Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 519: Fateful Showdown

Wu Di didn’t know what Wu Di did. She soon discovered that Liao Yaoqing seemed to disappear from her field of vision. This made her feel very happy, so she naturally agreed to the request of cooking and eating for Wu Di herself. In addition to studying and writing Besides, he also loves cooking very much.

  Wu Di didn’t go to the bottom, she just had to live a quieter and more leisurely life like this.

Before being harassed by others, Wu Di, who became a housemaid, completed the fifth "Three Kingdoms" at an incredible speed. It was written from the perspective of two people, one is Zhuge Liang and the other is Sima Yi, these two are undoubtedly the soul figures of Shu and Wei.

And now Wu Di’s sixth "Three Kingdoms", which is the end of this epic masterpiece, naturally adopts multiple perspectives to write, mainly depicting the outstanding achievements of the two states of Shu and Wei, Jiang Wei and Deng Ai. general. The qualitative reason that the Wei state, which was eventually usurped by Sima clan, was able to unify the three kingdoms was actually due to the strong productivity.

  In the face of the general national strength, all conspiracies and tricks are all clouds. As long as they can operate, they can be flat...

In fact, in Wu Di's view, the story of the Three Kingdoms after the Battle of Chibi is no longer as exciting as it was when the heroes were separated. As the gap in overall national strength grows, the role of military generals and counsellors will not have a huge source of troops. Even consumption can kill you!

  What Zhuge Liang always rushes to the Northern Expedition? It is because he also knows that with the passage of time, the Wei State, which occupied the Central Plains, the most productive place in the Three Kingdoms, will have a growing power gap. Then, there will be no need to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and unite. China is now.

   And Zhuge Liang is also a person who is steadfast in the use of troops. It cannot be said that such a method of use of troops is not good. In fact, this is a real bright art of war. Unlike a ghost like Guo Jia, who has too much gambling, he doesn't have a lot of money and loses all the games. In Wu Di's world, there are so many people who like Guo Jia because he wins all the bets. And he died young, such a sadness makes people sigh.

It is a pity that such a method of using troops is not suitable for the weak state of Shu, and Zhuge Liang also ran into his lifelong opponent-Sima Yi, this scheming opponent is actually as stable as Zhuge Liang, this is a pure comparison of national strength. So, as time goes by, the Wei state is getting stronger and stronger, and the Shu state is getting weaker and weaker. Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition also became weaker and weaker.

Therefore, Wei Yan’s surprise attack at the beginning is very reasonable. In the case of asymmetric national power, he can only use risk to gamble. If Wei Yan succeeds, it may not be impossible to achieve the previous battles of Guandu and Chibi. A battle that defeats the strong by the weak. It is a pity that Zhuge Liang's character makes him doomed not to do this, and this has become a place where many people black Zhuge Liang.

  Of course, the biggest reason Zhuge Liang was hacked. Of course, it was because he was blown up by the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to become a wise and demon god. Everyone knows the truth about the fact that one fan can top ten black ones. What is military incompetence, political minister of power, of course, this is also true, but Zhuge Liang's contribution to the Kingdom of Shu cannot be denied.

   also has Liu Bei. Because he was highly praised by Luo Guanzhong, he loved to talk about benevolence and he liked to cry, so that he was ridiculed by all kinds of ridicules, and then almost all of Liu Pengcao's thoughts were disparaged.

   But in Wu Di's view. Luo Guanzhong is actually Liu Bei's high-level black. Many people think Liu Bei is really incompetent after seeing the impression of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". However, Liu Bei in history is the only monarch of the Three Kingdoms who was born in grassroots. He sells straw shoes. , Repeated defeats, repeated defeats, extremely tenacious, and finally able to establish the Kingdom of Shu, which shows that his ability is very strong.

The biggest selling point of Wu Di's fifth "Three Kingdoms" is naturally the fateful duel between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. In the end, Zhuge Liang's fall in Wuzhangyuan is obviously more sensational. In fact, Zhuge Liang is also a tragic figure.

"Where to find the Prime Minister’s ancestral hall, Bai Sensen outside Jinguan City. The green grass in the spring comes from the spring, and the yellow oriole is in the air. The three times to trouble the world, the two dynasties open the heart of the old ministers. Let the hero burst into tears." Du Fu's "Shu Xiang" may well portray Zhuge Liang's sadness.

  He died before he was appointed as a teacher, which made the hero tears full of tears.

Sima Yi naturally cherishes Zhuge Liang. Because Wu Di has created a "water mirror eight strange", which is different from the original version, Sima Yi has also become one of the water mirror eight strange. Zhuge Liang was a brother, and they played happily together when they were in Shuijing Villa. The two were about the same age. Sima Yi was two years older than Zhuge Liang. They were equally talented and naturally shared topics.

  Wu Di, when describing the fateful duel between the two, also intervened in a good memory of the past when they were friends. Unfortunately, now they have their own masters and want to meet each other with swords and soldiers. This kind of strong contradiction is actually quite attractive to readers.

  The fake Zhuge in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" scared Sima away from Sima, obviously suspected to belittle Sima Yi's IQ, so in Wu Di's writing, this plot is Sima Yi deliberately doing so in the name of Zhuge Liang.

Moreover, Sima Yi was very ambitious. If he wanted to seize the military power, he would naturally not be able to kill the Shu Han without Zhuge Liang. Anyway, he would slowly grind to death. By the way, he would expand his reputation in the Wei state and make more soldiers. Back home.

All in all, this novel may not be as exciting as the previous ones, because there are no tricks in the later stage, and even the front-line fighters are already boring. The reason is of course that the famous players are all old. Probably Jiang Wei and Deng Ai are real famous players, and these two are rare handsome talents. They are both wise and brave.

Wu Di decided to publish the two books together, so that readers will have a good time. Then she can finally start the journey of other "Civilization" series, but apart from the official history, she will definitely not write like the "Three Kingdoms". In detail, it is too costly to experience. After finishing "Three Kingdoms", her next masterpiece will be the beginning of the "Mythology" series.

When Wu Di Shenxin was writing, someone was always determined to disturb her. This person was naturally the campus public-known named Liu Tengfei in Zhongdu University. He used the big summoning technique of frequent user name, and then each This kind of double reeds finally succeeded in getting the "Ten Crimes of Wu Di" written by himself.

  Of course, Wu Dihei's contribution is indispensable in this. They always don't give up every opportunity to discredit Wu Dihei, but there is another person who provokes Wu Dihei. (To be continued...)

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