Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 613: A great country lost its shackles

Wu Di ordered all senior figures in the domestic forces who wanted to fight his sister's "Second World" idea not to fight against her sister. In this way, a fierce conflict that would have occurred was actually eliminated by him. NS.

  Wu Di can see what Wu Di did, but she did not stop it. There is no conflict and there is no conflict. What's more, China is still facing threats from foreign powers.

  After the power of the warrior disappeared, the Western powers certainly believed that this was a good opportunity to make Chinese ideas! The most important thing is that the one above them has already left.

The three major powers in the world are the European Union, the United States, and China. The European Union in this world is not like the European Union in the world before Wu Di. On the contrary, it is somewhat like the Britannia Empire in Lelouch. The European Union can already be regarded as a unified Europe, which also includes Russia and other Eastern European countries (but in this world, Russia, Siberia and the Far East are the territories of China).

The EU’s overall strength is very strong. If China’s "special arms" are warriors, then the EU's "special arms" are werewolves and vampires. Of course, these fantasy creatures with excess power are for Wu Di. It's just a tonic.

   But other than that, the EU’s general military strength cannot be underestimated, and the army’s strength can be said to be second only to China.

At this time, the leader of the European Union Rupert Thornley was having a secret meeting with American President Michael Douglas. Rupert looked very old, bald on his forehead and full of silver hair, but his spirit now It is unprecedented.

  On the contrary, it is the President of the United States, Michael. Although he seems to be strong in his youth, his spirit seems to be a little sluggish.

   "Michael, you are now the true leader of the United States. That one has left our world with her Xueba Paradise." Rupert said in a very relaxed tone.

"Queen Catherine is a four-dimensional creature beyond our imagination. She is leaving this time. It is estimated that she will go to another world for a new adventure. However, her departure has deprived the consortium she suppressed. These capitalists are indeed It hurts me too much!" Michael said helplessly.

At the beginning, Michael, as a puppet president, did it easy. Anyway, I just listen to Catherine. But I didn’t expect that now Catherine has taken away all her power, including those precious scientific researchers, and some The students with great potential, the Ark Consortium seemed to disappear overnight, greatly hurting the vitality of the United States.

Many people of insight in the West have now confirmed that Xueba Paradise is a huge conspiracy. It has drawn out almost all the talents of the West. Its influence is still not visible, but when this generation grows up , The entire country is expected to face a period of recession.

"It is no longer a question of capitalists or capitalists, but we must unite and castrate China's next generation, otherwise how can we compete with this superpower in the future?" Rupert said anxiously, "Furthermore, China Such a large market is completely occupied by their domestic enterprises. Are the capitalists in your country unmoved?"

Michael just listened quietly. He was not a strong president. Moreover, the United States of this world has never been a world hegemon. Naturally, it is not as overbearing as Wu Di's world. Now the United States has lost the asylum of that queen. It is to make this president a little bit of no one.

  In contrast, the European Union, although it has been suppressed by China and the United States, is like Wu Di’s China in the world. It has been developing silently, accumulating its own strength, and also actively establishing a relationship with the United States before, and doing a lot of high-tech.

  Rupert is an excellent leader, he is also a very ambitious guy.

"Okay, okay, I know that none of these will fascinate you, but if I say that China has a super-age virtual reality technology comparable to'Xueba Paradise', do you think it will continue to be good? I know that the greatest significance of virtual reality technology is not in online games, but in greatly shortening the time of scientific research and cultivating a large number of high-quality talents!" Rupert finally gave out the news.

When Michael heard the news, his eyes widened, and then he stood up all of a sudden. Since Catherine's departure, the education in the United States has gone backwards for so many years. Now I suddenly heard that China has an education comparable to "Xueba Paradise". Sharp weapon, how can he sit still?

  Education is simply the true cornerstone of the country. The contribution that a huge knowledge population can make, whether in scientific research or other aspects, is incalculable!

"Is this true or false? How could China have such a thing? Can't it be the gift that Catherine gave to China when she left? She had always been very generous to the Chinese when she ruled the United States..." Michael said Here, Wei Wei seemed a little dissatisfied.

"How could I lie to you? Your intelligence agencies in the United States are abolished, but our EU agents are spread all over the world. This super-age virtual reality technology, which is comparable to the "study paradise", is called the "Second World". It is indeed a very appropriate name." Rupert’s peaceful words contained a trace of determination to win

   "Okay... But since China has that ‘Second World’, is it possible that we still have to go to war with them?" Michael said with a headache.

  Rupert glanced at this guy secretly and contemptuously, saying that the President of the United States is really a idiot. Wherever the big powers are fighting, it is irresponsible to the entire country and the world!

  The friction between great powers is mainly in the form of proxy war...

"Let’s talk to Huaxia first, and then our two countries are cooperating in a military exercise. It is said that China’s army seems to be in great turmoil. We must take advantage of this opportunity to cut a piece of meat, but no matter what, Sharing the technology of the'Second World' is a must." Rupert smiled and his teeth looked extremely white.

  Michael nodded, but then said: “In fact, if you really want to go to war, you don’t have to worry about nuclear bombs. We in the United States already have the ability to protect against nuclear bombs. This is probably the biggest benefit the Queen has left us.”

   Rupert suddenly became excited and began to entangle himself. The United States must share this ability to protect against nuclear bombs. If there is a way to protect this super weapon, then there will be a big fight, and there seems to be no worries...

  In any case, we must kill China, a very threatening power! rs

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