Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 603: Power of being

  After Wu Lili discovered that her fame had grown, she felt a strange change in her mind. Could it be a mysterious belief value?

  She was very curious about this change. She couldn't help but think of the warships that she visited with Wu Di back then...

  She moved in her heart and opened a music software in her computer, and then she entered this belief value into it. She felt that doing this kind of thing seemed to be innate, but Wu Lili felt that a magical scene happened!

She felt that she seemed to be seamlessly connected with this music software, but with a thought, the music software broke free from the computer and appeared in her hands-it turned out to be a delicate villain. Er, she is only the size of a palm, and the little man's appearance is exactly Wu Di!

She stared at the little person in her palm blankly, and the little person in her palm stared at her blankly. She felt that she and the little person were completely indifferent to each other. It can be said that the little person is like Her doppelganger is average!

  She thought that this little man seemed to be made of music software. Then, can she sing?

  Wu Lili was thinking about which song to sing, but the little man took the initiative to sing. The voice is exactly the same as that of Wu Lili. This song is so beautiful!

  Is this a virtual singer? No, that's not right, the virtual singer can only have 3D projection at most, where will any entities appear?

  Wu Lili suddenly felt that this little man was a bit like the "fairy" in the story. If there were more pairs of wings, it would be more like...

  As a result, her thought just came into being. There was a pair of wings on the back of this little man, and then she found that the belief value stored in her brain seemed to be a little bit less.

  Wu Lili was quite excited to control the little man to fly in the air, and then let her fly to Wu Di’s room.

  At this time, Wu Di has already begun to write her "Myth" series of novels, and she is writing the opening chapter of the "Myth" series. That is, Pangu opened the sky, the gods were born, ruled the world, and nourished the common people. The gods at dusk. A hundred races contend. Three races contend for hegemony and kill the four wilds.

  Completely refer to the development of the "Honghuang" system. It makes Wu Di easier to write. Just when she focused on writing, she suddenly heard Wu Lili's voice in her ear: "Sister."

  Wu Di couldn't help turning his head, and then found a scene that surprised her-she actually saw a "self" about the height of the palm of her hand. Was flying in the air, and then talked to her...

   Isn’t this a fairy in a fantasy novel? The fairy version of Wu Di actually appeared again?

  Wu Di felt like she was dreaming, she twisted her eyes hard, but found that it seemed to be true!

  She stretched out her hand to the fairy version of "self", and then comfortably stopped at Wu Di's hand. Wu Di couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

   "I'm Wu Di, your brother Wu Di!" The little man said with a smile.

  Wu Di looked at this little man in disbelief. The voice of the other party seemed to have an indescribable rhythm, like beautiful music, but the other party added: "It's not that fake, it was changed through the body of'Wu Lili'..."

  As a result, the voice just fell off. Xiao Ren'er's face suddenly changed slightly: "Oops..." Then her body gradually turned into a phantom and disappeared into the air, as if it had never existed before.

  Wu Di looked confused, and then she immediately walked to Wu Lili's room, and saw that she was covering her forehead with a look of pain and unbearable pain.

   "Lily, was it really you just now?" Wu Di's words were hesitant, but he was already convinced, mainly because Wu Lili had appeared out of thin air, so anything could happen to her.

"Oh, my head hurts... Sister, is there any way to help me, I feel like my head is about to split." Wu Lili clutched her forehead. Now she regrets doing the same thing. She didn't expect that. Xiao Ren'er just flew for a while, and then said a sentence or two to Wu Di, the belief value instantly bottomed out, and then she held on for a while, only to find that she had a terrible headache.

  When Wu Di saw this, her first reaction was naturally to be sent to the hospital, but she intuitively told her that this probably did not have any effect, and then she suddenly thought of something, but she just pressed her palm on Wu Lili’s head to deliver aura...

  Wu Lili felt her head cool, and the pain finally disappeared. She looked at Wu Di in surprise. In fact, she had known Wu Di's special power a long time ago, but she had never expected this power to be so magical!

  Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Lily, what did you do just now?"

  Wu Lili did not hide it, so she told Wu Di about the fact that she could collect faith points, and then talked about the aftereffects after the faith points were used up.

  "Faith?" Wu Di was hesitant about this. She had heard of this term before, but she didn't think it could explain it all.

   Just relying on Lily to get on the Internet for a while, will it generate belief value? This is incredible.

   "It's weird! Why are all the reports about me gone?" Wu Lili watched in disbelief that the information that was just still on the Internet completely disappeared, as if it had never existed.

  Wu Lili hurriedly used Du Niang to search for information about herself, and found that except for some with the same name and surname, the real information about her seemed to have never existed at all.

  Then Wu Lili also opened Wu Di’s official fan group. They were still discussing Wu Lili before, but it didn’t seem to exist.

   "Do you know Wu Lili? I heard that she is Wu Di's biological sister." Wu Lili sent a message in the fan group with a vest.

  "What are you kidding? How can Wu Di have a sister?"

  "Who is Wu Lili? Why have I never heard of..."


  Wu Di also discovered this abnormal situation, she was also very confused about it, she said lightly: "I think what you consume is not faith, but power of existence."

   "What is the power of existence?" Wu Lili asked with some fear.

"It should be information about people. For example, a person is clearly alive, but everyone turns a blind eye to him and cannot receive any information about his existence... That means he has lost the power of existence." Wu Di thought for a while and said so. Wu Di feels that the power of existence is related to the law of causality. The power of existence may also be compared with the sense of existence. If a person's sense of existence is extremely low, it will always make people subconsciously ignore it.

  Wu Lili shuddered: "If you live like this, wouldn't it be more painful than death?"

  At this moment, Wu Di suddenly remembered a sentence, some people are clearly alive, but he is already dead, and some people are clearly dead, but he is still alive...

  At this moment, Wu Di also came to this room, looked around, but said to Wu Di strangely: "Sister, what are you talking to yourself?"

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