At the time when Wu Di’s latest online novel set off an upsurge on the Internet, on August 19th of this summer vacation, something not big or small happened throughout China, that is-China has lasted for many years. Political reform has finally become a democratic and free country under the impetus of all high-level interest groups!

  The original one-party dictatorship of the People’s Party has finally split into two parties that actually wear a pair of pants—the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party! This essentially means that the top management has divided up their respective interests.

  Of course, now China has a true multi-party system. If you have money, you can form a party yourself, but the possibility of this election... is very slim.

Since this is a political reform that has been meticulously planned for a long time, and the destiny of China is not determined by the low-level folks, even if someone shouts on the Internet, it is basically ignored, not to mention that many people are eager to have their own votes. Even if you know that you are not eligible for election, you can at least choose some people you like to be officials. Taking a step back, votes can still be sold for money...

  Democratic and free capitalist countries are much more attractive than bureaucratic capitalist countries!

In fact, the grassroots of Huaxia in this world have always been gentry. Of course, they are now controlled by capitalists. They have known that Huaxia will have such a day, so they have already started to operate their own constituencies. In this way, many civilians are actually close to them. I realized the benefits of democracy.

  Huaxia’s civilian life is pretty good. After all, as a superpower, it controls the destiny of countless small countries behind the scenes. It's very easy to harvest wool when it's okay. The island country next door is basically the lamb raised in China. Every time China wants to teach a small country, it will let the island country pay for its military...

  As a result, changing the political system turned out to be an understatement. The army is now completely owned by the state, not the party commanding guns. This is the so-called nationalization of the army.

   When Wu Di suddenly heard about this, he asked if it was a color revolution? What a coincidence. It turned out to be August 19th—she remembered that the Soviet Union in her world experienced the August 19 Incident.

However, China and the Soviet Union in this world are basically two different concepts. She can see clearly that China in this world is originally a pure capitalist country. In the hands of capitalists, political tycoons and chaebols.

  Such a reform is just a compromise of the political lords to the increasingly powerful capitalists. It was also for their own interests, so they changed their bodies and became a consortium, hiding behind the two parties.

  Wu Di has discovered that Huangmeng Media seems to have gained a lot from this reform and annexed a high-tech military industry enterprise. There are some other gains. Huangmeng Media has now become the Huangmeng Consortium. It originally had its own bank, and its current entity is among the best in China.

   Wu Dingbang, the former foreign minister, has temporarily retired, but has become an important member of the newly formed Liberal Party. The so-called "party whip" if the Liberal Party wins the general election. Then he will serve as Secretary of State. This position is even more prestigious than the original foreign minister.

All in all, the current China has finally transformed into a beacon of freedom and democracy. Presumably, corruption will not exist. There will only be upright political contributions. Officials will also be divided into clerical officials and administrative officials. The former means hardship. The civil servants of China are stared at by the people, and the latter are MPs elected through elections. Of course, life will be much more moisturized.

  Members on the table actually do not need to be corrupt. If they succeed in the election with the support of a large consortium, they will naturally use policies to repay the consortium. For example, if you are a military industrial enterprise, the country will vigorously develop armaments and purchase your weapons. And when they step down, they will become consultants to a large company and easily get their wages. This wage is much more than the money made by corruption, and it is much more "cleaner". It is a sacred and inviolable private property. .

Looking at it in this way, you will actually find that China’s political reform is a matter of course, because it is in the interests of the highest level, allowing political politicians, chaebols, and big capitalists to hide behind the scenes. If the president on the stage is ignorant, then There are good-looking ones from you...

  Hua Xia, but the ghost of communism is not constrained.

At this time, Wu Di was on an aircraft carrier that was to be built soon. In fact, the military industry enterprise that built the aircraft carrier has become Nie Xinyu’s private property. This makes Wu Di not sure what to say. She is relying on her own. Can the money gained from creation be able to build such a majestic aircraft carrier?

  Since China’s capitalism in this world started very early, the industrial system is of course very complete, and the high-tech industry is also very developed, otherwise it would not become a superpower oppressing East Asia, so this aircraft carrier was completely built by China independently.

   What made Wu Di even more admired was that he led Wu Di to visit, who turned out to be the legendary ship mother!

  The name "Luwei" was projected in front of Wu Di through holographic technology and introduced her own information to Wu Di...

  This technique really made Wu Di Alexander.

   What surprised Wu Di even more was that she saw another national weapon, a nuclear-powered giant battleship no smaller than an aircraft carrier!

Wu Di is not a fan of the military, but she does not know that many people are obsessed with the so-called "big cannon ship", and firmly believe that "more is beautiful, big is good", they are the sacred multi-turret cult. If they come here, Surely you will be fascinated by this black technology, right?

  However, Wu Di had also played Red Alert III. She suddenly realized that this giant battleship seemed to be very similar to the General-class battleships in the Empire of the Rising Sun. Could it be that the parallel world she was in was the plane of Red Alert III?

  She felt that she was thinking too much. The Red Alert three planes consist of only the three superpowers of the Soviet Union, the Allied Forces, and the Rising Sun Empire. In this world, China can match the Soviet Union and the Rising Sun Empire.

  At that time, maybe she will write out the red police when she is writing about modern warfare. She still likes Natasha, Tanya and so on...

   "No matter how powerful this battleship is, it won't work with an aircraft carrier, right?" She suddenly asked Wu Di, who was with her by her side.

Wu Di does not understand military affairs, but he also knows that in her world, battleships were completely eliminated in the later stage, because it was basically tortured by the aircraft carrier, and its range could not reach the aircraft carrier, but the aircraft of the aircraft carrier could. Easily kill battleships.

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