Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 627: The world belongs to China!

  Of course, it is impossible to confirm whether it is a virus. After all, everyone knows that bacteria and virus weapons cannot be counted as the time of an outbreak, but China is terrible. It can accurately control this invisible weapon!

   "It's more magical than magic..." An American soldier in the command said with a look of fear on his face.

As soon as I said this, it also broke the depressive and dull atmosphere in the house. Another EU soldier hugged his head and seemed unable to withstand this unimaginable war. He was just muttering to himself: " This is not true, this is not true..."

"There is no chance of victory in this war. Huaxia's technology is no longer on the same level as us. What else can we fight? Let's surrender quickly, otherwise if we end up like the joint fleet, it will be over!" A soldier who originally did not advocate invading China, is now a firm surrender.

  At this moment, American President Michael came to the headquarters with a pale face. He scanned everyone present with a sad look, and then cast his eyes on Rupert, the supreme leader of the European Union.

In fact, it stands to reason that Rupert should not be in this highest command. After all, he is a politician who doesn’t know much about military affairs. However, Rupert really enjoys the feeling of conquering other countries. He originally thought that he should be able to watch it. Now, the combined fleet of the two countries can smash the China Navy into scum...

  It's the truth, but it's so cruel!

"Our combined fleet is annihilated, and even the strategic nuclear submarines have lost contact. Maybe the soldiers are all'crazy' just like the ones on the warship. In this war, we have completely lost our chances of winning. What should I do?" Michael said very heavily.

  Huaxia’s terrifying invisible attack is obviously all-round.

  He just finished. His phone rang. It turned out that there is now a riot in the United States. The people who supported the war demanded to stop the war immediately. Obviously they did not want to see the terrible scene that happened to the soldiers happened to themselves... …

  The people may be the most fickle creatures in the world, and they were still chanting their support for this sacred and just war. At this time, they discovered that after facing Huaxia's weapons that were beyond ordinary people's understanding, they were afraid and backed down, even asking the government to stop the war as soon as possible.

  There are some crime points, and they come out to fish in troubled waters when the society is in turmoil. The entire American society is in a state of extreme panic, and this disorderly state naturally requires the government to step up and change it.

"No, you can't just leave it like that! I don't believe that China has so many terrifying super-era weapons. Even without the navy, we still have the army and air force. We can launch a blitzkrieg from Russia to China!" Lu Bert was like a gambler with a red eye at this time. You must bet on all your wealth before you are willing to give up!

  When the generals heard Rupert’s remarks, their hearts were quite contemptuous. Does this guy understand military affairs? Everyone knows that China’s army is the world’s first army...

"I know what you are thinking, but China’s army has just gone through a chaos. This is still our best time! We must continue this war, otherwise we will survive by luck now. We will be ours in the future. When the gap between China and China is getting bigger and bigger, then there is no chance of winning. Moreover, we still have intercontinental missiles in our hands..." Rupert’s speech became faster and faster, and his tone became more and more excited. Self-hypnosis is normal, he is now full of brains on how to defeat China.

"You are betting on the fate of our two great nations. If you lose, then it's all over." Michael said with great worry. Deep down, he has no hope of defeating China. Where is the war? It's just like the clash between the hot weapon army and the cold weapon army, it's completely crushing!

"It must be a bet. I think it is absolutely impossible for China to have so many super-era weapons, otherwise we will all be'mad' now. In short, we must continue this war!" Rupert said loudly, seeming to be encouraging The morale of everyone.

"Well, I will listen to you again. What I want to do now is to quell the panic among the people. I hope the Army can bring us good news." Michael sighed. Although he was trying his best to cooperate with Rupert, it was obvious. There is a smell of broken cans.

  The other generals had ugly expressions on their faces. They thought that Rupert had really become a red-eyed gambler.

  At this time, China Huaxia is a sea of ​​jubilation. Many Chinese people have set off firecrackers, and some are singing praises to the sea monster to celebrate this unprecedented victory. This is a war with zero casualties. The Chinese people have won a war just like watching a disaster movie. Isn't this worth celebrating?

  Many young enthusiastic young people praised the Huaxia government for finally being hardened, and in various community forums, many netizens are discussing the mysterious weapons of China.

"The key to this big victory lies in the invisible weapon that makes people suddenly crazy. Although computers are becoming more and more intelligent, they still can't replace the role of humans. Once the humans who control those ships are all dead. , The other party’s huge combined fleet can only be slaughtered by us..."

"Yes, that is indeed the key. However, as a military fan, I would like to say'this is unscientific' after China crushes the enemy country. If there is that invisible super weapon, any strategy, tactics, logistics , Military mobilization, etc., have lost their meaning."

   "Why no one discusses the role of that sea monster? I always feel that the corpses of those soldiers have been used by waste."

"Isn’t the role of the sea monster to show everyone a realistic disaster movie for free? But then again, this is the most enjoyable disaster movie of my generation, because the sea monster is standing On our side!"

   "You guys are so unsympathetic. So many lives have been slaughtered ruthlessly. How can this be done?"

   "Our Lady is getting thicker!"

   "Our Lady is getting +1!"

  "The banana man with the yellow skin and white heart should also be eaten by the sea monster!"

  "If I can control the Huaxia military, then I will definitely wipe out all people except Huaxia Kingdom, and then we Huaxia people can truly control the world!"

  "Exterminate other races, the world belongs to China!"

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