All in all, the beginning of the new serialized novel "Five Centimeters Per Second" is indeed very attractive. With her extremely strong pen, Wu Di wrote a kind of childhood sweetness, the style of writing is still beautiful and exquisite, but it makes The readers feel cordial. When writing youthful campus romance novels, Wu Di deliberately fine-tuned his style of writing to cater to the readers.

  Of course, this "Five Centimeters Per Second" is not a simple campus romance novel.

Although Wu Di has always regarded writing as a matter of surname, but at first she wrote to subsidize the family, so she knows a truth, that is, to write books that readers love to read, no matter if it is written with text. It’s still something else. You must have readers before you can do it. Otherwise, you don’t need to submit a paper if you play a single player.

Therefore, Wu Di does not exclude the use of some commercial writing techniques in his articles, adding some passages that readers love to see, and while making readers happy to read, he naturally intersperses the connotation he wants to convey in the article, so that Those who want the connotation can read the connotation, and those who want to heal can read the depression.

  Li Xiangying finished reading this series in one breath, then turned back, and blurted out, "Why is it gone?"

  Li Xiangying was looking at Xing’s head and found that she had already finished reading it. She was so anxious that she wanted to see the next development of the two protagonists who loved them! The two protagonists who love this way will definitely live together happily in the end...

  Li Xiangying lay on her back on the upper bunk and couldn't help turning around. She always felt that she would panic if she didn't see the plot below right away.

  Li Xiangying only discovered at this time that Tian Jingsha’s article seemed to have a kind of magic power. This must be read. If you don’t read it for a day, you will feel uncomfortable... After reading it, she realized that she couldn’t stop at all!

  So Li Xiangying started the second time "Five Centimeters Per Second" while Xia Weiwei hadn't finished reading Yao Qiong's new series. This time she read it word by word.

As mentioned in the previous article, Wu Di treats her own essays just like her paintings. He likes to dig out the details, but does not affect the whole. Therefore, her essays are very suitable for intensive reading. The essence of Tian Jingsha's article...

This is a senior Tian Jingsha's loyal fan with a sense of superiority. It may be a bit exaggerated, but it is undeniable that her words do have some truth. In Tian Jingsha's articles, there are often some small details. It will be a wonderful foreshadowing!

If readers discover this kind of foreshadowing after intensive reading, they will naturally have a sense of accomplishment, and then they will naturally have an idea that they can’t wait to share with others. When they find that the other party hasn’t noticed this kind of foreshadowing, the sense of accomplishment will naturally become even greater. Taller.

Of course, people who read Tian Jingsha's articles purely for pleasure will not find it difficult to understand, and it is very smooth to read them in one breath. The gorgeous writing is purely beautiful, and the paragraphs that make people feel unclear. It can be used as a contrasting atmosphere to sweep quickly without affecting reading.

  Therefore, the audience of Tian Jingsha's novels is very wide and can be tasted by men, women and children.

   Li Xiangying, who read the second time carefully, was completely attracted. She suddenly felt that purely appreciating the words of Tianjingsha seemed more interesting than the plot, not to mention the characters that were portrayed as lifelike...

  What a powerful text control!

  Li Xiangying couldn't help but think of the word "textual control", which was often chanted by the talented girl Xia Weiwei. She didn't really understand what the word meant, guessing that the control of text should be similar to that of writing.

But now she somewhat understands that the control of words is not just writing, but the ability to use words to outline the feelings you want, whether it is the structure of the world, the image of the characters, the appropriate atmosphere... Depict accurately with words, this is the real word control!

  Li Xiangying was completely shocked by Tian Jingsha’s true strength at this time. When she was reading Yao Qiong’s novel, when she read it a second time, she would not have this kind of experience even if she was reading intensively...

  Li Xiangying said to Xia Weiwei on the opposite side: "Weiwei, have you read Yao Qiong's novel twice?"

  Xia Weiwei had a thoughtful look on her face. She shook her head and said, "I'm still watching it for the first time."

   "Huh? Yao Qiong's novel serialization seems to have only 10,000 characters, right? After all, it is only a semi-monthly..." Li Xiangying was surprised.

Xia Weiwei said in an admiring tone: "Yao Qiong's strength is very strong! I originally thought that my understanding ability was already very good, but when I finished two-thirds of the reading, I didn't know what he was writing, but always I think it's amazing. As he said, this new serial is heading for the Dun Spear Literature Award!"

  Li Xiangying frowned upon hearing Xia Weiwei’s words. Is Yao Qiong’s article really difficult to understand? What's the point? If you blindly pay attention to depth, and don’t pay attention to the reader’s experience...

  Let’s take a look first, Li Xiangying thought to herself that she had always liked to read Yao Qiong’s novels, although the "Far Mountain" that won the Zhuang Chongwen Literature Award was put aside after reading the beginning.

  Li Xiangying was going to wait for Xia Weiwei to finish reading. She didn't know that Xia Weiwei closed the magazine and said to Li Xiangying: "Forget it, I will look at my teacher Tianjingsha, Yao Qiong's should wait and study carefully..."

  The two exchanged magazines.

  Li Xiangying read the beginning of "Beyond the Shore", and couldn't help losing interest. I wondered what was written here, where are the main characters? Are these scenes symbolic?

  If even Xia Weiwei is not aware of "Beyond the Shore", then Li Xiangying needless to say.

So Li Xiangying quickly skipped Yao Qiong’s article and began to turn over other articles in Fragments of Time. Although some were written by “idol writers”, Li Xiangying read it with gusto, because these “writers” are not very old. , This article written "grounded gas."

Well, this "down-to-earth spirit" of course does not mean that the articles they wrote are realistic, but that the articles they wrote are just right for the appetite of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl like Li Xiangying, and the group who bought "Shards of Time", Undoubtedly, most of them are at this age.

  The style of Yao Qiong's new serialization is simply incompatible with other articles in "Shards of Time".

At this time, Xia Weiwei was fascinated by watching "Five Centimeters Per Second". First of all, this is the novel of Teacher Tian Jingsha that she is familiar with. Although she is a bit pity that this new series is not about ancient romances, of course the campus romance is also quite suitable for her. It’s better to say that campus romance fits the appetite of all adolescent girls, because it is very substituting. (To be continued.)

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