Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 276: Shaking the poetry world (1890 monthly ticket plus more)

   Three shifts, please referral ticket, [double] monthly pass~~~! !


Zhu Xiini was nicknamed by his friends as the "little genius poet" who promoted the "Pear Flower Style". Some friends even imitated a poem and made a necessary comment on the "Pear Flower Style" poem. The essence of poetic meaning-

I also


   write a

  Pear Flower Poem







Ha ha


Comment: The first person pronoun is used at the beginning of the poem. I indicate that the content of this poem is mainly based on the author’s subjective feelings, and the word "also" is added at the end, indicating that many people have already done what the author wants to say now. , Belongs to the popularization, it is really wonderful to have such a deep meaning in two simple words. .

  Look at the second sentence again. There is only the word "come", indicating that the author is moving closer to this group and integrating into the group.

  The third sentence, "write one", what should you write about? Immediately afterwards, I saw that it turned out to be "Pear Flower Poem"! I have to applaud to see this! Poems are generally measured by "first", but the author here uses "e". This fully demonstrates the difference between pear-shaped poems and other poems. The types are different, and the measure words are of course different! It's true, hit the nail on the head! It is easy for people to understand what kind of poetry style is. It's more subtle than an explanation of tens of thousands of words!

  Look at the later ones, so that I am also a poet. At this point, the author seems to have been promoted to immortality. Yes, if someone who can write such an exquisite poem is not a poet, who is a poet in any world? At this time, the author suddenly opened his third eye and realized that he was already a poet!

  At the end of the poem "ha\haha\hahaha", this is the ** of the whole poem. The whole poem is sublimated here, but it suddenly stops, which makes people even more interesting, leaving a piece of suspense, which is really amazing! !

  Many friends who saw this kind of spoofed poems and comments expressed "laugh cry", and Zhu Ni Ni himself became the biggest laughing stock, and his road to "literary star" came to an abrupt end!

  Those loyal fans of Wu Di have now turned into mad dogs who bite people, and they are comparable to those of Yao Qiong's brain-dead fans. Who made this Zhu renegade belittle Wu Di in the first place? This is simply unforgivable!

Some of those who tried to force the black Zhu Ni Ni were scared by the halo on Zhu Ni Ni at first. They did not fully understand Wu Di’s "brilliant deeds". They were really deceived, thinking that Wu Di was only good at prose. But now, Wu Di uses facts to tell the world that she is also good at poetry!

  Wu Di’s "A Generation" was soon featured in the three major poetry magazines!

Perhaps it is very hateful to put the smell of copper on poetry, especially the self-proclaimed noble poets, but Wu Di’s agent team does not care. After fully evaluating the value of this poem, they give The three major poetry magazines set a price that made them painful.

This is the advantage of the agent. There is no need to let Wu Di, an elegant poet, do anything about "dirty money" and "devilish interests". She only needs to create, and there will always be someone who will do her best. Do your best to maximize the value of her work!

  In fact, what this song "A Generation" really brings to Wu Di is her fame in the poetry world!

  As soon as this poem came out, it shocked the entire poetry world!

  Even the poet who originally had a prejudice against obscure poems and felt that realism is the right way, also spoke highly of this poem!

The famous poet Nan Dao commented on "The Stars": "One generation was condensed into one by Wu Di, and endless words were condensed into two lines by Wu Di, and the most abstract and profound opinions were also used by the poet Wu Di as a genius. Pointing turned into the most intuitive image."

"Black eyes are the result of the development of the tragedy of the night. It is the'I' who is connected between the night and the dawn. I am here the bearer of the night and the owner of the eyes, referring to that era that contributed to the rise and fall of the country. Young people of their own power."

"And using the black eyes given by the dark night to search, the result may be a greater tragedy. Here Wu Di wrote an eternal tragedy in the human spirit, a cycle of tragedy surnames, these black eyes are for you Yes, how hard is it to find the light?"

"Although the'I' in the second line of the poem is no longer a passive person like me in the first line, the'I' don't want the night and suffering. However, the night has given me a dark tragedy. The second line The'I' in the middle turned into an active one, and the awakened one actively sought out the light, but this was only an ideal at the time. At that time, the result of this search was unpredictable. It is only now witnessed by history!"

"A short two-line poem, with a broad title, reveals a huge theme. "A Generation" is not only a self-explanation of a generation, but also a portrayal of the unyielding spirit of a generation. The most important thing in a poem is simplicity. To unfold the grand scene, the poet is required to have the ability to capture and manage imagery. Only in this way can poetry creation receive the artistic effect of combining the virtual with reality."

  Nan Dao’s appreciation of this poem has more than 3,000 words. Compared with Wu Di’s short two lines, there are 18 words in total, which naturally makes people feel very shocked!

  Other famous poets and senior poets enthusiasts also made their own interpretations of this poem:

"The simple language and persistent pursuit intention of "A Generation" also shows a kind of surname. It can be said that this is also a "surname poem". It brings together thinking and expression, form and content, title and poetic style. A series of contradictions in terms of size, depth, and image abstraction finally melted into 18 characters, deep and unrestrainedly highlighting the spiritual image of contemporary people. Sure enough, it detonated the emotions of the same generation! "A Generation" is really a piece. The magical'detonator'."

"The poem "A Generation" is not only a self-explanation of this generation, but also a portrayal of the unyielding spirit of this generation. Darkness kills a person's bright eyes, but the strangulation of darkness fails to achieve its purpose and creates its opposition. Things-black eyes; it is the darkness that awakens a generation, and makes the generation have a stronger desire and perseverance to search for light. It is this determined search that makes them see what is hidden under the surface of life and makes it difficult for people. The essence of acceptance."

"...From ancient times to the present, this philosophy has always existed. From the people's uprising at the bottom of the ancient times to the uprising of the people in that era, the founding of New China, and then to the contemporary study and life, many students in the process of turning from middle-class students to top students, All have verified this long-lived but never outdated philosophy, and also proved that it has a wide range of influence in life."

  This is the fascinating part of obscure poems, it can always be interpreted by others for deeper connotations!

  This "A Generation" is about that period of history, but is it not a description of today's poetry?

  The development of poetry has fallen into the dark night, and poets must take the initiative to find the light! Otherwise, waiting for them will be the eternal night!

  Poets, maybe they can only use death to find the light, right?

Nandao’s comments are full of beautiful words, and countless young people who are interested in poetry are envious. After all, this is Nandao’s comment. The contemporary great poet, the winner of the Chen Ke Literary Prize, has won Lucian literature many times. Award-nominated South Island's review!

  Why can’t they use such simple and straightforward vocabulary to compose such a short 18-character poem full of connotation?

  These people have deeply realized that the gap between mortals and geniuses, and most of the immortal poems come from the hands of geniuses!

  Sometimes, the inspiration of genius flashes, and it is more useful than ordinary people's hard work for a lifetime.

  Wu Di is truly famous in the poetry world because of this song "A Generation"!

   And some of the famous lines she had previously "original" were quickly circulated, and more people exclaimed that this is a real genius in literature!

  When all the people who followed Wu Di pressed the "genius" on her head, she herself was very sober, she was just quoting an appropriate poem at the right time.

  She is not a genius, and never arrogantly think that she is a genius, she is just a girl who likes to study.

  Compared with such a poem, she cares more about how to enrich and perfect herself, absorb the cultures of the two worlds, and write something that belongs to her.

  Fame and fortune are nothing but a handy thing for her, so why bother? (To be continued.)

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