The students present were very curious about how Wu Di and Angela got such a high score...

  But no one dared to ask questions. You must know that to get such a high score, they must have their own special methods. This may be a unique secret. They do not pay a certain price, and they will never tell others easily. .

At this time, Qian Jin saw the score that made him look up. Looking at Wu Di, who was wearing a black robe that completely covered his appearance, he only felt that the other party was really unfathomable. Originally, he thought that the other party was defeated, but this time The result of the homework made him never dare to underestimate the exchange student.

At this time, as a history teacher, Lin Jing, of course, got the students’ homework grades one after another. When she saw the Jason group’s “c+” grade, she nodded with satisfaction. In fact, after class this time As long as the assignment has a "d" evaluation, it is already very good, and "c+" may be the highest evaluation of this assignment.

Wu Di and Angela were the last to submit their assignments. Lin Jing started to worry about them when they saw that there were only two people in their group. Angela did not have high attainments in the subject of history, and Wu Di did this. The child is still a student who has just entered the academy city.

In all fairness, the sense of superiority of students who have been studying in Academy City for a long time is very strong, because they use technology that is ahead of the world, and they create value every moment, and then make the science and technology of Academy City more advanced. This kind of superiority The feeling that many students such as Jason have a sense of overlooking the students who enter the school city halfway.

As for foreign students, even if they study well, they may not be able to adapt to the unimaginable way of learning in the academy city, but in fact, when games and learning are combined, some students who are eager to play burst out Power. It's amazing!

  In the academy city, learning depends on self-consciousness. No one will force you to study. Anyway, if you fail to meet the assessment results, you will be kicked out of the academy city. There are many such students every year.

  As a student, Lin Jing was a "student tyrant". She was amazed at this "Xueba Paradise", she completely applied the game to her classroom, and the teaching effect was very good.

   "I hope these two girls can at least get ‘d’." Lin Jing treats all the students equally, she looks forward to it.

When Wu Di and Angela’s “a+” score appeared on her optical brain, she was taken aback for a moment, rubbed her eyes subconsciously, and found that it was indeed not her dizziness, she couldn’t calm down, she wouldn’t doubt it. Any bugs in the game itself. Everyone knows that Lord Catherine's game can never have loopholes.

  Why can these two girls get such a high evaluation?

  However, even if Lin Jing is a teacher, she can't check what Wu Di and Angela did in the copy without authorization. This belongs to the student's right.

  The responsibility of teachers in the academy city lies not in the assessment, nor the professor, but in the guidance. After all, learning belongs to the students themselves, and all the assessments of the students. It will all be carried out in this game, and there is the "Holy Grail" of supercomputers developed by Your Excellency Catherine. There will be no errors in the assessment.

Lin Jing has a very good relationship with Angela. Her film company has also worked with Angela. She sent a message to Angela: "Student Angela, congratulations on your record-breaking grades in this history assignment. But , Can I take a look at your copy record?"

  Angela did not decide without authorization. Instead, she discussed with Wu Di first, and found that Wu Di did not refute this, she sent a copy of the record to Lin Jing. She also said: "Yes, Teacher Lin. We also received the copy in the copy. A C-level random task. After successfully completing it, you get the "Selder Family Fragment 3". Do you need it, teacher?"

When Lin Jing heard this, she couldn't help but beamed her brows. She was very happy and said, "Of course I need it. The process, even the historical background at the time, not only improves my academic ability, but also allows me to gain more knowledge!"

  Lin Jing’s desire for knowledge revealed in Lin Jing’s words gave Wu Di a confidant sense of identity. This teacher Lin really has no end to learning.

  Wu Di decided to ask this teacher Lin for more advice on history, and then she also wanted to see this synthesized "Selder Family", which is also rated at b grade at any rate, which can be regarded as a masterpiece.

  And when the classmates heard Angela’s cheerful words, they couldn’t help showing envy:

   "It is so lucky to encounter a random mission of level c during the process of completing the dungeon with the ‘a+’ score!"

   "It seems that the d-level random missions we encountered last time were not completed? Not everyone can easily grasp such opportunities."

  "This "Selder Family Fragment 3" is very rare, not just Teacher Lin, it seems that there are several history and literature scholars who are just inferior to this fragment, and its value is definitely more than 50 bonus points!"

"Fuck, then Wu Di and Angela have made a profit. This time the dungeon is worth the reward points of some masters for a semester. It is really amazing! I just want to know what earth-shattering things they did in the dungeon. ..."

When Jason heard the name "Selder Family Fragment 3", he couldn't help but move in his heart. He opened his friends list and saw the last time the student who brought himself a copy of a literary copy online, he couldn't help but send it. A private message passed: "George, my classmate completed a random task and got the "Selder Family Fragment III". Come here if you want."

When George saw this private message at first, he almost forgot who this Jason was, but when he saw Fragment 3, his eyes suddenly brightened. He also has Fragment 1 and Fragment 2, but they are not so good. Fragment three!

George is an avid fan of this game, as well as an emerging writer. He will not let go of all the ways to improve his academic ability. The main subject he chose is literature. In the last academic test, he Almost passed the one-star academic ability test, but in the end it still failed.

  So, while working hard to study literature outside the game, writing articles and submitting articles, while brushing various historical and literary copies in the game, only to gain ways to improve academic ability.

Therefore, he soon came to this city of history. He was still wearing a gorgeous medieval knight armor, riding a white horse. This is how he used the super powers derived from his literature. dress up. . )

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