Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 150: Special warm healing (fifth more 270

   "Five Centimeters Per Second" has a reader rating of 4.9 stars, which can be said to be close to a full score of 5 stars, because almost no readers give negative reviews, all of which are praised.

"Teacher Tian Jingsha's healing skills have gone up again! As a loyal fan of Teacher Tian Jingsha, there is nothing to say about the long-awaited new series except for praise! In fact, I also like Yao. Joan’s article is just that his "Beyond the Shore" this time made me look in the mist, and I am not interested in chasing it. I just want to watch "Five Centimeters Per Second" now! It would be great if "The Ritual of Youth" was also a semi-monthly publication!"

"I can only use the word "perfect" to describe this new serialized novel! I just finished reading more than 20,000 words in a relaxed mood with a smile on my face. Under the magnificent and delicate writing of Teacher Tian Jingsha, I seem to be too Back to the innocent age when I was a child, it is a pity that I did not have Su Xiao who supported each other to keep warm, but Tian Jingsha's article completely warmed me..."

"The sense of the picture in "Five Centimeters Per Second" is too strong. Reading Tian Jingsha's article, I feel like watching a beautifully made movie, putting myself in the sky full of cherry blossoms, feeling It’s five centimeters per second romantic, I think this "Five Centimeters Per Second" will become a classic in campus romance! PS: The ending hero and heroine must be together!"

"Tianjingsha!!!!!! This lady wrote so many letters to you, but you didn't reply to one? I am really mad at this lady!!! But, look at your new serial novel "Second Speed" For the sake of "Five Centimeters" to make this lady happy, this lady will not pursue your serious crime!!! Finally, we must let Gu Yuan and Su Xiao be together, otherwise this lady must find you and kill you... …Humph, come on anyway!!!"


Hu Yifei smiled at these readers’ feedback. Most of the readers said that Tian Jingsha’s new series of "Five Centimeters Per Second" has amazing healing skills. He read it completely with a smile. After reading it, the whole person feels in the mood. Very pleasant...

And some readers even said that the experience of this teacher Tian Jingsha is indeed very wide, whether it is through the description of the big scene or the description of the details, he has completely written the charm of the campus, and people involuntarily fall into the memories. , As if being on the scene.

Of course, the picture of two weak children supporting each other in adversity makes people feel too warm. Many people have said that if they had such a childhood sweetheart back then, it would be the happiest memory. .

In view of the fact that Tian Jingsha has written "Sword Immortal", which makes people want to tear the book after reading the urge to "cure", it is definitely a black history, so almost all readers have expressed such a meaning, that is, let you love The hero and heroine finally came together.

  Only a handful of distorted readers who like to say how to do what God did, said that it is best for the author to break up the hero and the heroine abruptly, and then it will definitely do it!

  In fact, they are just talking and teasing. If the author really writes this way, then they will definitely anger the author afterwards.

In fact, many readers of Tian Jingsha are optimistic about the ending of "Five Centimeters Per Second", because apart from that "Sword Fairy", none of Tian Jingsha's essays are tragic, especially those written by her. Campus romance novels are basically comedy endings, and all the warmth and love that linger in people's minds.

This is also the reason why Tian Jingsha's pocket book is so popular. In addition to the first "Sword Fairy" which is depressing, the following campus comedies such as "Simple Love" make people feel very warm when they watch it. Enriched...

Therefore, all readers of Tian Jingsha, after watching the super-romantic beginning of "Five Centimeters Per Second", have fallen into a wonderful state. This is really a novel that makes people happy, curse those In order to create classics, the writers of tragic novels have no small **!

  There are many readers who have become fans of Tianjingsha because of "Five Centimeters Per Second". For example, a special soldier named Shi Lei, who loves to read romance novels by Shoujo Xiang in his spare time, is actually a fan of Yao Qiong.

  Some people may be very surprised, why Shi Lei, a muscular man with a height of at least 1.9 meters, would like this kind of romance novel, and even Yao Qiong’s brain fan...

He has a fair and honest reason, saying that he read it to understand his younger sister who is about ten years younger. But in fact, he himself is particularly fond of romance novels, because in the romance novels of Shoujo Xiang, those heroines are basically The feelings on the Internet are very good, at least better than women in reality.

When Shi Lei saw the handsome and charming Yao Qiong, he felt that some of his soul was awakened, so he naturally became Yao Qiong's brain fan. But among Yao Qiong's fans, the ratio of male to female is simply inconsistent. Shi Lei is really ten thousand. A little green in the red bush.

Shi Lei came to know the author of Tian Jingsha through the "duel" between Yao Qiong and Tian Jingsha, so he was provoked by the media to curiosity, and of course he bought two pieces of Time Fragments and Youth Ritual. share.

As a fan of Yao Qiong, Shi Lei naturally feels that the articles written by other authors are inferior to Yao Qiong. In fact, he admires Yao Qiong's arrogant surname very much and thinks that this is a pure man, and conquer this... Ahem, in Shi Lei's eyes, Yao Qiong's romantic novels are number one in the world. I don't know how many authors and readers have been influenced by Yao Qiong.

Therefore, an author like Tian Jingsha who has never heard of it must have been hyped by Yao Qiong, but as a fan of the brain, he must first look at her when he writes Tian Jingsha's novels. novel.

  Then...there is no more.

After watching Tian Jingsha's new serial "Five Centimeters Per Second", Shi Lei only felt that he had been immersed in an inexplicable state of mind for a long time. He didn't know how to describe that feeling. If it weren't for him, he had already identified himself as Yao Qiong's stubborn fan. Now, he really wants to change the course.

Finally found! He yelled in his heart... but why didn't there follow? I really want to read it all in one go!

  Shi Lei didn't even watch "Shards of Time" afterwards, and immediately ordered a single-line pocket book published by Tian Jingsha so far. He now truly recognizes that Tian Jingsha is indeed a writer who can compare with Yao Qiong!

  Although Yao Qiong's "Beyond the Shore" made Shi Lei a little disappointed, Shi Lei, who is a fanatic, also firmly believes that as the serialization unfolds, this "Beyond the Shore" should become more and more attractive.

  In fact, many people like Shi Lei, Yao Qiong's remnant fans, are attracted by Tian Jingsha's articles. They originally wanted to pick and stab them, but they didn't expect to be fascinated by watching them. (To be continued.)

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