Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 300: Grand foreshadowing

  Wu Di’s writing is basically done at home after school in the evening. When at school, she always buries her head in the textbook as always, and goes all out for each exam. .

Many media wanted to come to this school to interview Wu Di, a genius, but they were all rejected by Principal Kong on the grounds of disturbing the students. He had anticipated that one day, when Wu Di was in junior high school, she had already proved her. How good it is.

  Wu Di, who has an aura on her body, has never noticed that she has not changed her treatment of friends and classmates. She does not seem to take her own achievements seriously.

With this attitude of Wu Di, many students were puzzled. Some people also asked Wu Di boldly, saying that you have already made such a great achievement in literature, and you are still a best-selling author. Why do you waste it in school? Time, wouldn’t it be nice to be a professional writer early?

  But Wu Di explained that she is not a writer, but a storyteller, and now as a student, her main business is learning, and writing is just one of her hobbies.

  This kind of statement makes her classmates feel that she is pretending to be coercive, probably because the awesome people will make people feel coerced if they tell the truth.

  But Wu Di’s devotion to learning has also inspired many students’ motivation to learn. Even geniuses like Wu Di are still focused on learning, and we must not lag behind!

This is Wu Di’s role as a positive role model. Her performance in school has also been paid attention to by her image management team. Some deeds that help shape her image are passed on to prove that Wu Di will always It was the female academic tyrant in my memory, who was not lost in the popularity of the public.

The manuscripts of her short stories, "Five Centimeters Per Second", and "Masterpieces on the Bite of the Tongue" were also posted, which thoroughly proved that she is Tian Jingsha, and friends all expressed "the handwriting is as beautiful as ever" and "attitude" Still so serious" "Absolutely the genius who works hardest"...

  Her serious attitude towards writing was compared with that famous literary figure Yuan Longchuan.

In fact, this traditional famous Yuan Longchuan was also a high school student in his early school career. Of course, his grades could not be as exaggerated as Wu Di, but his graduation grades at Zhongdu University were second in the class at that time. Enough proof of his excellence.

Of course, the content of Wu Di's writing is very different from the style of the other party. If Wu Di is a typical plot and excellent writing style, then Yuan Longchuan is the writing style, the plot is all very good, his work has a kind of The true critical power is worth pondering. This is far from what Wu Di can compare. Yuan Longchuan is an outstanding short story master and has won the Zhou Xun Humanities Award, one of China's three major literary awards.

At that time, another "degenerate" genius writer, that is, Qin Zhisi, who was always yelling for death and suicide, only loved Yuan Longchuan's works very much, and even expressed his admiration for Yuan Longchuan many times, but he never paid his debts. He would take the initiative to repay every time he borrowed money from Yuan Longchuan. He said triumphantly that he would be able to meet Yuan Longchuan more and listen to his teachings...

Therefore, Wu Di’s literary path seems gorgeous and dazzling, but her true level, let alone the two most important literary awards in the East and the West, has not even reached the level of the Dun Spear Literature Award. Her works , It also lacks a real depth and connotation.

Some people think that Wu Di "beats" Yao Qiong, and her level is higher than Yao Qiong, but in fact, Yao Qiong has been immersed in silver literature for many years, and his skill has truly reached the recognition of traditional masters. When he puts down a certain obsession and writes as he pleases After his real works, his works have already become famous.

  However, Wu Di doesn't care about this at all. Although her writing attitude is serious, she never thinks about winning any prizes. She is just a storyteller.

The first part of Wu Di’s "Blessed Lovers" has been handed over to Su Manwen, and the editor Hu Yifei is reviewing it. Although Liang Zhu is a poignant love story, the environment Wu Di outlined for them is extremely grand and open. There are some foreshadowings that can lead to others. Books, for example, Zhu Yingtai, the heroine, is beautiful, intelligent, and very talented.

Ban Zhao and Cai Wenji did not appear in this time and space. Wu Di briefly mentioned the background of their two talented women. The former is a female historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty and author of "The Commandments of Women", while the latter is more famous, Cai Yan Cai Wenji, a well-known talented woman in the Three Kingdoms period, is the author of "Eighteen Poems of Hu Ji" and "Poems of Sadness and Indignation". She even attached their works.

Later, when some scholars studied Wu Di’s "Civilization" series, they called "Blessed Lovers" the beginning of the great epic work of "Civilization". In "Poems of Grief and Indignation" there is even the foreshadowing of the Three Kingdoms. No one thought of it. , Wu Di can actually construct such a magnificent and amazing overhead history step by step.

  As for now, when the editor-in-charge Hu Yifei got the first part of "Blessed Lovers", she read it as an ancient romance novel. As a editor-in-charge, she was actually responsible for reviewing and correcting some wrong sentences and typos.

  However, Wu Di’s essays are absolutely impossible to show up. Before submitting the manuscript, she will revise it until she is satisfied.

After reading the first part of "The Butterfly Lovers" in one breath, Hu Yifei frowned. Although Wu Di's writing is as good as ever, the layout is magnificent, and the details are perfect, she feels that some places are too much attention to details, as if it is meaningless. Make up the words, this is definitely the number of words in the water...

  No, it’s not right. Wu Di’s professional attitude is very good. She can never do everything to cheat money like Yao Qiong did at the beginning. Could it be that it is foreshadowing?

  Hu Yifei guessed it was a foreshadowing, but could not guess that this is no longer the foreshadowing of this medium and long novel, but the foreshadowing or framework of a series of novels!

Hu Yifei was slightly disappointed by the opening of "Blessed Lovers". She thinks Wu Di's opening is substandard, and the story of a woman disguised as a man and a gifted beauty is very clichéd. She can almost guess that Wu Di will write. What's the matter, since Wu Di said a lighthearted and joyous story at this time, it must be the last lover who finally got married?

Hu Yifei thought for a while, she couldn't help but shook her head slightly. She subconsciously placed Wu Di in a very high position. In fact, at Wu Di's age, it is normal for the level to fluctuate. It seems that this article is still the editor in chief. It was urged... this is also understandable.

  Su Manwen's editor-in-chief ability to remind manuscripts is absolutely terrifying. (To be continued.)

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