Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 546: More than romance

"Hey, this ending..." Gao Tian put down the magazine in his hand and sighed. Although he had expected that Wu Di's romance novels would always make people feel uncomfortable, the more classic the more so, such as the previous "Liang Zhu ", "Second Five".

  But he still has expectations for "The Legend of the White Snake", but in the end, he has an idea of ​​"worthy of a romantic novel in Wu Di's style".

"Although it is this kind of ending, the plot of the story is very exciting. It can be described as a three-line intertwined, and the background is extremely magnificent, forming a faint system. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I really look forward to seeing all her settings." Gao Tian said with emotion. As a fan who has read all of Wu Di's works, based on this work, he subconsciously associates with the original "Blessings of Love".

You know, from the background of "The Butterfly Lovers", it is undoubtedly an extension of the "Three Kingdoms" world. It is a story that took place in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the Three Kingdoms were finally unified by the Western Jin Dynasty. Although there is still a blank history waiting for it. Wu Di went to fill it up, but it cannot be denied that the two are in the same line in setting!

The social customs, architectural styles, etc. revealed in the detailed descriptions in "Blessings of Love" are so vivid and moving. On the paper, it obviously inherits certain customs of the Three Kingdoms period. This inheritance has made many setting parties very interested. After careful deduction, they all lamented that the development of this kind of custom and folk customs can hardly find any unreasonable places... This, this is really amazing, it is impossible that Wu Di’s mind was originally Is there a history of another world?

Because of this, many scholars stripped off the romantic part of "The Butterfly Lovers" and studied the historical part, and then they could roughly understand what kind of dynasty this Eastern Jin Dynasty was, and then affirmed that it is indeed the inheritance of the era of the Three Kingdoms... …

  At this time, Gao Tian also subconsciously stripped off the romance part of "The Legend of the White Snake", only to study the setting, and he determined that this "The Legend of the White Snake" is definitely not just a pure romance novel. For example, in the text mentioned in the text, the Western religion Zhunti and the intercepted religion Tongtian leader, what kind of "sage" actually exists?

  I don't know...but he is very interested. After all, he is a boy, although he has read all of Wu Di's novels. But what I like the most is actually the grand and meticulous setting similar to "Three Kingdoms". As for romance, he was not very interested in it. Now there is Wu Dihei on the Internet saying that Wu Di’s romance novels are useless, and he scoffs at it. The romance novels written by Wu Di are no longer good, and they are more useless than the invincible trolls who can only speak out. powerful.

  Furthermore, Wu Di's romance novels are not purely romance novels. The pattern in her heart is great, if she only considers her novels as romance. That is too superficial.

  Of course, after reading one of Wu Di’s works, Invincible painters can always pick out hundreds of unreasonable places. There are even people who are brazenly spraying Wu Di’s recognized gorgeous writing style. You have to know. Wu Di's writing style has been appreciated by many big figures, and it is often said that Wu Di's novels are in fact mediocre plots, and they are all supported by writing styles.

  While invincible painters use "this description is simply cumbersome and unnecessary" to paint this gorgeous writing. Or "The description here is purely pretending to be compelling. Do you know why I can't read Wu Di's article while pinching my nose? It's just because of pretending to be too compelling." Scammers"...

  There are even some Trolls who have specially published a post of "Sentences Worthy of Tucao in Wu Di's Novels" to criticize Wu Di, with an air of arrogance. The sense of superiority in the post makes people really wonder what to say.

  The reason they did this was to watch those fans sum up the "Classic Sentences in Wu Di's Works" and it was uncomfortable. What classic sentence, isn't it just a bit of ancient prose? What to pull. It's just pretending to be forced!

Invincible Tanzi actually shows this kind of superiority, because Wu Di's reputation is too big, but they can stand on the high ground unscrupulously and criticize Wu Di on the Internet, as if this way can step Wu Di on the soles of their feet. The feeling is undoubtedly very happy, and what makes them the most unhappy is probably Wu Di himself always ignore these people who are looking for a sense of existence.

  And whenever there are some neutral people who can't understand this group of sprayers who are always jumping up and down, they will ask them, since you are so good, you can't even read Wu Di's article, why not write it yourself? You are not literary critics. What qualifications do you have to evaluate Wu Di's articles?

   "Does the guest even know how to cook when they eat at a restaurant? Ha ha." The invincible sprayers have long become old fritters, and in response it is called a light car familiar road.

   "I love to see, not to watch." Wu Di fans who have relatively poor combat effectiveness can only speak the six-character mantra in a hurry.

"Our spit, you also like to see it, don’t watch it, make trouble, haha. By the way, everyone has seen it? Wu Di’s fans have such virtues, their qualities are too bad, and they are too brain-dead. What kind of idol has what kind of fans. Haha." Invincible sprays skillfully raked down, although in the eyes of onlookers, they are the most brain-dead.

   "Hehe your sister!"


The Invincible Trolls have always been complacent about their combat effectiveness. They tirelessly read Wu Di's works before scolding them. In the process, they actually contributed their own money to Wu Di...even if they did not contribute money. ——Because I can go to the public library to read Wu Di's works, but it still consumes a lot of time and energy.

  This is undoubtedly a very moving thing. They have devoted their limited lives to an infinite life of sprayers. Maybe they can only carry out this kind of cheap entertainment.

"Have you finished reading? Show me." Huang Mingshan's tone was flat, and he didn't seem to have any desire to read Wu Di's new novels. In fact, he really wanted to read it, although he said "I don't like to read her novels." , Just to find faults and thorns" this kind of reason to continue to convince myself.

"Well, Lao Huang, I know, you are actually a loyal reader of Wu Di, right? Don't worry, you like to watch Wu Di's works so much, why would I not lend it to you?" Gao Tian said in a brotherly tone. As a member of the "Invincible Guards", he is always happy to share Wu Di's works with others. He thinks this is a missionary preaching, which is a very glorious and noble thing!

  Gao Tian feels that the same table with this table does have a common language. He always likes to discuss the plot of Wu Di’s novels with the same table. The feeling of fit makes him very enjoy...

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