Transformed Into a Female Schoolmaster

Chapter 647: The key to invasion

  Wu Di nodded in satisfaction. When he ordered Lin Feng to kill the "protagonist", he was inexplicably relieved. He still cared about the statement in the movie.

Wu Di repeatedly confirmed that except for the Eastern World controlled by Huaxia, everyone else was cleaned up, and he decided to start improving the quality of life for all the people of Huaxia. After all, the current earth is completely in the rhythm of more people and less land. There will be a qualitative leap in human resources per capita.

  While Di Wu also began to encourage childbirth, as time goes by, the Chinese people will occupy the entire earth.

   Just when the members of the reincarnation team were in panic all day long, Wu Di, the man behind the planning of all this, was in a good mood because he had killed the original protagonist in the movie world, and was going out on an autumn tour with his sister.

  The place where the two played is a garden that is about to be completed in the Sky City. The two are walking on the road in the park covered with fallen leaves.

The autumn was high and refreshing, Wu Di shook his sister’s hand in contentment, and said triumphantly: “I originally thought that the protagonist named Alan Dodge should be the son of this plane, with great luck, such as a He escaped the tide of zombies in the beginning, but unfortunately he eventually died at the hands of Lin Feng."

  "He is just the protagonist in that movie. The protagonist of this world should be human beings. When we contribute to the development of mankind, we will naturally be invincible." Wu Di said lightly.

   "So slaughter is considered to contribute to the development of mankind?" Wu Di said with a smile.

  "How can ethnic integration be called massacre?" Wu Di also smiled.

   "Haha, I also like the term ‘ethnic integration’. Huaxia people are the most noble people in the world, and it is time to merge all other ethnic groups.” Wu Di was a little excited.

  "You are a typical ‘Nazi’ thinking, no different from one of my world’s top war criminals in World War II." Wu Di’s tone still seemed very flat.

"Don't compare me with that kind of loser. I am indeed the executioner with the most blood in this world. But I will also be the person who should be most grateful to Huaxia people, because after clearing those people, our living space will be It is the whole earth. In some places, it can be re-cultivated as the most beautiful original ecological earth garden." Wu Di is already planning the development of the whole world after the earth is unified.

   "Then I am the biggest accomplice." Although Wu Di said so. But apparently he didn't care about those who died tragically innocently.

"We also do this to solve the problem of'non-self race. Their hearts must be different' once and for all. Anyway, the consciousness of those people is still living in a virtual world you opened up for them. In that virtual world. , They will also provide great help for the development of mankind." Wu Di is still smiling.

  Yes, in that virtual world. Those people still think that they are living well, and even some careerists can achieve their long-cherished wish-to enslave the Chinese people.

Wu Di took his sister by the hand, sat on the bench in the garden, and said: "Don't mention this kind of thing that has become an established fact. I want to know now, your thoughts about that mysterious'infinite space' What do you think?"

  People like Wu Di are also paying attention to the members of the reincarnation team, and she doesn't pay attention to these people. After all, this is her home court. If it were in other worlds, Wu Di could not be so strong, but here. She is obviously the strongest.

  However, Wu Di is very interested in the infinite space, because the infinite space has wanted to change the "story" several times, but this has been blocked by Wu Di, otherwise Wu Di would not be able to play with these reincarnation team members at will.

   "It should be a higher technology, but after the return of the reincarnation team this time, I can erode it. After all, it is just a program." Wu Di was eager to try this, she wanted to control a main **** space to play.

"Are you not afraid that those who made it would invade our plane?" Wu Di was a little worried about this. Now mankind is still in a type of early civilization, because the breakthrough of controlled nuclear fusion will soon start the stage of space development. To carry out a plane invasion, at least one must master the dimensional technology. First break through the three-dimensional world to the four-dimensional world, and then go through the four-dimensional movement before invading other three-dimensional worlds.

  This is like a creature on a two-dimensional plane. When it wants to enter another two-dimensional plane, for example, it jumps out of the original two-dimensional plane, enters the three-dimensional world, and then can enter other two-dimensional planes.

Wu Di shook his head, but said: "If they can carry out plane invasion at will, they will not play the trick of'infinite space'. In fact, I guess that'infinite space' should be the key to plane invasion. ."

   "Oh? Why do you say that?" Wu Di said with sincere listening.

"First of all, the main **** in the infinite space encourages the members of the reincarnation team to bring back some of the original world's technology, magic weapons, etc., which shows that its owner wants to study the plane that is about to invade; secondly, the main **** hopes that the members of the reincarnation team can Changing the'story', or even creating all kinds of damage, can grab more causal power for it, of course, it can also be said to be the power of existence, and using these powers of existence, it can open up a plane to invade Channel..." Wu Di combined his guesses one by one.

Wu Di nodded frequently. He recognized his younger sister’s speculation. He couldn’t help being determined. Just because there is a younger sister who can control the power of existence in this world, it means that those who want to invade the plane of the second type or even the third type. A type of civilization can’t grab the power of existence in this world and open a way for plane invasion.

   "Of course, all this is my guess. I don't know what the specific situation is." Wu Di added.

  Wu Di fondly touched his sister's head, and said in a eager tone: "If it is really a key, then I hope I can get this key and invade other planes."

  It seemed that he felt the ambition of the elder brother, Wu Di still said in a flat tone: "I will help you."

   "You, don't you want to go back to your original world to see? Are you not curious about what that ‘Wu Di’ looks like now?" Wu Di said leisurely.

  However, Wu Di was unmoved. She just looked at the blue sky, but said: "What about it? I think you can go back and feel it yourself."

  Wu Di took his sister into his arms and breathed deeply the smell of her body. He knew that without her, maybe he would become the "Wu Di" who did nothing.

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