village here is not particular about naming."

Mayor Jin's answer made Chen Xue laugh.

"What is that?" When the trees on the left suddenly disappeared, Liu Ruyan and Chen Xue's eyes suddenly lit up. At this time, they were on an uphill slope. Looking down to the left, a large lake came into their eyes with sparkling waves. , but if it was just a simple lake, they wouldn't be surprised, but looking down from above, it looked like a waning moon.

"Oh, this is Waning Moon Lake. You can tell by looking at its shape." Mayor Jin didn't find anything strange, but he still thought of something and said, "The entire Gongshui Village is spread out next to Waning Moon Lake, and the scenery here is... Absolutely, so the school is also built here. If you want to go fishing later, you can borrow a fishing rod from someone in Gongshui Village. We have good mountains, good water, and good people in Lingzhen, but it is relatively remote. You two little girls, please go back. , if you think this place is good, you can help us promote it. If there are students who want to travel here in the future, you can ask me to guide you! "

As the mayor of Ling Town, Jin Qi has always wanted to lead the people in the town to get rich together, but they don’t have any specialties or coal mines here... They can only think of tourism as a way out. Unfortunately, this place is rarely populated and remote. No, no one will come.

"No problem." Chen Xue and Liu Ruyan responded naturally with smiles.

Ten minutes later, the three of them arrived at Miyamizu Village. The village seemed ordinary against the backdrop of the surrounding scenery, but the construction of Miyamizu Shrine seemed more extraordinary. Obviously, the people in the village still valued this shrine.

As for the arrival of Mayor Jin, who wanted to take Chen Xue and Liu Ruyan to visit the scenery on the top of the mountain, the village chief of Gongshui Village obviously had no objection.

The mayor of Gongshui Village agreed with the mayor's desire to develop Ling Town into a tourist attraction, but he felt that the other party was a bit fanciful. In addition, the place was extremely remote, so he naturally had no expectations.

After more than ten minutes of climbing, when Chen Xue and Liu Ruyan stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the bowl-shaped natural terrain environment that seemed to be isolated from the world, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"This...is the huge crater that was blown up by meteorites in ancient times?"

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