Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 489: Born Guo Fengxiao

  I don’t know who it was, and the story that happened to Yuan Ziguang was passed on, which attracted a lot of ridicule from friends—

   "Don't tell me, if you don't know the content of this video a long time ago, just look at the beginning, it's really a bit of a stale picture quality** the taste of the video..." a certain friend teased.

"Well, first of all, I admit that I am a big loss. When I saw this paragraph, I actually really expected Wu Di to release some private videos. Maybe it’s because I think it’s so pleasurable to be tainted and pure... By the way, whenever I am caught by Wu When some of Di's novels are cured, this thought becomes stronger. Wu Di abuses Cai Yan so much. I really hope that this kind of tragedy will happen to her. 233333~~~" Obviously, this friend has a deep resentment towards Wu Di.

"As a loyal fan of Wu Di, I definitely don't want this scandal to happen to Wu Di. I used to like that child star **** very much, but then you can see what she has been made into by the entertainment industry, taking drugs, [*** ], Drunk driving...My dizi will never do this kind of thing!" There is a diehard Wu Di fan who expressed his attitude very seriously.

However, then again, the person who posted the video on the h forum is really bad. When everything like Yuan Ziguang is ready, he finally finds that the video is not what he imagined, that depressed mood. It's not enough for outsiders.

And because of this, more people have learned about Wu Di's fourth-level foreign language score. Friends have praised Wu Di for his continued domineering style. Originally, Lin Meiyu, who had just become popular on the Internet, In this way, it disappeared from the public eye, and this is the sadness of the second place.

The students of Zhongdu University naturally feel very honored. After all, Wu Di has won glory for his alma mater again. Wu Di's scholarship this semester basically can't run away. In the previous mid-term exams unique to Zhongdu University, Wu Di has shown Thanks to her excellent grades in every subject.

  With the arrival of the end of the first semester of the university, a tense atmosphere has gradually filled the entire campus, and the seats in the library have become tight.

  Of course, for the girls in the entire dormitory 3-401, they don’t have to worry about the library seats, because Wu Di will help them occupy the seats if needed.

  Wu Di is as calm as ever. Because she has a good relationship with professors such as Yuan Longchuan and Hua Quanjing, she naturally knows the difficulty of the final exam at Zhongdu University.

Generally speaking, if you only want sixty points, then it is basically no problem to make a surprise before the test, but if you want to test high scores and get more credit points, you must work hard in normal times. .

However, Wu Di usually spends a lot of time on studying. Others always complain at the end of the semester. This teacher almost focuses on the whole book when marking the key points. Then he also draws the key points. But for Wu who has completely mastered the whole book. For Di, no matter what the exam is, there is no problem.

  So in this period, Wu Di still wrote her third "Three Kingdoms" series of novels with Guo Jia's perspective.

  Last time because the sales of that travel novel dazzled many literary figures, they turned to grasping the failure of the second novel in the "Three Kingdoms" series, and thought that Wu Di would write worse and worse.

  Because Wu Di has also carried out deep reflection herself, she certainly knows how to write to balance the art department and commercial surname of this novel, and the character Guo Jia has a natural charm to make readers fascinated.

   Therefore, Wu Di will never make any mistakes in his third "Three Kingdoms" series of novels.

  In Wu Di’s pen, Guo Jia is a handsome man, with an unruly prodigal demeanor, frail, sickly, informal, and the most impressive are Guo Jia’s deep eyes that can see through people’s hearts. Of course, Guo Jianeng is so popular, and his early death is also one of the big reasons. Even in "Three Kingdoms", he has the skill of "tian jealousy".

As for why Guo Jia has the nickname "Ghost", it is of course that he has many strategies that are very unexpected. Others have never thought of such a strategy, and his strategy gambling surname is very high, but he has to admit that it is him. The grasp of people's hearts.

In a sense, Guo Jia is actually a master of psychology. Each of the strategies he contributes is unexpected, and each of them may bring huge dangers. Each one depends on whether the opponent's mental state is strict or not. Follow his schedule—

   Not to mention Guo Jiana’s most famous "Liaodong", in fact, during the period of the famous battle of Guandu in the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia's "ghost talent" was vividly reflected.

  At that time, Cao's army was at a standstill with Yuan Shao in Guandu. The enemy is strong and we are weak, and the situation is dire. At the same time, Cao ** was quite worried about the restless hero Liu Bei behind him, fearing that he would suddenly attack him and stabbing him in the back.

  But the frontal strong enemy is no longer able to cope with it.

  Guo Jia said, ‘Yes,’ and it should not be too late. He must take advantage of Liu Bei’s unsettled foundation and the unacceptable support of the people, and rush out to defeat Liu Bei in one fell swoop.

  As for Yuan Shao, Guo Jia expected that he would not do anything. ‘The Shao surname is late and suspicious, and will not come quickly.’ This time difference can be used to eliminate Liu Bei.

  Isn’t this a larger-scale ‘empty city plan’? The only condition for this bold plan to be established is that Yuan Shao does not make a move when it is time to make a move, otherwise Cao ** will be destroyed.

However, everything happened as expected by Guo Jia, and it was also during the period when Cao ** and Yuan Shao stalemate in Guandu. It was said that Sun Ce was coming to attack Xu Du. This made Cao ** party very worried. After all, Sun Ce was the little overlord of Jiangdong. So at that time, many of Cao **'s men had secretly flattered the powerful Yuan Shao. Otherwise, after Cao ** had won, why should all of his letters be burned, just to soothe people's hearts.

  In the end, Guo Jia said very calmly: The lord does not need to lay out troops to defend Xu Du, because Sun Ce can't come.

Based on his thorough understanding of Sun Ce, Guo Jia asserted that Sun Ce would surely die by the hands of an assassin on the way. Is the ambition of'Tian Xia Gui Xin' pinned on those assassins who know who they will be? Is it possible to guarantee that these assassins will not only succeed, but they will succeed before Sun Ce rushes to Xu Du?

Mr. Pei Songzhi, who added the note to Chen Shou's Three Kingdoms, was obviously fooled when he read the above record.His brain must only understand the so-called'shangzhi', and there is nothing to do with the'sense wisdom' embodied by Guo Jia here. Therefore, it was only a coincidence that he asserted that Sun Ce later died at the hands of the Xu Gong family's assassins.

However, this seems to be a coincidence, but it is actually because Guo Jia has amazing courage. His combat plan always pursues efficiency to the greatest extent. For this reason, he does not hesitate to put the risk factor on the high-risk point every time. Conjecture has reached the level of divine transformation.

There have been such wonderful sections in history. What Wu Di has to do is to write all of them in the book. With her control of the words, she can write such a plot more excitingly and let the character of Guo Jia radiate. More dazzling light! (To be continued.)

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