Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 493: Beautiful turnaround

Even with rave reviews, there are still people who like to stab, or have malicious people who criticize the third novel in the "Three Kingdoms" series for being a "healing" style. Naturally, the reason is that Lu Bu, Gaoshun, Chen Gong, etc. The characters who shine in the first novel are given a lunch box, and Guo Jia, who is naturally amazing and talented, has not paid off and died young...

  Many of them are fans of Lu Bu, and they are very dissatisfied with Lu Bu’s death at the White Gate Tower.

"As a fan of the God of War Lu Bu, I really can't accept Lu Bu's defeat in this way. I would rather see Lu Bu die on the battlefield with the Hu people than he would be defeated in the hands of Cao **. Of course, there is also the so-called benevolent Liu Bei, who is clearly a big-eared thief. I really hate Liu Bei, a hypocritical and disgusting guy!"

"One is worse than one! I wouldn't read "The Three Kingdoms" anyway. What I want to say is, why did Lu Bu just hang up like this? And I feel that Wu Di clearly gave Lu Bu a mentally handicapped Halo, at the critical moment, I believed the woman's words, but didn't listen to Chen Gong. In the end, I really couldn't accept that Lu Bu, who was so fierce and undaunted to die in the face of Hu people, was so afraid of death!"

"Congratulations to Wu Di, you have ruined an idol in my mind again. The'Lu Bu in the People, the Red Rabbit in the Horses' back then was so admirable to me. That Lu Bu, who was extremely affectionate with brothers and robes, just disappeared... I can only hold back my urge to scold my mother."


I have to say that the first novel in Wu Di's "Three Kingdoms" series beautifies the character of Lu Bu so that many readers like the first military commander of the Three Kingdoms. It can be said that there are so many people complaining about the second one, except for the whole. The tone is very sad, and one of the most important reasons is that Diao Chan played with Lu Bu between applause. How could a **** of war like Lu Bu be abused by a woman? Obviously this makes those readers who have substituted for Lu Bu very upset.

  It’s all right now. The third one simply sent a lunch box to Lu Bu directly. If it weren’t for the second novel, I’m afraid that many readers would want to be enthusiastic about it.

As for Guo Jia’s untimely death, some people admired and felt that this tragedy was very touching. Naturally, some people cursed Wu Di’s literary and youthful illness in his bones and remained unchanged. No, it’s not a literary and youthful illness anymore, but " Bento flute", kill the charismatic character without blinking!

  Why did Guo Jia die like this? We also want to see this talented strategist, coughing and pointing the country, and lightly come up with all kinds of plots and plots!

Wu Di really portrays the image of Guo Jia very **. Almost many readers think of Guo Jia as a character, and there will be an unruly person with a calm smile, a pair of eyes that see through everything, but a sickly sick person. Super wise...

Of course, Guo Jia’s death was not abrupt. After all, he was born weak, and then went out with the army to the bitter cold land of Liaodong. It is reasonable to contract the disease and die, not to mention that Guo Jia died but died. You can count others, this is actually a very cool plot, like the plot of "Dead Zhuge scares and live Zhongda" in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is obviously also very cool, and then Wu Di also wrote about Guo Jia's death, How sad Cao ** is, this is also a refreshing point.

  The familiarity between the emperor and the ministers between Cao ** and Guo Jia also made many readers sigh.

  The most important thing is that the entire third "Three Kingdoms" series of novels is indeed very happy to write. This is also the most glorious period of the Cao ** camp. After all, with the help of Guo Jia, Cao ** has unified the north. Moreover, in this movie, there is no emotional drama that has been criticized by readers with a male surname.

  So its sales are in the praise of blockbuster movies, driving low and going high, and the number of growth after that is amazing!

And because many readers are very fond of the counselors in the first two books, such as Li Ru and Jia Xu, this time I will focus on writing a counselor, who is still a very charismatic counselor like Guo Jia, who is frail and sickly and is determined to kill. Strong contrast, it is very emotional!

With the passage of time, Guo Jia itself seems to have become a fixed classic image of a counselor. After that, many writers like to describe a frail and sickly but intelligent counselor when writing historical novels about wits. For example, in "A Generation of Military Masters" written by a certain author, the protagonist is a sick seed, but it seems to be carved out of the same mold as Guo Jia.

  The third novel in the "Three Kingdoms" series has sold slightly higher than the first novel in the "Three Kingdoms" series one month after it went on the market. However, there are such amazing sales, which shows that it is indeed deeply loved by readers!

"Literature Weekly" carried out a large-scale report on this sales, and used the words "the strong return of the genius and beautiful girl writer" as the headline, which is very hateful. As for why hatred, of course, before this, there are good multimedia and literary figures. I am not optimistic about Wu Di’s work this time. In their opinion, this third "Three Kingdoms" was completely driven out in a hurry...

"...One month's sales have surpassed the first "Three Kingdoms", and it is expected that the sales will be longer and faster in the future. Obviously, Wu Di's writing technique is becoming more and more mature. This time she writes very cleverly. Even if it is still a tragedy, if you take Guo Jia as the protagonist, this kind of tragedy does not make readers feel annoying at all. On the contrary, it is very moved. I like this talented counselor who died young... As it should be!"

Sometimes the media is just a bunch of dogs, just throwing a piece of bone to them, they are very happy, and the media is obviously unrestricted. Many media who were not optimistic about Wu Di before, as if the previous reports did not It has generally happened, but like "Literature Weekly", they have been touting Wu Di, they know that only in this way, their sales will be higher!

On the contrary, it was Luo Huan, the professional "Wu Dihei" of "New Weekly". After learning about the sales of the third novel of the "Three Kingdoms" series, he did not jump out to argue again, but silently accepted this story. Slap resoundingly, look at what Luo Huan said before-"And the third "Three Kingdoms" series of novels is less than the predecessor number, which obviously shows that she has failed again this time! I advise her to stop writing. "Three Kingdoms"..."

  However, Wu Di fought a beautiful turnaround this time! The predetermined number on the list is nothing at all, the historical novels have always been very profound!

When the third novel of the "Three Kingdoms" series was selling well, it also drove the sales of the first two, and the three novels also allowed a large number of readers to study the "Three Kingdoms" with enthusiasm. This is actually Wu The most important purpose of the flute is that there are even literary fans who have started writing "Three Kingdoms" in the fan area of ​​Huangmeng's novels...

  The influence of this series of novels is expanding step by step! (To be continued.)

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