Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 584: Brother, be sisters

Wu Di is talking about it. In fact, he feels that even if he is himself, there is a difference between male himself and female himself. Of course, the male self is his Wu Di, and the female self is his sister Wu Di. If both of them are girls now If it is, then maybe the personality will be exactly the same. The physical differences between men and women affect their personalities.

  Wu Di once imagined what would happen if she became a girl?

  If there is no Wu Di by his side, then he will definitely become Wu Di, a girl who is constantly striving for perfection, striving to make herself pleasing to the eye at all times.

  However, now that he has Wu Di next to him, and he has done it to the point where he is impeccable, no matter how confident he is, he feels that he can’t do as well as Wu Di.

  So if he becomes a girl now...well, this assumption still doesn’t make any sense, because how could he become a girl?

At this time, Wu Di only smiled faintly after listening to Wu Di's words. In fact, in a strict sense, she is still different from him. Now Wu Di is still too tender. Beautiful she?

Wu Di’s perfection, in a sense, is built up on countless beauties. To Wu Di, they are like treasure troves, allowing her to select the various advantages of them. Add to herself.

   "By the way, I remember I bought a lot of fireworks last time, let's set off fireworks here!" After Wu Di finished speaking, he went down and brought up a wide variety of fireworks.

  Then the two set off fireworks. Wu Di looked at the beautiful fireworks burning in his hands, and then saw Wu Di’s busy look, with a sweet smile on his face.

Among the fireworks that Wu Di bought, there seems to be something similar to a Kongming lantern. After opening the fully automatic glass roof, let it fly. When it is in the air, it will burst again. Form beautiful fireworks.

  A meteor suddenly flashed in the sky. Wu Di saw this and said, "Meteor, do you have any wishes. Just acquiesce in your heart to acquiesce in one, and it will come true!"

  Wu Di feels that if Wu Di hasn’t accepted him yet, or if he doesn’t know what Wu Di’s intentions are, then he will definitely make one so that Wu Di will always love and spoil Wu Di.

  Now, this is a matter of course...he suddenly promised one in his heart silently. Now that I become a girl, will I like myself again? so. Please reappear a female me, um, it's best to be a young and delicious loli, based on my sister's body.

  After making a wish, he felt funny again. He couldn't help but touched his sister's head. The silky hair still made him fall in love with him. He said: "I don't know when a wish to a meteor will come true. When did this statement come out? It's completely nonsense. talk."

   "Who said that, I feel that this is actually sincere and spirit." Wu Di retorted.

   "Let's go, go back to sleep. In order to make my sister my wife, I have to work harder!" Wu Di said in a natural tone.

   "..." Wu Di originally wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

   "Sister, don't you think this is very difficult. After China has truly become a legal society with our current political system, I must revise the laws that hinder us!" Wu Di is now confident.

  After washing, Wu Di returned to his room, took out a book and read it for a while, and then lay on the bed.

  Based on Wu Di's understanding of Wu Di, this guy will definitely want to sleep with her when he catches the opportunity. She would still be regarded as a soft and fragrant pillow, but Wu Di seemed to be really tired today, so the night attack did not happen.

  Wait...When did I get used to being attacked by the elder brother at night? Wu Di stroked his forehead helplessly, feeling that he was indeed too indulgent in Wu Di.

  However, Wu Di is more satisfied with her, that is, this guy seems to be a little bit "in estrus, only to be courteous", and it can even be said to be "Liu Xiahui." He didn't do anything extraordinary except to hug Wu Di.

  Satisfied at the same time, why is there a sense of loss for some reason...Wu Di even had a little doubt about his charm.

Wu Di doesn’t know why this is, but Wu Di knows, because when he holds Wu Di, he will only be full of warmth in his whole body and heart. On the contrary, it overwhelms the male desire. Probably only he is doing it. You will be full of desire for Wu Di when you are in Chunmeng, right?

  Wu Di simply didn't want to think about it. Speaking of it, although she had accepted Wu Di in her heart, she really hadn't made any further preparations. She felt that it was enough to enjoy the love of men.

  It is strange to say that today Wu Di seems to be extremely sleepy, and then she fell asleep beautifully.

She also had a very grand dream, that is, she led all human beings to conquer the stars and the sea, and finally created a universe with her own strength. As a result, Wu Di made a wish to the omnipotent Wu Di, saying that she wanted a young man. Lolita Wu Di, the soul inside is himself...

  This wish is too strange, right?

However, Wu Di, who has always spoiled Wu Di, still satisfies him. The appearance of this loli is actually a reduced version of Wu Di, like a real porcelain doll. She is probably twelve years old, a sixth-grade elementary school student. .

Speaking of which, Wu Di at that time hadn't overeated. Regardless of her appearance and figure, she could be regarded as a perfect loli. She had just developed, her chest was slightly raised, and the temptation of the green apple made Wu Di difficult for herself. control.

  I’m not a perverted Lori control or sister control like the older brother... Wu Di thought vaguely.

When Wu Di woke up the next day, she suddenly felt that the elastic jade rabbit on her chest seemed to be caught by something. She couldn't help but shook her whole body, as if it was Wu Di who finally couldn't hold herself back. The younger sister stretched out the evil palm, she finally got angry and opened her quilt.

   Then, Wu Di was completely stunned. Unexpectedly, it was a girl who reached into her pajamas, and her appearance... was still the twelve-year-old Lori Wu Di!

Loli Wu Di is naked, her legs curled up there, but she outlines a perfect curve, her thumb in one hand is stuck in her mouth, as if sucking, the other hand is tight She grabbed Wu Di's chest, her expression was so innocent and cute, she was so drunk...

  Lori Wu Di woke up with sleepy eyes, Wu Di could only say softly to her: "Can you let go of your hand?"

When Lori Wu Di saw Wu Di, she seemed to wake up suddenly. She took her hand away and hurriedly explained: "Sister, I really didn't mean it... Eh, eh, obviously I slept on myself yesterday On the bed, wait, this sound?"

  Well, the very pure and soft loli sound, but also the feeling of Wu Di's unique ethereal voice.

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