Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 473: Three Quotes Love Letter

  Xia Weiwei was naturally very happy to see Wu Di taking the initiative to alienate Wu Di, but seeing Wu Di's slightly annoyed appearance, she developed a vengeance. .

  She said coldly: "What I say to Xiaodi is none of your business. Don't inquire about the private affairs of girls."

  Xia Weiwei felt Wu Di’s repressed terrible anger at this moment. She felt a little scared in her heart, but soon she found that Wu Di smiled indifferently: “Then, I will ask you in the afternoon. What I said before is true.”

  I’m going to talk to you for a while...Xia Weiwei thought calmly.

   "Of course I have this kind of consciousness, don't underestimate people!" At this moment, Xia Weiwei seemed to burst out with a dazzling light.

  Wu Di was taken aback by Xia Weiwei like this. He felt very headache while feeling that his younger sister was really attractive and she was a male and female killer.

He did so many things that Xia Weiwei hated before, and he just wanted to keep this girl away from him. It's better to leave some space for him and Wu Di when he gets along with Wu Di. Anyway, he can't stay there forever. here.

But now things are developing beyond his expectations. Wu Di instead left room for him and Xia Weiwei. This actually made Wu Di feel very annoyed and very depressed for a moment. His sister’s behavior made him feel that she was still so indifferent. He is far less important to her than he thought.

  He still doesn’t know what the younger sister is thinking about. It seems that the original Wu Di is more interesting and cute.

Wu Di looked at Xia Weiwei and held her hand. The other's hand didn't have the smooth and soft feeling of her sister's. It also had some cocoons because of her diligent playing of the instrument, but since the owner of the hand is a beautiful girl If it does, it doesn't matter.

   Then he observed Xia Weiwei's reaction with interest. The disgust on the other's face flashed, but he did not break free, which made Wu Di find it very interesting.

  If Xia Weiwei really likes him, then he might run away, but Xia Weiwei hates him so much, then he will naturally tease each other without any psychological pressure.

No matter which man it is, he will not dislike such a super beautiful girl who is second only to Wu Di in appearance. Speaking of Xia Weiwei's figure, it seems that Wu Di will be more sexy, especially the part below the neck that cannot be described above the waist. .

Wu Di thinks that Xia Weiwei is actually like the role of the younger sister in Ye Zhaochen’s novel "My Sister". The island country is named Ayase Aragaki. He also has strong feelings for his younger sister and does everything for her sister. , I just don’t know if he will suddenly become black and hack him to death with a knife...

   “As a girl, it’s too unholdable to hold a man's hand casually like this.” Wu Di pretended to throw away Xia Weiwei’s hand in disgust, and said. Then he hoped that the other party would slap him quickly and get out, so as not to hinder him from going to Wu Di.

This was the first time Xia Weiwei was held by a boy, but she was said that she really wanted to kill this guy directly, but she endured it abruptly, and she didn’t know if it was instinct. She always felt that Wu Di was too exaggerated. He seemed Not so ** on the surface.

Since Zhongdu University is indeed very large, Wu Di did not finish visiting the campus in the morning. In the afternoon, Xia Weiwei continued to take him to visit. When walking through a large student square, she saw a propaganda poster. The "Three Quotes Love Letter" creation competition was held online. As a literary lover, Xia Weiwei was naturally interested in participating.

  Love you, only use three lines to express. Express your love in three lines, this is the "Three Quotes Love Letter". Young people use concise and exquisite three-line language to express their confession, blessings, cares, and recollection of the past.

  The "Three Quotes Love Letter" creation competition has been going on for a while, and some good works have emerged, such as——

  I will wait for you in this life because there is no.

  If one day you can see through my heart, you will cry because it is full of you.

   All in all, this is a very suitable competition for literary and artistic youths to show themselves.

"Why? You have to participate in this kind of boring competition?" Wu Di asked in a very temperamental manner. He continued to mock Xia Weiwei, only to find that the other party was becoming more and more calm. His heart was very irritable. He really underestimated him. The consciousness of this girl.

   "Boring, why boring? You can't write a three-quote love letter like this. If it's Xiaodi, you can definitely write the most perfect three-quote love letter." Xia Weiwei said lightly.

  As a result, Wu Di hugged the girl and wrote an impromptu song in her ear: “Have you ever held someone for that moment? It feels like you have the whole world.”

  A different girl's body fragrance lingers on the tip of Wu Di's nose, and the same purity makes the man intoxicated.

Xia Weiwei's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and then Wu Di let go of her, and the index finger and **** were slowly drawn from Xia Weiwei's lips, as if he was appreciating such a beautiful girl, and then he held up the girl's chin and looked directly at her. In the eyes, she found that her eyes became firmer and firmer.

  At a certain moment, in Wu Di's eyes, Xia Weiwei's beautiful cheeks seemed to have become Wu Di's, and they were indeed similar in some places. If you can, it would be the best to receive a double sister...

  Wu Di sighed, let go of the other party, and asked if he didn’t even care about this ambiguous behavior that was about to cross the line. It was super troublesome and annoying! The most important thing is that he suddenly felt that if he could get the cute girl Xia Weiwei, it seemed to be a very **** thing! No matter how attractive Wu Di is, it can’t be compared to Wu Di and Xia Weiwei. It’s better to add Su Nuan, Nie Qian, Li Xiangying and even Wu Di’s aunt...

  Fuck! This cliff is a sequelae of the recent urban harem novels, and Wu Di frantically complains about himself in his heart.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone say hello to Xia Weiwei. It turned out to be Wu Di's roommate Zeng Weiran and Yu Xiao. Both of them looked at Xia Weiwei and Wu Di with ambiguous eyes.

This made Xia Weiwei unbearable. Yu Xiao, who had been very gossiping, approached Xia Weiwei: "Weiwei, is this your boyfriend? The last time I had a dinner, I actually said no. Judging from my many years of experience, it is appropriate. So rich and handsome, very good for you!"

  Xia Weiwei looked embarrassed. She didn't know how to answer the other party, but Yu Xiao mistakenly thought she was shy.

  Zeng Weiran quickly grabbed Yu Xiao: "Don’t disturb others, let’s go back quickly..."

Xia Weiwei knew that Yu Xiao was very gossip about this kind of thing, and she must have made all the dormitory and even the whole department know about it. This made her feel a little wrong. She didn't care about her reputation. Anyway, she was in love after college. It's a normal thing.

  She was just a little worried about how Wu Di would react when she learned that she and Wu Di had become "girlfriends and girlfriends".


  I had a car accident and scratched my elbows and knees. It hurts and I was unhappy when I applied the medicine. . . . . . (To be continued.)

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