Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 512: Grand confession

  The sky is blue as washing, and the air on the campus of Zhongdu University is so fresh.

Liao Yaoqing is still playing and singing. He is sitting on the flowerbed outside the girls’ dormitory, singing a love song affectionately, but he doesn’t know how many years ago his courtship method was, but at that time it was still the best poetry. At that time, if a literary youth could not write poems or play or sing, they would not be considered a literary youth.

  Of course, even now, using guitar to confess is still a very romantic thing.

Liao Yaoqing has been in a state of excitement recently. He has also heard of Wu Di before, but in the spring evening, the music wizard who played the piano and sang seemed to hit his heart in an instant. He was extremely convinced that this was the feeling of love at first sight. !

  It turns out that he was not interested in the relationship between men and women before, and he has been focusing on studying, is it because he has not found a real goddess? Now, he finally found it!

   Then, he decisively launched his own awkward and enthusiastic pursuit, and repeated confession failures did not make him retreat, but aroused his greater determination!

Liao Yaoqing pursued Wu Di for the purpose of marriage. After fully understanding Wu Di’s experience, he discovered that the other party is so pure, unlike the more open female college students, Wu Di has never been in love even now. ...

  This is actually what Liao Yaoqing likes most about Wu Di. She is so pure, and such a girl is worthy of him!

  Yes, this is what Liao Yaoqing really thinks. He is a very arrogant man in his bones, even if he looks very honest and introverted.

  As the time he pursues becomes more and more lasting, public opinion in Zhongdu University is gradually changing, and the girls almost support this infatuated boy. In their opinion, the excellent Liao Yaoqing and Wu Di are very suitable. The most important thing is that if Wu Di is in love, then other outstanding boys can give up...

  For Wu Di, the first school flower that almost overwhelms the limelight of all the girls in Zhongdu University, except for some of Wu Di’s female fans, other girls have all kinds of envy and hatred for this talented Wu Di.

  It's not just Wu Di. Even a talented woman like Wan Fangyuan was discriminated against because she came in through a special channel in private. Some people even think that she is not worthy of being a student of Zhongdu University, and her personal professional achievements are not counted. That's great.

  Unfortunately, this kind of academic discrimination does not apply to Wu Di. Wu Di’s grade points last semester were almost full, and he deservedly won a scholarship. The foreign language CET-4 test scored against the sky. No matter how critical a professor is, he can't find Wu Di's academic shortcomings.

  If Wu Di is in love, then it must not be so bad in school...Many students who have been overwhelmed by Wu Di have such expectations.

  As for boys, of course, I don’t want Wu Di to be chased by Liao Yaoqing in this way, but I have to admit that Liao Yaoqing has pursued for so long, and has been defeated and defeated repeatedly. This spirit is really commendable. So much so that the boys in Liao Yaoqing and his department turned to support Liao Yaoqing. He even helped Liao Yaoqing make suggestions.

  No matter how talented Wu Di is, he must be conquered by boys! This is the opinion of many boys who support Liao Yaoqing.

  As a result, the public opinion of Zhongdu University is gradually biased towards Liao Yaoqing, but the public opinion on the Internet is unanimously biased towards Wu Di.

   "Don't be fooled by this kind of guy, Dizi, don't look at him chasing so fiercely. From my experience with people, after chasing you, you will definitely not be as enthusiastic as it is now!"

  "Wu Di in my mind is an eternal goddess. It's fine to be single forever. Any boy who wants to have Wu Di is absolutely unforgivable!"

  "The surname Liao is disgusting. This kind of shameless and shameless boy is the most annoying. Wu Di has definitely rejected him, but he still doesn't give up. Do you want to be so rascal?"

  "Support Wu Di! I hope that Dizi will find a man she likes instead of being forced to pursue it like this!"


  There are also some extreme fans, claiming that if Liao Yaoqing continues to be so obsessed, and be careful of his own life, of course, most of them will be arrogant.

  Just when Wu Di came from Beijing to save her sister from danger, Liao Yaoqing made another spectacular confession that was very eye-catching.

That night, at about ** o’clock, Wu Di was still reading in the bedroom. Thanks to Liao Yaoqing’s gift, she has recently become an otaku girl similar to Shui Yiren. She really didn’t want to go out and was entangled by this senior, even if he Always treat her very politely, keeping a certain distance.

  But Wu Di now sees this person's face and feels annoyed.

Fortunately, Xia Weiwei is righteous enough to stay with Wu Di. She now spends more time in Wu Di’s bedroom than her own bedroom. Sometimes she even sleeps directly with Wu Di, because her bedroom makes it difficult for her. Bear.

  Xia Weiwei decided to go out to rent a house in her sophomore year, so she pulled Wu Di on the way. She asked Wu Di for her opinion and found that after Wu Di agreed, she became more and more looking forward to living with Wu Di.

  Xia Weiwei knows that she has actually fallen in love with Wu Di, but she hides it very well. Anyway, no one thinks it is wrong for girls to be more intimate.

  Xia Weiwei was still discussing the writing of literary and artistic novels with Wu Di at this time. She liked Wu Di’s previous "Twin Flowers" too much. This kind of mysterious and obscure stream of consciousness tuned her to herself.

   "Xiao Di, how can I write good literary works?" Xia Weiwei said to Wu Di while playing with Wu Di's long hair and putting it between her nose.

  Wu Di was about to answer, but when she heard a loud noise outside the bedroom, she did not frown.

Zeng Weiran, who happened to be drying clothes on the balcony, said to Wu Di: "Dizidizi, it's a big deal, that stalker, this time I'm going to play with a big one, and there are heart-shaped candles underneath it! So many boys!"

   "I'm going, really?" Yu Xiao, who was chatting with her boyfriend, immediately ran to the balcony. She was the most gossip in the bedroom anyway.

  Only Shuiyiren is still fighting in "Glory". This dead house doesn't even know that someone is chasing Wu Di...

A trace of hatred flashed in Xia Weiwei's eyes. She knew that Wu Di would never like Liao Yaoqing. She really hated this boy to disturb Wu Di like this. Wu Di had her enough. As for Wu Di, a perverted girl would never control her. Competitiveness!

"The most important thing about Literary and Artistic works is to express yourself. It is a good literary and artistic work to be able to integrate your emotions into the work. It is not written for others to see, but for yourself to play." Wu Di Not surprisingly, the noise in the face, instead explained to Xia Weiwei.

  Xia Weiwei heard Wu Di's words, and her heart was cruel: "Little Di, I'll vent your anger later, isn't he going to put a candle, I'll go get a basin of water!"


  Three shifts~~~~ Seeking recommended tickets and monthly tickets~~! ! (To be continued...)

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