Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 401: Cao Cao and Cao Zhi

In addition to military advisers, if you want to say who is the most charming and talented among the many monarchs, it is obviously Cao Cao. From a modern point of view, no one can deny Cao Cao's prowess and generality. It is in many Three Kingdoms category. In the game, Cao Jia's comprehensive value is also very high. .

  Xiao Yiren only looked at Cao Jian’s epoch. Although it describes Cao Jian’s deeds in detail, it is Cao Jian’s literary achievements that really moved him.

  Cao Yan’s poems are in fact representative works of "Jian'an Vigor". The works of Jian'an period at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty truly reflect the real turmoil and the people's suffering, expressing the ideal of making meritorious deeds and the spirit of positive and enterprising. At the same time, it also reveals the sorrow and resentment of short life and difficult ambitions. The artistic conception is grand, the style is bright, and it has distinctive characteristics of the times and surnames. Its powerful, deep, generous and sad artistic style is called "the spirit of Jian'an" in the history of literature. Or "Han Wei style."

  And Wu Di's fifth poem appendix, its name is "Jian'an Vigor".

  After Xiao Yiren watched two short songs, he became obsessed with the first one-a song to wine, life is geometric! For example, there is a lot of suffering in the morning dew. Generosity should be regarded as generosity, and worry is unforgettable. How to relieve worries? Only Dukang. Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin. But for the sake of the king, I have been pondering till now... the moon is scarce, and the black magpie flies south. Three turns around the tree, where is the branch to rely on? The mountains never get too high, and the sea never gets too deep. Zhougong spit and feed, and the world is home to one's heart.

In fact, the background of the creation of this short song line is exactly the "Hengqi Poems" written by Cao Cao when he went south to Chibi. Wu Di remembers that in the TV series "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" he had seen before, Cao Cao, starring Bao Guoan, was dressed in luxurious red. The scene where the robe composes poems on the boat is very classic. Sometimes to deeply understand a poem, it must be substituted into the background of the time.

  Xiao Yiren could no longer hold it back, with an inexplicable excitement, in that post of his own. I posted some of Cao's favorite poems...

  He originally wanted to sign the author's name directly as Cao Cao, but then he thought about it, no matter how well this "Dan Ge Xing" is written, it is also the work of Wu Di, who created the character "Cao Cao"!

  He couldn't help being stunned, and then staring at the book "Jian'an Vigor", only felt that the shock was hard to describe in words-my God! What exactly did Wu Di do this year abroad? In the era of the decline of contemporary poetry, this work definitely won the Qingshan Poetry Award from one of the three Chinese poets!

  The 17-year-old Qingshan Poetry Award winner? Xiao Yiren pinched this "Jian'an Vigor" and didn't know what to say.

  He soon posted these works in his posts...

Probably because Cao Yu’s works were too shocking for him. When he saw Cao Yu’s son Cao Pi’s famous piece "Sing of Yan Ge", he was no longer so touched, but when he thought that these were all created by Wu Di , He couldn't help feeling terrible. Such a talent for poetry is afraid that even the great poet Nan Dao can't match it?

after all. This is an ancient poem!

  If it weren’t for Wu Di as Tian Jingsha, she had already shown her ancient poetry skills in her various ancient overhead novels. Xiao Yiren would never believe that Wu Di could write such shocking ancient style poems!

  However, when Xiao Yiren saw the work of Cao Zhi’s other son, Cao Zhi, he was shocked!

  First of all, it is Cao Zhi's "Seven Step Poem" which shows his creativity and agility-to boil beans and hold soup, making them juice. Osmunda burned under the cauldron, and the beans wept in the cauldron. He grew up from the same root, why is it too anxious?

  But because Xiao Yiren still didn't know the situation of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi brothers at the time. The sense of substitution is not strong, and this poem is relatively not very high in literary value. After all, it was written hastily.

  But it was Cao Zhi’s eternal masterpiece-"Luo Shen Fu" that made Xiao Yiren stand up all of a sudden and almost knocked down his chair!

"Its shape is also beautiful, graceful like a dragon. Rong Yao Qiuju, Huamao Chun pine. It seems like a light cloud covering the moon. Swaying like a wind returning to snow. Looking at it from a distance, it is bright like the sun rising. Morning glow; compelling and observing it, the burning is like a lot of flowers coming out of Lubo. The slenderness is centered, and the length is shortened. If the shoulders are cut, the waist is as good as about. Yunji E'e, eyebrows repaired and combined. Dan lips are bright, white teeth are fresh inside, bright eyes are good, and the power is auxiliary. Magnificent and elegant, graceful and leisurely. Tenderness, charming, charming in language. Wonderful clothes, bones. Attached to the picture. The dazzling beauty of the robes, the Huaju of the Eryao bi. The jewelry of Jincui, embellished with pearls to shine on the body. Practice the walking shoes, the lightness of the mist. The faint fragrance of the orchids, Step by step on the corner..."

As long as anyone who has played "Three Kingdoms" should know Zhen Ji's sentence "It seems like a light cloud covering the moon, and swaying like a flowing wind returning to the snow", this is written in "Luo Shen Fu". This masterpiece is Cao Zhi, a talented poet.

   And Cao Zhi's "White Horse" in "Death to the country is difficult, and death suddenly feels like home" is also a well-known eternal sentence.

Southern Song writer Xie Lingyun commented that “there is only one stone in the world, and Cao Zijian dominates the eight fights”. Zhong Rong, the author of The Book of Songs, also praised Cao Zhi for his “extraordinarily high-souled character, rich poetry, elegant sentiment and resentment, and literary quality. , The charm overflows the present and the ancient, outstanding." Wang Shizhen said that the poets of the two thousand years since the Han and Wei dynasties can be called "fairy talents", Cao Zhi, Li Bai, and Su Shi three ears.

It can be said that Cao Zhi is also a representative figure of the "Jian'an Vigor", and even the literary value of his works is higher than that of Cao Cao. After all, Cao Cao's works are better than those of "magnanimous spirit" and "generous sadness". Cao Cao's political and military achievements are the most important.

Throughout the ages, the poems and achievements of outstanding people like Cao Yu have both been comparable to each other. Perhaps only a genius. After all, most poets are "articles hate fate", frustrated in politics and officialdom, and even upright. Because of various relegations, he wrote famous articles that have been passed down through the ages; and some very talented monarchs, such as Li Yuzhi and his like, although very good at poetry, often do nothing in governing the country and become the king of subjugation.

This post by Xiao Yiren became popular again with the passage of time. Many people who love classical poems became famous. Some people transferred the works of Cao Jia, Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi to Tian Jingsha, a gathering of literary and artistic youths. The place, and the sensation it caused, is simply hard to describe in words!

Many people are interested in Cao’s father and son because of San Cao’s poems, and even more interested in Zhen Ji, the protagonist of "Fu of Luo Shen". What milk tea sister is comparable to the true Luoshui goddess Zhen Ji ?

The setting book "Three Kingdoms" that not many people bought originally has attracted a lot of attention, especially the writers in the literary world. Many writers know that Wu Di decided to write a real masterpiece, but they did not expect it at all. The masterpiece came so suddenly! . )

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