Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 491: Bong Xiao killing

  It’s just that, even if you know it now, what can you do? There are too many things lying between them, his strength is too weak, and Xia Weiwei's shit-chucking stick... Yes, in his heart, Xia Weiwei is this image. .

  But, who made her a close friend of her own sister? Once Wu Di is involved, then he will be gone.

Moreover, even if Xia Weiwei is a shit-chucking stick, she can’t deny that she is a very beautiful girl, and her temperament is similar to that of her sister. I think he had been tempted by her at the beginning, so his brain was so hot. The thing is also understandable. Sometimes a man’s surname is like this, the so-called thinking with ** is a man.

  All in all, let’s see if we can use the festival during the Spring Festival this time to get closer to my sister...

   Thinking of the ceremonies, Wu Di’s face appeared helpless again. He still remembered that he had to confess at the beginning, but God’s will to make people!


Although most readers were skeptical of Wu Di’s newly released third "Three Kingdoms" series, Xiao Yiren, a diehard fan, did not hesitate to order the collector's edition of this book. At this time, his I already got the book at hand.

Xiao Yiren's relationship with Wu Di is actually good now, and occasionally he can chat with Wu Di. This has made him very satisfied, and because he is still writing a slam dunk in Huangmeng novels, so relying on his relationship with Wu Di, He also got Wu Di's friendship chapter push, the effect of that chapter push is simply amazing!

Xiao Yiren also knows that Wu Di’s "Slam Dunk" has already had ideas, because in her freshman year, she went to learn more about the specific competition system of the college basketball league, and she often worked at Zhongdu University. Watch the game in the gym.

This news has actually been reported by newspapers. At that time, the newspaper also made a statistics, saying that Wu Di was actually the strongest non-staff cheerleader of the Zhongdu University team. Whenever she went to watch the game, she was originally a strong team. The Zhongdu University team is always able to explode with twelve-point motivation and offer her a victory...

After this news was reported, readers reacted very strongly. There were even other basketball players who had played against the Zhongdu University team. In fact, the truth is not only that, it should be that all the players in the game broke out for twelve points. Motivation, because everyone likes Wu Di's "Slam Dunk" very much. Maybe Wu Di has a deep impression of a certain player, and then write it in the article?

  Even if it’s a dragon suit, it’s a very lucky thing to be able to interact with the charming characters who dunk!

  In short, Xiao Yiren is actually looking forward to youthful inspirational novels like "Slam Dunk" more than "Three Kingdoms".

  Although he has already started all the collector's editions of "Three Kingdoms", he himself is not too obsessed with it. Among them, the second "Three Kingdoms" series of novels has let Xiao Yiren know what cruelty is in minutes.

  However, at this moment, he is also idle, so Suo Xing will try to read the third part. The packaging of this collector's edition is always unique for people to read **.

Since it is from the perspective of Guo Jia, the cover is naturally Guo Jia drawn by Wu Di himself. This image is somewhat similar to Guo Jia in Wu Di’s Three Kingdoms Killing Card. He wears a long gown, holds a folding fan, and distributes shawls. It looks very handsome and handsome. , The temperament on his body is especially like a wise man.

  Like most readers, Xiao Yiren is very fond of the role of counselor in the "Three Kingdoms" series of novels, and he even likes to watch the counselor pretend to be coercive.

  啧, it seems that this time from the perspective of a counselor... Xiao Yiren thought this way, and the interest in reading suddenly came up.

  At this point, he didn’t let go of his hands, because the Guo Jia depicted by Wu Di is so charming!

  And with the appearance of Guo Jia’s "ghost plots", Xiao Yiren became more and more excited when he saw such a plot, he didn't know what to say until he saw such a plot! Guo Jia is really awesome! How can he be so good?

When Cao ** attacked Xuzhou, Guo Jia practiced the art of war in Xuzhou to "kill with filial piety", that is, "slaughter one city, kill ten cities." Jingjing View (in ancient times, it was a high mound made by showing off martial arts, gathering enemy corpses, and sealing the soil.), in order to create a psychological deterrent to other cities, so that the army has an absolute advantage in morale.

Then take advantage of the "time and place, and people and harmony", take advantage of the dry weather in Xuzhou for nearly half a month, send people to block the river, cut off the water source, and seize the "time" of the enemy; before the Xuzhou army and civilians reap the harvest, they burned the farmland, cut off its supplies, and wiped out the "place advantage"; and The so-called "human harmony" is to use Tao Qian's love for the people to cause millions of people to flood into Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou, and quickly deplete their food and grass. This strategy allowed Cao Jun to take down Pengcheng without a single soldier after garrisoning troops for March after he went down to ten consecutive cities.

Xiao Yiren stood up, squeezed the book stubbornly, and repeatedly watched the plot that shocked him. Out of his understanding of Wu Di's style, he suddenly thought of the previous foreshadowing, saying that Guo Jia and Jia Xu both followed it. "Dark Art of War", and the two have a good relationship as senior brothers, and both belong to the "Water Mirror Eight Wonders"...

   "This Guo Fengxiao looks weak and innocent, but he was so ruthless!" Xiao Yiren sighed, but this kind of cruelty did not disgust him at all, but he felt so handsome!

After all, Xiao Yiren was not a person of that era, and had no intuitive impression of **, but in history, Cao ** had a very bad influence on Xuzhou **, and Cao **’s reputation was worse because of this. In addition, Of course, there is also Cao's bad habit of playing with a wife, but we have to say that playing with a wife does have a desire to conquer.

"Damn! The main point of view of the first book, Lu Bu, died like this... But he did not lose injustice. It is obviously normal to lose in the hands of Cao ** who has a super wise man like Guo Jia. Look. Getting up in this troubled world is still the most important strategy."

Probably because Guo Jia’s previous ghost plots were so amazing that Xiao Yiren, who was substituted for Guo Jia’s side, did not feel much about Lu Bu’s death. He was not a fan of Lu Bu, but he could also guess that Lu Bu. After being sent out in this way, those readers who like Lu Bu will feel so sorry. This big-eared thief Liu Bei may be hacked, because his words are too cruel...

Even more regretful is the loyal Gao Shun under Lu Bu. Wu Di drew an illustration earlier in which Gao Shun roared out "the ambition of being trapped, never retreat, there is death but no life" and charged forward. Xiao Yiren was also inexplicably shocked, and the most emotional, naturally, was the scene of Gao Shun resolutely following Lu Bu's death after Lu Bu's defeat and many of his subordinates including Zhang Liao all surrendered.

  Such a good general died like this... Even if Xiao Yiren's heart is toward Guo Jia, he feels a pity for Gao Shun. (To be continued.)

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