Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 608: Fantasy Killer Wu Di

When Wu Diren watched the virtual singer Wu Lili's rapid rise in popularity, her heart that had been a little blocked did she gradually calm down. She could feel that Wu Lili's power of existence was rapidly increasing, although qualitatively speaking, She created Wu Lili.

Regarding the power of existence, Wu Di has already made some in-depth explorations of it. She discovered that everyone and everything has its power of existence, but there are so many existence powers in human beings. No wonder it is the so-called. "The spirit of all things", and when an item has the power of existence like a human being, it will undergo peculiar changes.

  The only person who knows how to use the power of existence is Wu Di.

  Wu Di feels that her own existence is very special, perhaps because she is a person who has traveled from another world.

Because of the ability to perceive and use the power of existence, Wu Di discovered another very powerful place for her—she can absorb certain items with a large amount of existence power, and restore such items to their appearance, even if these items are not hers. The power of being conferred.

  For example, the precious exercises practiced by the mysterious warriors of China.

One morning, Lin Feng, a martial artist, was doing routine practice. He was using his internal strength. When he had just completed a big week, he didn’t know that there was something around an ancient book collected by some martial arts family The dense "Wu Di" is staring at it.

These "Wu Di" are all "air molecules" endowed with the power of existence by Wu Di. As a result, these air molecules have become molecular-sized "Wu Di". They can drift freely in the world, and no one will find out. Such a small "Wu Di".

   Then, under Wu Di's free control, these "Wu Di" were all attached to this precious inner strength mental technique, originally under Wu Di's perception. The inner power of mind exuding a strong force of existence, but the force of existence on it that obviously exceeded the standard was slowly taken away by the little "Wu Di"...

  Gradually, it became an ordinary ancient book.

  Lin Feng, who was cultivating, suddenly froze for a moment. He found that he was meditating, and he stood up in confusion. Looking at my hand, he wondered: "Why should I cultivate that broken book whose roots don't work? It's really weird. I obviously don't know how to work."

  All those who practice this ancient book have lost their internal strength.

  Wu Di is feeling the power of existence like that surging, absorbing that ancient book means that the extraordinary power of those warriors has been erased!

  As for those who originally cultivated this ancient book, it is natural that they don't know how to exercise internal strength, because that ancient book has long since never known when. It has been proved to be a useless inner strength method.

  This is the power Wu Di masters!

Wu Di gave these harvested power of existence to more air molecules, and then asked them to absorb those items whose existence power was obviously beyond the standard. It can also be said that items that do not conform to the real world settings, such as those that can be used after cultivation. There are also some precious magic weapons of the hermit sects that produce internal power. These magic weapons only need to be inputted with internal power. Can urge it.

   "Why would I believe in such a stupid exercise? This is the inner power of Du Niang Shangdu Rotten Street..."

   "The roots of inner gong and mental methods are imaginary, and I actually practiced it. No wonder there is no effect after practicing for so long."

   "There is no inner martial artist in the roots of this world. Those inner strength mental methods are all fabricated."

   "Weird, this ordinary bell, why should I pay such attention to it, let's throw it away."


  The mysterious inner family warriors have all become mortals ever since.

  Wu Di happily counted the power of his existence. She felt that perhaps she should add another nickname-fantasy killer.

  Wu Di has also tried, if the power of an object absorbs light, will it disappear completely?

  As a result, Wu Di found that she could not do this, because if she did this, she would consume a huge amount of power. May make Wu Di disappear!

  Wu Di thinks this should be a kind of balance. If she can directly absorb the power of existence of an object, does it mean that she can absorb the entire planet into her power of existence?

  As Wu Di spread her eyes and ears-countless molecular-sized Wu Di, all over China, she finally discovered "Glory" and the secrets of those ship maidens.

  Of course, this is also related to the power of existence. The reason for "Glory" is a supercomputer "Galaxy", whose power of existence is obviously beyond the standard...

  With the disappearance of the warrior, its power of existence is slowly decreasing!

  Sure enough, the extraordinary power of the warriors is the reason for maintaining this supercomputer as a “black technology”?

Wu Di has already figured out the purpose of the "Honor" game. It is those warriors who use to select good seedlings. As long as those with outstanding talents are selected, they will become a member of the warriors, in order to maintain the warriors against China. Control.

As for the cause of the ship’s mother, it is obviously not the so-called artificial intelligence. It is related to the spar inlaid in the warship. The reason why Jing can maintain the existence of Jian Niang stems from the people’s recognition, love, admiration and even hatred for it. In short, the people must believe in it from the heart, and it will continue to generate the power of existence to maintain Jian Niang. Our consumption in the real world...

  These spars are in the hands of the political family. It is no wonder that the number of warriors in the navy is very small. So are these the trump cards of the political family against the warriors?

   Treating these ship maidens, she did not directly absorb their power of existence as she did to warriors, otherwise Huaxia’s armaments would be dangerous...

  Wu Di suddenly felt like this world where black technology is rampant, and suddenly he felt bright.

  At this moment, the players who were happily playing in the virtual game of "Glory" suddenly stagnated for a while, and their bodies were in between the real and the virtual, and they seemed a little unstable.

  Wu Di noticed this situation for the first time. She decided to take the tour of "Glory", so she absorbed the supercomputer's excess power...

This caused all the players to be disconnected instantly. Just when they had the idea of ​​"How can I believe that virtual reality games exist with current technology", Wu Di input the power of existence to the supercomputer Galaxy. And keep it running.

   "Glory" finally returned to its original state, and the Galaxy Computer was completely controlled by Wu Di. In an instant, she felt her huge computing power! (To be continued...)

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