Wu Di certainly knows that serializing on "Shards of Time" is something that many youth literature writers dream of. After all, it is indeed the leader of youth literature, and the ability to make stars is even more extraordinary.

  There are even many youth literary writers of "Shards of Time" who used this as a springboard to truly enter the traditional literary world and published articles in China’s largest purely literary fiction magazine, "Hua Xia Fiction".

  After all, in Huaxia, which attaches great importance to traditional literature, only writers who have a foothold in the real traditional literary world can be regarded as true successes.

Since the middle class of the Chinese people in this world is relatively large, naturally there is more leisure and leisure, and the level of cultural appreciation is quite high, so I am willing to buy those works with connotation and depth. The prices of these works are also relatively high, although the sales may not be comparable. Commercial literature, but the income of traditional writers is not lower than that of commercial writers.

This brings me to the Chinese film industry. Many academic directors like to make connotative works. The articles of those traditional writers are undoubtedly connotative and in-depth, and they are suitable for adaptation into movies. The income of copyright, these traditional writers naturally live more nourished.

Well, in fact, what has connotation and depth is actually just pretending to be compelling. Many middle-class people will buy those high-priced books, naturally to pretend to be compelling. Maybe they prefer to watch pure commercials like "Panlong" in private. Network novel.

  However, Wu Di is not at all interested in squeezing her head into the traditional literary world. She is truly confident. At that time, she will not take the initiative to enter the traditional literary world, but someone will invite her in...

  Wu Di endured his displeasure, looked at the contract, and immediately became angry. She thought it was just the editor's attitude that was not good, but she didn't expect that she didn't seem to get the attention of the "Shards of Time" editorial department at all.

This contract gave Wu Di the feeling that she was asking for serialization in "Shards of Time". Not only did the price of a thousand words decrease, but the reason was that serialization could deliver more articles. Naturally, the price should be lowered, but the total income is Increased…

And the cost of her serialization on "Shards of Time" is far more than that, and it is also stipulated that all her manuscripts must be given priority to "Shards of Time". The copyrights of short stories like those are sold to "Shards of Time" at the price of cabbage. Then I will help you assemble and publish.

  Wu Di couldn't help but replied: "This contract is too domineering, right? I won't sign it."

   "Then we may not accept your submissions for "Shards of Time" in the future." Qianyi's plain reply carried a kind of domineering, obviously, this is the confidence of "Shards of Time" as the leader of youth literature.

   "Hehe, you will regret it." Wu Di replied and closed the chat box directly.

  At this time, Huang Qianyi, who was sitting in front of the computer, had a look of disdain on his face.

regret? Who do you think you are, a real great writer? Don't be too self-righteous!

  Huang Qianyi closed the dialog box and prepared to report the matter to the editor-in-chief. He believed that the editor-in-chief Qian Siliang would not care about this newcomer, Tian Jingsha, who has only been out for a few months.

Huang Qianyi is in his thirties. He is a man who is very proud of certain people. The reason is simple. He is in the traditional literary world. Although he is at the bottom, he still has a lot of face when he speaks out. After all, he is a real literati. .

  He looked down on some youth literature in his heart. If his books hadn't sold well, how would he "condescend" to this "Shards of Time" as an editor to support his family.

  He always felt that the books he wrote didn’t sell well, not because he wrote poorly, but because others didn’t appreciate it!

  He despised Wu Di in this way, not only because of his own arrogance, but also because of the author, whose pen name is Tianjingsha, and the editor-in-chief Qian Siliang's appreciation.

  Even if the reader’s feedback is really good, Qian Siliang, who has tasted the idolization of a writer, stubbornly feels that a writer like Tian Jingsha who is devoted to writing is not in line with the development of youth literature.

  Furthermore, the articles written by Wu Di recently are all sweet and welcoming short articles, and "Shards of Time" does not lack such sweet articles...

  So, even if there are many editors who are optimistic about Tian Jingsha in the editorial department, they suggested that Tian Jingsha should be serialized, but Qian Siliang has been noncommittal. After thinking about it, he gave such a harsh contract.

Of course, Qian Siliang himself doesn't think this contract is harsh. It is your honor to allow you, a newcomer who debuted, to perform a new serialization. You must kneel down and thank us. This is "Shards of Time" as youth literature. The domineering of the leader.

  The editor-in-chief Qian Siliang quickly learned about this. He was sitting in the office at the time, studying how to use his contacts in the entertainment circle to break through the barriers of youth literature and entertainment...

   "You know? This is a real revolution in youth literature! And I, the chief designer of this revolution!" Qian Siliang said in a complacent tone.

Since he became the master of "Shards of Time", in just three years, the sales of single publications have continuously surpassed the sales of "The Ritual of Youth" and "The Flower Season", not to mention the sales in the single book... This is the power of idolization of writers, this is The embodiment of the blind consumption view of the student group!

  "Shards of Time" belongs to Yinshi Media, and can defeat "Youth Ritual", a pioneer of youth literature under Huangmeng Media, which is known as the number one paper media channel. This is a major battle worthy of research by industry insiders.

Qian Siliang has always been complacent about this incident. After seeing that "The Ritual of Youth" is still taking the traditional boutique route, he feels that this magazine is hopeless, but the "Flower Season" under Jiaoyu Media knows how to keep up with fashion. Also began to take the route of idolization.

  Follow the trend will always be the follower, "Flower Season", such a young generation, has nothing to do with it!

  Qian Siliang always likes to criticize other youth literary magazines in editorial meetings, after all, he does have arrogant capital.

   "Well, who is Tian Jingsha?" Qian Siliang drew his ears and said lightly.

  Huang Qianyi arched his body, smiled, and said, "It's just a young author who just debuted."

"She is very hard-hearted to refuse our magazine, but it doesn't matter. In my opinion, it is not the most important thing for the writers of our magazine to write good articles. The most important thing is his added value. Nowadays, the eyeball is king. The era is over, and those who lag behind will be eliminated by the era! The rolling historical trend will smash it into dregs!" Qian Siliang said in a very determined tone.

   "Yes, the editor-in-chief is too right!" Huang Qianyi has become accustomed to such eye-catching remarks.

"Next, I will continue to push "The Ritual of Youth" further into the abyss. When a youth literature writer with both strength and idol comes to our "Time Fragment", how do you think the situation will change?" Qian Siliang's eyes There is a kind of vigor in it.


  Two more complete~~~~~~ Seeking collection, recommendation, Sanjiang ticket! !


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