Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 643: Different Wang Mang

  Wang Mang of China's standard plane, after usurping the throne, but overwhelming those big landlords, and using this as his basic board, stabilized the new dynasty, and eventually became another powerful and unified dynasty. Of course, in this new dynasty and the previous Wei dynasty, except for the emperor, the rest of the dynasty changed almost without changing the medicine.

The comparison between these two Wang Mangs made Hua Quanjing very interesting, especially the Wang Mang in the "Han Dynasty Official History". To say that his reforms, from a modern point of view, are still very advanced, but he has not figured out himself. The basic disk of the country has led to the destruction of the country’s radical reforms.

"Meteor falls in the camp at night, and clouds in the day are like bad mountains. When camping, they fall away, and they disappear below the ground. The officials are tired." When Huaquanjing saw the miraculous family history of Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was In such a passage, I almost threw the book away in shock!

  This, what is this? Is it big meteorite? The translated meaning of this sentence is: a meteor fell to the camp at night. During the day, there was a cloud like a collapsing mountain, falling towards the camp, but dispersed less than a foot from the ground, and the officials and soldiers were so scared that they fell to the ground.

   Immediately afterwards, Hua Quanjing saw the incredible ratio of winning with less than more in the Battle of Kunyang-1:40!

  The ratio of Liu Xiu and Wang Mang’s army turned out to be 1:40! As a result, he also won the battle!

  In the course of the Kunyang battle, there was another situation that was beneficial to Liu Xiu's side. Liu Xiu led more than 10,000 people on foot to assist Kunyang on the first day of the month. Liu Xiu led more than a thousand elites as forwards, repeatedly rushing, beheading more than a thousand Wang Mang army, and the morale of the Han army was greatly boosted. Then three thousand warriors, rounded back to the enemy's side, smuggled into Kunshui, and launched a fierce attack on Wangyi Base Camp. Wang Yi still underestimated the enemy. The battalions were ordered to be self-sufficient, not to send troops without authorization, and to fight against Wang Xun rate and ten thousand people. The Kunyang defenders saw the Han army outside the city win. Take advantage of the momentum. Wang Mang's army was in chaos, and they ran for their lives, trampled on each other, and piled up corpses all over the field. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and shattered tiles, the heavy rain was rushing, and the water was soaring. Wang Mangjun waded and drowned, and the water was not flowing.

  This is the "Great Meteorite Art" and "Summoning the Water Element". It is no wonder that some people in Wu Di's world jokingly call Liu Xiu the legendary "Magic Master".

  Huaquanjing struggled with the rationality here for a while. He felt that Liu Xiu was Wu Di’s relatives. Not only did he unify the country in a very short period of time, he also had a very beautiful wife, Yin Lihua. Get Yin Lihua".

   "In ancient times, there could be a life like Liu Xiu, then there is no regret." Hua Quanjing sighed. Although he thinks the "big meteorite technique" is a bit nonsense, it is still more possible to win more with less. After all, on the one hand, Liu Xiu's army was extremely morale, while Wang Mang had completely lost his support. It can only be said that even God is helping Liu Xiu.

Huaquanjing has been studying the "Han Dynasty Official History" for several days. He believes that Wu Di was able to write this work, which shows that she has a very deep understanding of the unified dynasty. If the history of the Three Kingdoms is Wu If the flute is completely emptied, it will be in this Han Dynasty. But there are many shadows of the history of China's standard plane.

  In this "Han Dynasty Official History", it has been mentioned that before the Han Dynasty, the first unified dynasty was the Qin Dynasty. Different from the original Wei Dynasty, this aroused Hua Quanjing's interest again. He just wanted to see how the Qin Dynasty was unified.

  Hua Quanjing feels that Wu Di’s masterpiece "Ming" is fortunate that her deduction of history seems very reasonable, and the development step by step seems to have its own laws.

  And the history of Wu Di’s "Ming" is extremely cruel to the people at the bottom, because those upper-level powers always fish for nothing, driving the people at the bottom to nowhere to survive, and then they can only rebel...

  But in China on the plane of this world, the upper-class elites can always rein in the precipice at critical times, so that the people at the bottom always have a bite to eat.

Take the newly established Huaxia as an example. In fact, Huaquanjing has already felt that the social contradictions have reached a level. At this time, the political power families began to use "democracy" to ignore the common people. The intelligent robots were actually manufactured to liberate the people at the bottom from the heavy manual labor, and the country began to protect the people’s right to survival...

  For a while, social contradictions seemed to completely disintegrate, and the people increasingly supported this “democratic and free” New China.

Hua Quanjing has always felt that the family of political powers are stupid, but now he has to admit that these guys are able to brake at critical times. It feels weird. He naturally doesn't know. Now the one who really controls China is writing The author of this "Han Dynasty Official History".

Hua Quanjing posted his own experience of reading "Han Dynasty Zheng Shi" on her blog, which attracted a large number of readers who also intensively read "Han Dynasty Zheng Shi". Almost all of them were in "Liu Xiu". With "Wang Mang" these two people.

  Under the blog of Huaquanjing, there is this comment:

"After reading Teacher Huaquanjing’s experience, I feel very sympathetic. However, I think Wu Di’s depiction of the brilliant and rough founding monarch of the new dynasty in our history, Wang Mang, in this way is really against him. Let Liu Xiu establish the Eastern Han Dynasty, first give Wang Mang a'mentally retarded halo', and let Wang Mang, who was born with a powerful background, act so aggressively against the big landlords. The strange thing is that the reforms still rely on these powerful landlords. How can there be vested interests to weaken their own class interests? Yes? Then she opened up to Liu Xiu's army. The situation where the 10,000 kills 400,000 army lost their helmets and armor, always reminds me of some Xiaobai history..."

   "I think Wang Mang may have been traversed. Don't everyone think that Wang Mang's reforms have a sense of immediate vision?"

   "Liu Xiu is either a plane or a magician. He is proficient in water and fire magic. When he fights, he will chant magic and set off map cannon..."

"Except for the fact that the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty is obviously unreasonable, the other parts are still like real history, and the seamless connection between "Han Dynasty" and "Three Kingdoms" makes me feel that the "Ming" series will definitely become real. Great book!"

  "Set the party’s gospel! I want to write fan fiction based on this "Han Dynasty", and I don’t know if I can get Wu Di’s authorization..."


Wu Di is no longer prepared to write novels based on "The Han Dynasty", because readers can use the "immersive" method to feel the origin, glory, decline, and fall of the Han Dynasty at close range. This will definitely allow They are very impressed!

  But she encourages readers to write fan fiction based on "Han Dynasty Official History", which can effectively expand its influence. (To be continued...)

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